Monday 4 December 2017

Day 1571

Day 1571;

My BMI today was 19.72, my steps were also up to 13,353 but my number of burnt off kcal today was down somewhat to 907. My distance covered today was 8.65 km which was further than my total for yesterday which was 6.81 km.

Breakfast: cereal, banana and stewed fruit (blackberry and strawberry).
Lunch: sausage sandwich (white bread) and a chocolate doughnut.
Dinner: sweet and sour chicken balls, grapes, blueberries, strawberries and a white chocolate sauce.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice, tap water and pear cider.
Snacks: grapes, strawberries, blueberries with a white chocolate sauce.

So judging from what I have eaten today the banana and stewed fruit would probably class as two of my five for today. Then I had a 300ml mug of fruit juice for my lunch, that should be probably my second two of five. Now I had my snack which was literally the same as the two portions of fruit that I have eaten in the past minus the blackberries so I have downgraded it to a lowly one portion out of five so that should make me up to the five for today before dinner. But then I ate my dinner it was just a little bit of quick food from the local Chinese take a way, but for pudding I have got another pot of fruit and white chocolate which should take it up to six portions of fruit and veg for today. But I could probably say, if only I could speak that is, that the portions of fruit that are with the chocolate sauce could be counted as one and a half portions, as they are only one quarter of the fruit in the two portions packs and what is a quarter of two? It’s a half, so what is two minus a half one and a half, in numbers it’d be 2-0.5=1.5. So I could have eaten my seven of five today.

Today I have been to the gym for a half hour cycle on the exercise bike, but after that excursion I had only managed to get to something like 7000 steps, so I decided to go for another little jog on the spot in the kitchen which was in front of the clock so I started jogging on the spot at 17:23 and I didn’t stop until 18:00, after some discussion, with myself, in my head/mind. As that is the only person that was 1. There and 2. Who I could actually have a conversation with. But he doesn’t really speak back to me, anymore, I think it may have had something to do with me attempting to kill him a while back.

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