Thursday 21 December 2017

Day 1588

Day 1588;

My BMI dropped further today to 19.56, But my steps also fell to 12,431 and my calories burnt off were 1068 kcal. I had only walked 8.05 KM today.

Breakfast: cereal.
Lunch: cheese sandwich, lime mousse, strawberries, blueberries, grapes and white chocolate.
Dinner: I've forgotten, banana, strawberries, blueberries and grapes.
Drinks: milk, water, fruit juice and cider (strawberry and lime).

But today I have been thinking about the past, and who was it that hit me when I was fifteen, I know that many people probably would have liked to hit me back then, just as probably still do; but the only difference from then to now would probably have been the people, as I'm thinking that I probably knew the people that hated me in the past, but now... I have no idea who actually hates me, as it could be someone that I have annoyed by pointing out the basic facts of every religion of man, and woman if you want to be a pedantic asshole which I (quite obviously) am (now I can't get over the fact that I probably should have censored a**h*** like that, or is that fascism, isn't it? you know with censorship of my idea that I can be quite the pedantic so-n-so), now where was I before I got distracted by my you know where... oh so that was where I had got to, the basic fact of every religion of man is that they are designed to control you, else-wise they wouldn't be called religions they'd just be called part of life, and they'd apply to everyone universally, at least as far as we know. The two words religions and regulations look similar as do they mean basically the same, as what is a religion, if not a set of rules for you to live your life by?

So this morning I went to the gym,and I had a hour long cycle, but one of the problems with not being able to speak is that you have gesticulate, grunt or communicate by other means very carefully else the other person could get the wrong idea of what you are attempting to say I have found gets confused for anger very easily. As when myself and Tini were in the gym earlier today Tini was complaining about my breathing, and then just at about 20 minutes the frustration peaked with me, I just had to get away, into another world of my own, so I just knuckled down and peddled as quick as I could it was as if what  Tini had  said just seconds before about me getting off now (as in after the 20 minute mark) had never bee said but I'm thinking that she won't be taking me to the gym tomorrow.

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