Wednesday 13 December 2017

Day 1580

Day 1580;

BMI was 19.95, steps were 12,238 and my calories burnt off were 746 kcal. I had only walked 7.92 km

Breakfast: cereal, grapes, strawberries, blueberries and blackberries.
Lunch: cheese sandwich, fruit cake, pomegranate, banana, strawberries, apple and grapes.
Dinner: turkey drummers, carrots, croquet potatoes and salted caramel chocolate pot.
Drinks: milk, water and fruit juice.

I have just realised something about my blogpost two days ago, it was that I cannot stress enough how much of a terrible idea of Tini’s that was in offering money to whoever takes me off of her hands, it’s not the fact that it’d be bribery, as I have no problem with that, it’s the amount of money that she’d have to fork over for anyone to take her me away, as I am thinking that it’d probably cost her more than a million pounds to be sure, which is more than I’m worth as a starting point, another point is that she couldn’t afford it, I don’t personally know anyone that could at least not to my knowledge. But I have never really liked marriage anyway.

Why does the Oasis song Wonderwall resonate with me so much? I'm thinking it's the lyrics "There are many things that I would like to say to you, but I don't know how." So maybe it's because I can't speak, but I have liked that song for longer than I haven't had a voice, I'm thinking that I have liked it since 1995/when it was released. So that's one thing that I have liked to counteract the first point that I don't like, which may be, in part, as one of the most boring, and painful, parts of my life before the accident was at a church churches were literally headache hell for me back then but now I'm unsure as I have managed to avoid them since.

But the steps that I did today a good portion of them, by that I mean by lunch I had done just above five hundred. but then I did a lot of steps in the hour between five and six, well duh, in the afternoon, I shouldn't need to put it again. 

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