Tuesday 5 December 2017

Day 1572

Day 1572;

19.62 was my BMI for today, so it was down slightly on yesterday’s but my steps were up a bit, they were 14,218, my number of calories burnt off today were 1282 kcal and I had walked 9.21km by the time I did my body test.

Breakfast: cereal, grapes, strawberries, blueberries and blackberries.
Lunch: chicken sandwich (white bread) and a mince pie.
Dinner: turkey, sweet potato chips, carrots and a bowl of chocolate trifle.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice and water.
Snacks: grapes, strawberries, blueberries and blackberries.

Now today I have had two portions of my daily five, fruit with my breakfast within that pot of fruit. Then the next two portions were at lunch, within my 300ml mug of fruit juice, now I had my next four portions after I had got back from the gym, as I had my snack and another 300ml mug of fruit juice. So that makes me upto six portions already but then with dinner I had another 300ml mug of fruit juice, which bring me upto eight portions then onto the carrots, nine, and the sweet potato, ten. Blooming hell I’ve overdone it a bit today.

Now you know my madness that I slightly miss now after I attempted to kill him, which may have been after he stepped backwards into the path of a car. Just how do you know if was him, couldn’t it have been you? Well it could’ve been me but my method of murder was quite a bit less messy and a tad less effective. As you know what happens to your body when you attempt to strangle yourself, with your hands? It gets to a point and then your body gives up on you as it puts you to sleep/knocks you out, therefore stopping you from committing yourself to death, however well deserved it’d be, as I was a little toad back then. And not  a very nice one at that either.

Also today I have been to the gym, as you may have noticed earlier from my comment about having a drink and snack at after I had returned, well it was another one of my half hour level ten “sprints” on the exercise bike and I made it upto about seven point four nine miles by about twenty nine minutes then I slowed down because I was getting ahead of myself, before noticing my mistake and attempting to rectify it but it was too late by then, I mucked up, on an exercise bike of all things.

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