Wednesday 20 December 2017

Day 1587

Day 1587;

My BMI was 19.69 today, I had done 16,416 steps and I'd burnt off 1368 kcal today. As I had apparently walked 10.63 km, now that's a better distance, still a way off 500 miles.

Breakfast: cereal, grapes and banana.
Lunch: toad in the hole, peas and croquet potatoes.
Dinner: cheese sandwich (white bread) and a lemon mousse.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice and water.

500 miles in km should be around about 800 km I thought so I checked it, and it was 804.672 km so I was 794.042 km away from 500 miles. So I must try a lot harder to make it up to 500 miles.

Now so that was my attempt to be a proclaimer...

but I need to get myself a lot fitter to even scratch the surface. Then if I get to 500 miles I would have to walk 500 more, just to be that man (I know I'm a pitiful excuse for one but that I am, guilty as charged).

But today I have been to the gym and I was shocked by the weakness of my legs as on the lateral trainer I noticed that at the first average speed check I was at 72 which I was shocked by as I don't usually get it to that number by about the 10 minute mark as I usually start off slow and I get quicker up until the about last few minutes, when I generally slow down. but today I started at 72, but then I gradually slowed down today, I had got my average speed down to 70 by time up, and it disappeared off to 69 after the 3 minute cool down.

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