Sunday, 31 December 2017

Day 1598

Day 1598;

My BMI was 19.85, my  steps were 11,551, the number of calories burnt off were 1070 kcal and my distance walked was 7.48 km but yesterday it was 12.48 km that I walked apparently.

Breakfast: cereal, grapes, banana, orange and apple.
Lunch: Swiss baked eggs, bread and butter, mince pie, chocolate log and fruit cake.
Dinner: Salmon in pastry, peas, carrots, potatoes and tiramisu.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice and cider (pear).
Snacks: Jaffa cakes.

Now today I have attempted to go on a walk to see GM and GAK, with Mich, which was after we had walked to one of the local shops, to get some carrots, it was raining a little bit by the time we left the shop so we waked on to GM's and then we hadn't even got to the new towns green when it started hailing in our faces, and we got drenched so we couldn't continue on in our adventure to GM's abode.

Then the majority of the evening I spent playing with my new BB-8 droid and typing about chess to a friend  of mine, and to the same friend I have been conversing about the new year.

Saturday, 30 December 2017

Day 1597

Day 1597;

19.92 was my BMI, 19,101 was the number of  steps I had done, 1374 was my number of kcal I had burnt off today and I had walked over 10 km.

Breakfast: cereal, grapes, banana and apple.
Lunch: cheese and ham omelette, mince pie, chocolate log and fruit cake.
Dinner: turkey, peas, carrots, croquet potatoes and something.
Drinks: milk, water, fruit juice, cider (pear) and hot chocolate (cool enough for me to drink).
Snacks: 2 strawberry cream chocolates.

So today I have checked on winter para sports classifications, and I think I would be classified as a LW5/7 as I don't use poles, and it's the only classification that doesn't use poles, even though I have a condition called full body dystonia which indicates that I could probably fit into the classification LW9but my legs are too good, I think, well I have done a just bellow 100 mile cycle around London earlier this year.

So today I have visited GM in the morning, I think, as Mich had a job to do around hers and I assisted him.

Then we went home we ate lunch, then Mich and I went off to GAK's residence, we arrived just before chicken casserole was served to her, of which Mich started to feed GAK but it wasn't  long until GAK had enough, of the first course and she started on her ice cream, which she just wolfed down.

Then we returned home to have our dinners and I got another bit curious as to my Paralympic classification see above, para ice hockey, would be fun.

Friday, 29 December 2017

Day 1596

Day 1596;

19.69 I think was my BMI today, butI know that I burnt off 1002 kcal today, thats about it on the numbers side except I did manage to step more than 10,000 times today.

Breakfast: cereal, grapes, banana and apple.
Lunch: omette and chocolate log.
Dinner: mash, sausage, peas and tiramisu.
Drinks: milk, water and ginger beer.
Snack: a strawberry cream chocolate.

So this morning I have eaten my breakfast, I have gone to the gym and then I ate my lunch, the next part of the day is still a bit fuzzy on what I have done, until I walked across town to visit the GAK, of which the trip was a success, I guess, as we got there GAK was laying in bed and when we left she was up, in her wheelchair watching some TV, all it took was a bowl of cornflakes and Mich to feed her. I just go along for the exercise.

Then I returned home and it’s another fuzzy spot in my memory, I’m guessing that I spend the fuzzy time sat down doing stuff like watching Captain America: Civil War which I’m convinced I watched today, probably during my fuzzy time. Which Scarlet Witch confused me, why the hell did she suddenly ditch Vision just after Halkeye showed up, as I thought that she’d said that she was staying with Vision to Halkeye then almost as soon as Vision had its back turned to her she used some of her bloody red magic on Vision.

Thursday, 28 December 2017

Day 1595

Day 1595;

BMI: 19.82, steps: 10,343, calories: 1038 kcal, distance: 6.70 km.

Breakfast: cereal, grapes, banana and apple.
Lunch: buffet lunch, chocolate Yule log, fruit cake and mince pie.
Dinner: sausage, mash, peas and I've forgot.
Drinks: milk, water and fruit juice.

So today I have done a bit of walking around the town that I live in. It was to visit GM and GAK, which we did, GM was her chatty old self and GAK is suffering from depression.

Also today I have been watching some more of Game of Thrones, they were the episodes where Ramsey Bolton gets fed to his dogs and Arya Stark feed lord Frey's sons to the lord before executing lord Frey.

I have also watched Doctor Strange, which was good. The eye of Agamodo has got an infinity stone within, interesting.

Wednesday, 27 December 2017

Day 1594

Day 1594;

Now today I had a BMI of 19.76, but my steps were 1108, I had burnt off 586 kcal and I have only covered a measly 0.72 km in ground.

Breakfast: cereal, banana and orange.
Lunch: buffet lunch and fruit cake.
Dinner: I have forgotten.
Drinks: milk and dandelion and burdock.

So today I have seriously disappointed myself with the number of steps that I have done today, I mean what have I been doing all day? Playing super Mario Odyssey and watching Game of Thrones, as that is all that I can recall doing today.

Tuesday, 26 December 2017

Day 1593

Day 1593;

Myy BMI: 19.62, steps: 13,037, calories burnt: 1163 kcal and my distance walked was 8.44 km.

Breakfast:cereal and banana.
Lunch: buffet lunch, mince pie, chocolate Yule log and fruit cake.
Dinner: turkey casserole, peas, carrots, potatoes and chocolate Yule log.
Drinks: milk, water, fruit juice, dandelion and burdock and cider (strawberry and lime).
Snacks: Mince pie and a corned beef sandwich (brown bread).

Yesterday I was reminded of this song that my old GP used to sing all the time. apparently. I can remember him, singing it on certain occasions but that isn't all of the time.

So today I have been out on the tandem, with Mich as usual, but unusually we had company on my tandem. The company was Emu and C. Who were good on the tandem, we may have only managed to cycle 14.somthing miles today but it was fun enough having to apply the brakes every so often. But by the end of the cycle we did leave them behind and we had to wait for them. But my hand came unattached from the bike at one juncture so we stopped there to reattach my hand, so they over took us there.

Now I’ve got some wrist weights that Emu could put on before her next attempt at riding the tandem in front of anyone , steering, as she is the lightest person on my body checker, that has done a body test recently.

Monday, 25 December 2017

Day 1592

Day 1592;

My BMI was 19.79, I had done 11,188 steps and I had burnt off 1158 kcal before I did my body test. I had walked 7.24 km, which was believable for today as I have been out on two walks today.

Breakfast: cereal and banana.
Lunch: soufle, salad, pheasant (with an apple inside and coated with bacon), peas, potatoes, carrots, brussel sprouts and Christmas pudding.
Dinner: ham, mini sausages, breaded cheese stick and fruit cake.
Drinks: milk, water and fruit juice.

As today has been the celebration of the winter solstice, which means that it has been the proper "Christmas" day today. Which also means that a lot of Turkey's have been eaten today, or in our home the bird was changed to pheasant. Which was incredibly nice, it was in fact nicer than the Turkey that we had yesterday. So a traditional savage "Christmas" lunch tastes nicer than the newer tradition of eating a Turkey for lunch.

We all opened the reminder of our presents today. The two walks that I went on today was one across to the other side of town where GAK lives, the other we started off by walking in the same direction but then we had to take a sharp turn and go up along a couple of roads and then down a couple of roads to get to a house which is almost in the same estate as our own to visit GM.

Sunday, 24 December 2017

Day 1591

Day 1591;

So today I got a shock with my BMI, as I got 19.69 and I had just eaten a "Christmas" dinner. But I had done 12,226 steps by the time of my body test.

Breakfast: cereal, banana and apple.
Lunch: carrot coriander soup, bread (white), chocolate brownie, chocolate yule log and carrot cake.
Dinner: turkey, pigs in blankets, cabbage peas, carrots, potato and some "Christmas" pudding.
Drinks: milk, water, fruit juice and ginger beer.
Snacks: grapes and a bit of corned beef.

So today, started off with a little cycle ride, it was a 20 mile ride around the surrounding area. Then after we had done that we got home for lunch which I actually enjoyed a bit and it was a soup. Then I noted that I had only done 7000 steps so it was while I was enjoying the 60's top of the pops entries on the channel "Yesterday" I decided to drag myself away from the screen to go on a walk to see my GAK of which I did and by the time that I'd returned I'd  managed to make my way up to 12,000, but before that  I had arrived at GAK's residents, and GAK kept offering me food so I had some grapes and some corned beef, but I found out that I actually like corned beef.

I used to be a picky eater, but now I'm not.

Next we returned home and we had dinner, then they played party games, and Allergy opened some of her presents, then we all opened our stockings. I got a BB8 droid first, before I started opening my stocking as Allergy had a hand in getting me that. Which is interesting.

Saturday, 23 December 2017

Day 1590

Day 1590;

Now today I didn't make my step goal and I have forgotten my calories burnt off and my body tests results but I'm thinking it was 19.94 today.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, grapes and apple.
Lunch: ham, baked potato, pickle and something.
Dinner: I have forgotten.
Drinks: milk, water, ginger beer, cider (pear) and fruit juice.

Now today I have had an especially lazy day as I haven't even bothered to attempt to make up the steps missed today with me going to watch the football today, and not much else other than that, other than my "helping" our visitors for the festive period by moving there suit cases and other belongs to the selected locations which were within the house.

So Emu and  have varied today for the festive period, and C came with us to the football it was apparently his first match of football that he has witnessed. 

Friday, 22 December 2017

Day 1589

Day 1589;

The time was 40 minutes before the time alllocated for my body test 350 steps so I decided to do a little jog, for an extra hour, before I did my body test. Today my BMI was 19.59, steps were 10,146 and the number of calories burnt were 911 kcal. But my distance walked was only 6.57 km.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, strawberries, apple and grapes.
Lunch: pork pie, strawberries, blueberries, grapes and white chocolate sauce.
Dinner: tomato pasta, chocolate trifle and pomegranate.
Drinks: milk, water and fruit juice.

Now today I have had an especially lazy day, today as you can see from above I did the majority, basically all], of my steps late on in the day.  But Mich is wasting away now, apparently as he has just today returned from going off to a far away place for his work. Where they mustn't be as nice grub as there is at home as his BMI is down today but I'm thinking it'll  be back to the heights of the previous days before long.

Thursday, 21 December 2017

Day 1588

Day 1588;

My BMI dropped further today to 19.56, But my steps also fell to 12,431 and my calories burnt off were 1068 kcal. I had only walked 8.05 KM today.

Breakfast: cereal.
Lunch: cheese sandwich, lime mousse, strawberries, blueberries, grapes and white chocolate.
Dinner: I've forgotten, banana, strawberries, blueberries and grapes.
Drinks: milk, water, fruit juice and cider (strawberry and lime).

But today I have been thinking about the past, and who was it that hit me when I was fifteen, I know that many people probably would have liked to hit me back then, just as probably still do; but the only difference from then to now would probably have been the people, as I'm thinking that I probably knew the people that hated me in the past, but now... I have no idea who actually hates me, as it could be someone that I have annoyed by pointing out the basic facts of every religion of man, and woman if you want to be a pedantic asshole which I (quite obviously) am (now I can't get over the fact that I probably should have censored a**h*** like that, or is that fascism, isn't it? you know with censorship of my idea that I can be quite the pedantic so-n-so), now where was I before I got distracted by my you know where... oh so that was where I had got to, the basic fact of every religion of man is that they are designed to control you, else-wise they wouldn't be called religions they'd just be called part of life, and they'd apply to everyone universally, at least as far as we know. The two words religions and regulations look similar as do they mean basically the same, as what is a religion, if not a set of rules for you to live your life by?

So this morning I went to the gym,and I had a hour long cycle, but one of the problems with not being able to speak is that you have gesticulate, grunt or communicate by other means very carefully else the other person could get the wrong idea of what you are attempting to say I have found gets confused for anger very easily. As when myself and Tini were in the gym earlier today Tini was complaining about my breathing, and then just at about 20 minutes the frustration peaked with me, I just had to get away, into another world of my own, so I just knuckled down and peddled as quick as I could it was as if what  Tini had  said just seconds before about me getting off now (as in after the 20 minute mark) had never bee said but I'm thinking that she won't be taking me to the gym tomorrow.

Wednesday, 20 December 2017

Day 1587

Day 1587;

My BMI was 19.69 today, I had done 16,416 steps and I'd burnt off 1368 kcal today. As I had apparently walked 10.63 km, now that's a better distance, still a way off 500 miles.

Breakfast: cereal, grapes and banana.
Lunch: toad in the hole, peas and croquet potatoes.
Dinner: cheese sandwich (white bread) and a lemon mousse.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice and water.

500 miles in km should be around about 800 km I thought so I checked it, and it was 804.672 km so I was 794.042 km away from 500 miles. So I must try a lot harder to make it up to 500 miles.

Now so that was my attempt to be a proclaimer...

but I need to get myself a lot fitter to even scratch the surface. Then if I get to 500 miles I would have to walk 500 more, just to be that man (I know I'm a pitiful excuse for one but that I am, guilty as charged).

But today I have been to the gym and I was shocked by the weakness of my legs as on the lateral trainer I noticed that at the first average speed check I was at 72 which I was shocked by as I don't usually get it to that number by about the 10 minute mark as I usually start off slow and I get quicker up until the about last few minutes, when I generally slow down. but today I started at 72, but then I gradually slowed down today, I had got my average speed down to 70 by time up, and it disappeared off to 69 after the 3 minute cool down.

Tuesday, 19 December 2017

Day 1586

Day 1586;

My BMI for today was 19.89, I had done 15,149 steps and I have burnt off 1031 kcal. Today I have walked 8.07 km, but I still haven't reached the correct number of steps, I'm still 3000 behind.

Breakfast: cereal, grapes and banana.
Lunch: tinned spaghetti with mini sausages on toast and fruit cake.
Dinner: chicken, peas, carrots, potatoes and chocolate.
Drinks: milk, water, fruit juice and cider (pear).

Now the other day I found out that Deadpool had been bought by Disney, I am unsure of how to feel about this. As it could be great for Deadpool with him being brought into the fold, but it could be the death of the man that cannot die. As he could have been shelved to keep Disney's squeaky image.

Whatever will be will be, I'm guessing.

So today I have done about an hour on the rower but I checked my step counter before my "about" hour row it was only on something like 324, then afterwards I checked my step counter, it was at about 375. Note to self do not go on the rower if you want to improve your steps.

"I can't tell you the way because the way I feel is oh so new to me."

Some more truth in the lyrics. But I have already lived a life and I can't remember feeling these emotions.

Monday, 18 December 2017

Day 1585

Day 1585;

My BMI was back down at 19,85 today, my steps were somewhat more respectable than yesterday’s at 12,357, even my calories burnt were up to 1169 kcal, I had walked 8.00 km today.

Breakfast: cereal, banana and apple.
Lunch: baked beans, mini sausages, toast, chocolate Yule log and mince pie.
Dinner: chicken, peas, carrots, Yorkshire pudding and profiteroles.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice and cider (strawberry and lime).

Today I have disappointed myself with my laziness as I was aiming for 20,000 steps today to make up for my lacking performance yesterday, but at this rate it’ll be until Friday until I make it back up.

Which I was hoping to do today but I didn’t get to the gym today so there was no cycling today, as the only way I’m going to get any cycling in over the next few weeks or so will probably be down at the gym, as Mich has stated it’s too cold to be outside for any long period of time, of which I was thinking that’s why you’re supposed to peddle, to get your blood pumping which will warm you up. It works the same way as shivering.

As if you can remember yesterday when I was typing about C+M+J the three of them are my cousins, but they are old enough to be my children. If only I had been more involved with the opposite sex before the event that changed my life, I could have children that are older than my cousins, but then would most likely have been taken away from me for neglecting them, as if I had got myself hit by the car at least. If that’d happened then I’d have myself a little enemy/friend for the three of them to play with.

But today I got a nine and a bit minute row on the rower done, which was nothing, especially seeing as how I had done 30 minutes on the rower something like two days ago.

Sunday, 17 December 2017

Day 1584

Day 1584;

20.02 was my BMI for today , my steps were so low that it’s not worth even putting down and my kcal burnt off were something like 700. I had only walked about 1 km today apparently.

Breakfast: cereal, banana and apple.
Lunch: chicken, peas, carrots, mash, yorkshire pudding and apple pie.
Dinner: pork pie, bread (white), butter, fruit cake and profiteroles.
Drinks: milk, dandelion and burdock and fruit juice.

Today I have spent more time in the car than I can remember doing for a long time, as today I have been driven to Gloucester and back. But the best part of the trip was the stop at McDonald’s on the way to Gloucester, as we stopped at one in Oxford, and I got out of the car to stretch my legs, for the short walk into McDonald’s to purchase three drinks for the other three people that were with me in the car today.

Then we got back to the car and we then got driven the rest of the way to the Gloucester residence that we were going to. If which we arrived at, when S+L were there also, but they didn’t stay for long. They left GM+GD had lunch with us.  Then it was R+C+M+J there was no K with them today. Today I had a bit of a test by the little ones (C+M+J), as Tini was telling them that I could ski, roller blade (ice skate not on ice basically) and other stuff, then I added that we had also done some trampolining in the past, and Tini confirmed my statement, as I heard some little people bouncing on the beds upstairs. So they had me doing the can can, star jumps even some press-ups.

Then I arrived home by the end of the day, and that’s what I have done today. 

Saturday, 16 December 2017

Day 1583

Day 1583;

My BMI was 19.95,  my steps were 10,044 and I had only burnt off 762 kcal. Today I had only walked 6.50 km apparently.

Breakfast: cereal, grapes, banana and apple.
Lunch: omlette and chocolate yule log cake.
Dinner: something, peas, mash and profiteroles.
Drinks:milk, water, dandelion and burdock and cider (pear).

I have watched a lot of “8 out of 10 cats does countdown” on YouTube it’s good, they only almost always still out score me on the show which is a change from the normal countdown where they always out score me.

But today I have had another lazy day.

Friday, 15 December 2017

Day 1582

Day 1582;

BMI was 19.82, I had only done 9718 steps and I had only burnt off 646 kcal, Even my distance walked was down sharply to 6.29 km. Then I had a little jog which got me up to 10,982 steps, 760 kcal and 7.11 km.

Breakfast: cereal , banana, apple and grapes.
Lunch: tinned spaghetti with sausages on toast and fruit cake.
Dinner: fish, sausage, chips and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: milk, water, fruit juice and cider (pear).

Now my diets fruit and vegetable content dropped quite drastically today, and with it my memory of what I have done has dropped away, also.

But I know what happened to the football team that I support today, as they won another match which puts them up in the places just behind the automatic promotion spots, so they are in the playoff spots at the moment. but there's still more than half of a season to be played, so they can mathematically get relegated, just as Leister City could have mathematically won the Premier League the other season when they did.

Thursday, 14 December 2017

Day 1581

Day 1581;

My BMI was 19.95 again, then I have done 11,101 steps and I have burnt off 931 kcal. But I have walked 7.19 km.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple and grapes.
Lunch: baked beans with mini sausages on toast.
Dinner: toad in the hole, carrots, peas and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice and cider (strawberries and lime).

Now today I have been listening to a radio show about women in sport, and it's about how women in the same sports as men have double the likelihood of getting concussion than men playing the exact same sport, which I would understand if the sports that they mentioned were mixed gender sports, they were on about sports like woman's boxing and woman's football but the third sport they mentioned is a mixed gender sport, as it is horse racing, but that isn't going to be the focus of this diatribe, but just with woman's boxingI know they want to be equal with men, and some of the punches they're landing shows that but then there's a difference between how men and women are made up, so men are physically designed to withstand more of a battering than women it could be, as probably is down to evolution, but if you stand up or a 12 round fight 3 minutes per round, are you sure that your brain could take it?

But somehow in the Ashes today England, and Dawid Malan, managed to do something on the pitch and Malan is now a Ashes centurion, well done Malan. As he ended the day still in the crease hoping to het his total up tomorrow I'd be betting.

What else have I done today? I cannot remember.

Wednesday, 13 December 2017

Day 1580

Day 1580;

BMI was 19.95, steps were 12,238 and my calories burnt off were 746 kcal. I had only walked 7.92 km

Breakfast: cereal, grapes, strawberries, blueberries and blackberries.
Lunch: cheese sandwich, fruit cake, pomegranate, banana, strawberries, apple and grapes.
Dinner: turkey drummers, carrots, croquet potatoes and salted caramel chocolate pot.
Drinks: milk, water and fruit juice.

I have just realised something about my blogpost two days ago, it was that I cannot stress enough how much of a terrible idea of Tini’s that was in offering money to whoever takes me off of her hands, it’s not the fact that it’d be bribery, as I have no problem with that, it’s the amount of money that she’d have to fork over for anyone to take her me away, as I am thinking that it’d probably cost her more than a million pounds to be sure, which is more than I’m worth as a starting point, another point is that she couldn’t afford it, I don’t personally know anyone that could at least not to my knowledge. But I have never really liked marriage anyway.

Why does the Oasis song Wonderwall resonate with me so much? I'm thinking it's the lyrics "There are many things that I would like to say to you, but I don't know how." So maybe it's because I can't speak, but I have liked that song for longer than I haven't had a voice, I'm thinking that I have liked it since 1995/when it was released. So that's one thing that I have liked to counteract the first point that I don't like, which may be, in part, as one of the most boring, and painful, parts of my life before the accident was at a church churches were literally headache hell for me back then but now I'm unsure as I have managed to avoid them since.

But the steps that I did today a good portion of them, by that I mean by lunch I had done just above five hundred. but then I did a lot of steps in the hour between five and six, well duh, in the afternoon, I shouldn't need to put it again. 

Tuesday, 12 December 2017

Day 1579

Day 1579;

Today my BMI was 19.69, and I'd done 12,355 steps and I had burnt off 910 kcal.  I had only walked 8.00 km today.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, strawberries, apple and grapes.
Lunch: cheese omelette and a rocky road sundae.
Dinner: pasta bolognaise, grapes, strawberries, blueberries and blackberries.
Drinks: milk, water and fruit juice.

I just wanna feel ... something... I’m sorry I know that I didn’t have to start today’s blogpost with some more of the lyrics from yesterday’s end, but I have, so deal with it.

Today I checked my steps before dinner and I had already broke my minimum number of steps for me to do today. So I decided that I would allow myself to play on some more of Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, later on, Which I have done, I have been finding new ways to cross the floor that is just spikes in the new "Stop to Start" "Rohta Chigah Shrine", I still fail at it. but the many ways across the floor are fun, like there's one boring way where you build a bridge over it or there's he one which you se the stasis rune on the metal pad by the entrance and then you jump attack the board 3 times, then you get into the centre of the pad before going flying across the floor then depending on how the cube has reacted to the floor it could see you going into the cube, into the wall on the other side of the room or another random place.

Don't ook back in anger, I heard you say.

At least not today.

Monday, 11 December 2017

Day 1578

Day 1578;

Today my BMI was 19.71, my steps were 15,187 and I have burnt off 1454 kcal. The distance I have walked today was 9.83 km.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple and grapes.
Lunch: cheese, ham sandwich (white bread), fruit cake, batternburg and a mince pie.
Dinner: margarita pizza, chips and chocolate sundae.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice and cider (raspberry).
Snacks: grapes, strawberries, blueberries and blackberries.

Am I a sportsman? You may say yes or no, to the question I probably would say no, I’m not a sportsman, as put simply I don’t really class the athletes that I have done as sports, just running between two spots and jumping as far as you can. I’m sorry but I used to do all of that at school as in at break times, not just in PE, so I probably should be a lot better than I have during the past 2 seasons, but it’s not a sport it’s athletics. The only other “sport” that I have been playing recently is boccia and you could already know of my reservations when it comes down to calling it a sport, needless to say that it’s about as sporty as chess.

It had been snowing all morning basically, at least since I got up, until a flurry of the heavy snow came down starting just before 12 and it ended about just before 1pm, so we actually had a good hour or so of decent snow today. Then all of the decent snow from today disappeared, leaving behind only the dregs of yesterday.

Now the other day, Tini and Allergy were talking about GM never liking Tini, but nowadays it’s like Tini is like Gods freaking gift to GM, as Tini is cooking a lot of GM’s meals for her, but that’s not the point that I wanted to get to; as the main point that I wanted to get to was something that Tini said in response to Allergy’s comment that mothers are often more protective over their sons when it comes to them finding a mate. Like with them often finding dislike to the other woman in their sons life, but in my case Tini said that she’d pay a woman to marry me... I don’t really like that, knowing there’s a price on my head (or hand if you wanted to be picky). I’d be fine if it was on my head like an old western wanted poster, one of those posters that say “wanted dead or alive” but I’d scribble out the part which says “or alive”  so it’d say “Savage, wanted dead or alive” and it’s not that I want to die, it’s just that I ain’t keen on living either. Yes I know that I have kind of quoted some of the lyrics from a Robbie Williams song.

Sunday, 10 December 2017

Day 1577

Day 1577:

19.59 was my BMI, I have done 12,269 steps and I have burnt off 1099 kcal. I have only walked 7.94 km today but today I may have actually walked it as I have been outside of the house walking around in the snow but only from quite late on in the day, as Tini and Mich were treating me like a delicate little flower when it comes to snow.

Breakfast: cereal, banana and apple.
Lunch: chicken, peas, carrots, potatoes and something.
Dinner: grapes, batternburg, fruit cake and something.
Drinks: milk, water and fruit juice.

So today I have done about 12,000 steps again, which cuts the backlog from 6000 to 4000, so if it keep on at this rate it should take me two more days for me to be back on level terms.

But today I have also been communicating with a friend of mine. about the weather, as I'm British and if there's one thing that a British person can do it's converse about the weather, it was snowing, this days snowfall has been the best it's been for about seven years apparently. So we'd been having a lazy day around our home, and the following song I just keep hearing up on the radio.

It snowed a lot, at least in English terms, not in Austrian terms for them our lot of snow would probably be just enough to keep the nursery slopes open. But needless to say that it had a lot of cars stuck in places around the small hills that I live by, so I got to give Mich a hand in rescuing two of the cars, from a local car park on my travels today. But Mich says that he had helped a lot of cars this morning when he was walking through the town.

Tini and Mich were treating me like a delicate little flower today which was quite unjustified as Mich admitted about the time that we returned from the care-home that my GAK is now a resident of, as it is in walking distance from my home, so we walked it in the dark. 

Saturday, 9 December 2017

Day 1576

Day 1576;

My BMI was bak down at 19.69, I had done 12,458 steps and I had burnt off 1006 kcal. I also walked a total of 8.07 km apparently.

Breakfast: cereal.
Lunch: cheese omelette and fruit cake.
Dinner: sausage casserole, yorkshire pudding, peas, carrots, baked potato and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: milk, water and fruit juice.

Now I failed at reaching my step goal yesterday by about 8000 so I had carried that over on top of todays step goal to make my step goal for today 18,000 which I failed by about 6000, which pushes my target for tomorrow up to 16,000.

Today I have gone to Boccia in the morning, the team that I was part of won 13-2, but that was probably down to my other two team players more than anything I did. The football team that I support also took a stride towards succouring there space in the play-offs by winning a game today, which if I was to state that I was surprised by the result, that would be an understatement, as the team that they beat were in the hunt for automatic promotion, and they probably still are but the likelihood of them actually getting automatic promotion has probably just decreased by 3 points.

But then in another London Derby, this time between West Ham and Chelsea, Chelsea went a goal down early on in the match, again, just as they did in a previous derby, I think it was against Tottenham, but in that game they (Chelsea) won against Tottenham 1-2, but this game they (Chelsea) lost, by that one goal, to West Ham. Shocking.

Friday, 8 December 2017

Day 1575

Day 1575;

My BMI improved quite considerably to 19.95, but my steps were down at 2739 and I had only burnt off 533 kcal. Today I only managed to walk a pitiful 1.77 km.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, strawberries, blueberries and blackberries.
Lunch: bread and butter sandwich (white bread) and something that I think I had yesterday.
Dinner: chicken, carrots, peas and tiramisu.
Drinks: milk, water, fruit juice and cider (blueberry and raspberry).

Now today I have been having a seriously lazy day, as it was the day of the second DLC pack for the game of the year, Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, so I have been playing that game for the majority of the afternoon.

Thursday, 7 December 2017

Day 1574

Day 1574;

My BMI is down slightly on yesterday’s at 19.66, I did 12,528 steps and I burnt off 1392 kcal. I also walked/jogged 8.11 km today apparently.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, strawberries, apple and grapes.
Lunch: cheese sandwich (white bread), cookie and something.
Dinner: quoin pasta bolognaise, bread and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice, water and cider (blueberry and raspberry).
Snacks: grapes, strawberries, blueberries and blackberries.

Now what I was meaning to type yesterday, with my agreement with Jeremy Kyle, was only that what he was saying about men being hopeless with their emotions, so they bottle them up (it's as if we are programmed differently than females) and they don't feel the same levels of emotion as females I think it may have something to do with the way that we’ve evolved but it’s just as we’re no good at dealing with emotions, if you want someone that is get an actor, or a queer (as the two of them aren't mutually exclusive, apparently).

Now today I have had my first 2 portions of fruit with breakfast, by eating a fruit pot, then I consumed my second 2 by drinking a 300ml mug of fruit juice, now that is 4. Then I returned from the gym and I had a snack which was another 2 portions pot of fruit and I had a drink of fruit juice, which took my total number of portions is now upto 8, so I should brush my teeth well tonight, which I have done, . But I’m 

Wednesday, 6 December 2017

Day 1573

Day 1573;

My BMI was up slightly at 19.69, steps were down slightly to 11,487 and my calories burnt off today were 1273. Aparently I have walked 7.44 km.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, strawberries, blueberries and blackberries.
Lunch: ham and chicken sandwich(brown bread) and a mince pie.
Dinner:beef burger (quarter pounder), chips and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice, water and cider (strawberry and lime).
Snack: pomegranate.

So today I have been to the gym and I went on the exercise bike, again it was for 30 minutes. But I can't be sure wether it was a really good session, or a really poor session, I'm more inclined to believe the later. Now I state that as I am unsure of the distance, that the bike was set up as at the beginning of the cycle as I was cycling I got up to a distance of 1 just outside of 3 minutes, I think, which is something close to 20 km/h or mph pace, which is pretty good (for me). But by the end of my 30 minute spin on the exercise bike I got to 11.5 km or miles, which would be good if it was on miles, km not so much, as the last time I managed to get to 10.5 miles, or 16.8 km, and the machine had the cheek to inform m that I was traveling at a speed in the excess of 20 km/h or mph,  after I had finished but without saying what it was calculating it in is useless quite frankly.

But todayI learnt something that I already knew from listening to Jeremy Kyle as he was the voice that was being blared out of Tini's room. It's that women are much better at talking than men, certainly straight men but homosexuals I'm not sure about. As men are happy, I'm not sure if that is the correct word, but anyway a man is usually content enough to ruin everything to save one person, if that one person is worth more to them than the world. Just as on the show it was about a man that had been married to another woman for 4 years but they had been dating for something the previous 8 years, so that makes it 12 years in total, and the man had been given a terminal prognosis, with only a 33% chance of him making it through, by he doctors due to cancer or something like that so he broke up with his wife as he didn't want to put her through it, but then he survived it.

Tuesday, 5 December 2017

Day 1572

Day 1572;

19.62 was my BMI for today, so it was down slightly on yesterday’s but my steps were up a bit, they were 14,218, my number of calories burnt off today were 1282 kcal and I had walked 9.21km by the time I did my body test.

Breakfast: cereal, grapes, strawberries, blueberries and blackberries.
Lunch: chicken sandwich (white bread) and a mince pie.
Dinner: turkey, sweet potato chips, carrots and a bowl of chocolate trifle.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice and water.
Snacks: grapes, strawberries, blueberries and blackberries.

Now today I have had two portions of my daily five, fruit with my breakfast within that pot of fruit. Then the next two portions were at lunch, within my 300ml mug of fruit juice, now I had my next four portions after I had got back from the gym, as I had my snack and another 300ml mug of fruit juice. So that makes me upto six portions already but then with dinner I had another 300ml mug of fruit juice, which bring me upto eight portions then onto the carrots, nine, and the sweet potato, ten. Blooming hell I’ve overdone it a bit today.

Now you know my madness that I slightly miss now after I attempted to kill him, which may have been after he stepped backwards into the path of a car. Just how do you know if was him, couldn’t it have been you? Well it could’ve been me but my method of murder was quite a bit less messy and a tad less effective. As you know what happens to your body when you attempt to strangle yourself, with your hands? It gets to a point and then your body gives up on you as it puts you to sleep/knocks you out, therefore stopping you from committing yourself to death, however well deserved it’d be, as I was a little toad back then. And not  a very nice one at that either.

Also today I have been to the gym, as you may have noticed earlier from my comment about having a drink and snack at after I had returned, well it was another one of my half hour level ten “sprints” on the exercise bike and I made it upto about seven point four nine miles by about twenty nine minutes then I slowed down because I was getting ahead of myself, before noticing my mistake and attempting to rectify it but it was too late by then, I mucked up, on an exercise bike of all things.

Monday, 4 December 2017

Day 1571

Day 1571;

My BMI today was 19.72, my steps were also up to 13,353 but my number of burnt off kcal today was down somewhat to 907. My distance covered today was 8.65 km which was further than my total for yesterday which was 6.81 km.

Breakfast: cereal, banana and stewed fruit (blackberry and strawberry).
Lunch: sausage sandwich (white bread) and a chocolate doughnut.
Dinner: sweet and sour chicken balls, grapes, blueberries, strawberries and a white chocolate sauce.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice, tap water and pear cider.
Snacks: grapes, strawberries, blueberries with a white chocolate sauce.

So judging from what I have eaten today the banana and stewed fruit would probably class as two of my five for today. Then I had a 300ml mug of fruit juice for my lunch, that should be probably my second two of five. Now I had my snack which was literally the same as the two portions of fruit that I have eaten in the past minus the blackberries so I have downgraded it to a lowly one portion out of five so that should make me up to the five for today before dinner. But then I ate my dinner it was just a little bit of quick food from the local Chinese take a way, but for pudding I have got another pot of fruit and white chocolate which should take it up to six portions of fruit and veg for today. But I could probably say, if only I could speak that is, that the portions of fruit that are with the chocolate sauce could be counted as one and a half portions, as they are only one quarter of the fruit in the two portions packs and what is a quarter of two? It’s a half, so what is two minus a half one and a half, in numbers it’d be 2-0.5=1.5. So I could have eaten my seven of five today.

Today I have been to the gym for a half hour cycle on the exercise bike, but after that excursion I had only managed to get to something like 7000 steps, so I decided to go for another little jog on the spot in the kitchen which was in front of the clock so I started jogging on the spot at 17:23 and I didn’t stop until 18:00, after some discussion, with myself, in my head/mind. As that is the only person that was 1. There and 2. Who I could actually have a conversation with. But he doesn’t really speak back to me, anymore, I think it may have had something to do with me attempting to kill him a while back.

Sunday, 3 December 2017

Day 1570

Day 1570;

My BMI was 19.62 , but my steps were 5661 and the amount of kcal that I had burnt off were 1094. As had only been skiing today, the rest of the day I was lazing about, I had only walked 3.66 km, which was before I spent the most of an hour getting my steps up to 10,497.

Breakfast: cereal, banana and stewed rhubarb.
Lunch: chicken, peas, carrots, potatoes and rocky road sundae.
Dinner: cheese omelette and fruit cake.
Drinks: milk and fruit juice.

The 2018 winter Paralympics isn’t in Japan, that’s the 2020 summer Olympics, but the 2018 is being in south little rocket man state (south Korea), so that was a mistake I think I made while typing to someone or was it on this?

But so today I have had another enjoyable experience on skis I only managed to stack-it twice, the man that I was skiing with today was saying that he thought the Snow Zone at Milton Keynes was bigger than the one that I go to, but I am not sure about that, but I have been to that place also when I was younger. 

Saturday, 2 December 2017

Day 1569

Day 1569;

BMI improved 19.79, steps were also up 12,471 and I burnt off 1117 kcal. But today I also walked 8.07 km.

Breakfast: cereal, grapes, strawberries, blueberries and blackberries.
Lunch: I’ve forgotten again, chocolate sundae and some stewed fruit.
Dinner: chicken, carrots, peas, potatoes and something else.
Drinks: milk, fruit juice and cider.

Now today I have been to boccia, which means that it’s a Saturday. So today in the little game at the end of the session we played a game, there was two teams, a boys team and a girls team, the girls team was beating the boys team by seven points to one, after four ends. There was only two ends left for the boys team to selvage something like a respectable score. Within the first of the two ends the boys man-aged to pull back four points now it was the final end and both of the teams each had two balls to play with, and the girls team went first they put too much power in the first shot it went long, so it was then the turn of the boys, and he managed to get his ball infront of the jack, in scoring position, so it was the other girls shot I think she was going for a power shot to knock the boys ball out of shot, but it failed and it carried on up the hall. Then it was the first for the last ball of the match this ball had the chance to level this game, or it’d give the girls there victory. The boy eyed up where he wanted to position the ball he chucked his ball, the ball smacked down to the floor it started rolling along the floor... it stopped... it was about a foot from the previous boys throw it was scoring, the game had been won by no one.

I decided to have a lazy afternoon/evening after I had done more than 11,000 by about 15:30. As I decided on my step count then as I had got back from a cycle and then I had completed my jog around the back garden.

Friday, 1 December 2017

Day 1568

Day 1568;

Now today my BMI increased slightly 19.43, I had done 10,730 steps by body test time and I had burnt off 1348 kcal. But my distance walked had greatly decreased to 6.95 km.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, strawberry, apple and grapes.
Lunch: hot dog, grapes, strawberries, blueberries, blackberries and chocolate sundae.
Dinner:toad in the hole, mash, carrots, banana, strawberries, apple and  grapes.
Drinks: milk, tap water and fruit juice.
Snack: advent calendar chocolate.

So today I woke up, went downstairs for breakfast, then I traveled back upstairs to get changed into my gym stuff. Then I went to the gym and I did my Wednesday workout today, instead of Wednesday. Then I had a shower, dried myself and got dressed, into clothes, went downstairs and I ate my lunch.

Now just after lunch I checked my steps, they were low, around 4000, so I started off a little jog which got me up to 8000. But thenI had done the rest of the 10,000 by walking around by 18:30.