Saturday 30 September 2017

Day 1546

Day 1546;

Now my BMI of today was 20.11, even though my BMI is better and my step count was 17000+, I think, I haven't made my target for the month.

Breakfast: cereal.
Lunch: Swiss baked eggs, bread, grapes (green and purple), apple, banana and pastries (1 raspberry and 1 apple).
Dinner:  tomato pasta, bread and something.
Drink: milk and fruit juice.

This morning I went to boccia there was 6 of us there, which generated £21 for the club, which only covers one of the instructors salaries it doesn't cover the other instructors salary or the court hire, we need another 9 people to come to a session to make it a feasible venture while it is being run at such a high rate of expenditure. But having nine more of us  wouldn't be feasible either, as on one court there is only enough space for 6 players, I'm thinking it could at a stretch accommodate one or two more players, but that still only counts up to £28. And that isn't enough to hire a court and an instructor, as both together cost £30 but with 2 instructors the costs rise up to £50, so our current boccia layout isn't fit for purpose.

Then today the football team that we support won an away league match, the score was 0-1 and what's more is that none of the four football teams teams that I follow lost today. Three won and the fourth drew, But Manchester City manage to take the premier league top spot from Manchester United by one goal. But so after a pathetic day for him driving yesterday Hamilton managed to pull it out of the bag again and qualify in pole, which may have been as something happened to Vettel and he starts from the rear end of the grid tomorrow. But I wouldn't bet against Vettel managing to orchestrate another "miracle" for tomorrow.

But I have also completed the tenth chapter? on Resident Evil: Revelations, at least I think it was the tenth, It was the one where Parker dies and Jessica is shown to be Morgan's little pawn. Raymond thatJess killed off earlier turns out to still be alive.

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