Monday 25 September 2017

Day 1541

Day 1541;

Today I got a BMI of 19.82 which was an improvement on yesterday's, by 1lb but it wasn't very much of an improvement.

Breakfast: cereal, apple, banana and green grapes.
Lunch: chese omelette.
Dinner: chicken, carrots, peas, potatoes and a GU chocolate mousse.
Drinks: milk and fruit juice.
Snacks: Jelly beans.

Now today we have been on a little walk into town to get my cut, then we have gone further into town to pick up some of GM's prescriptions, next it was time to go a bit further out of the town to deliver the prescript drugs then finally we had to go back to home, in order to get myself ready to go to athletics. which I went to.

Now today at athletics it was interesting as the people that are normally there weren't, I'm meaning the carers for the main group of participants but then again there was D, M, P, S, T and O out of the usual biggest group, that were actually there, out of the rest of us there was only 2 who were R and I (me) If I am yo dare to call myself a regular. But in the other group there was some new faces as well as the nre staff, who each had there own faces which could be described as new, to me at least.

But the little running races that we did as a part of the session, I'm thinking that I managed to finish all of them, in first position, but I know that can't be correct, as R started going on about how she won a couple of the races also, not that I was keeping score, it was just the fact just there was no J there to give me a run for my money, I know that D was there today but he wasn't on his truly top form for today (or at least the small parts that he did of it).

I have set the grandfather (I think that's it's name) clock on it's merry ways now.

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