Wednesday 20 September 2017

Day 1536

Day 1536;

Today I got a BMI of 20.08, which may have been an improvement on yesterday's result, but I got it from being lazy, not from being active.

Breakfast: cereal, raspberries, strawberries, apple and banana.
Lunch: ham sandwich (whole meal bread), porkpie and something.
Dinner: cottage pie, tiramisu, twirl and Kit Kat.
Drinks: milk, Lucozade sport (orange), fruit juice.
Snack: Welsh cake.

But today just one day after England women's success in their qualification group, Mark Sampson, the manager has been sacked by the FA.

But today the weather here has changed, but as it hadn't yet changed or it'd changed back I can't remember that much but it was sunny this morning so I had requested it that we went out on a small cycle for the first part of the day before we went out train spotting or whatever he wanted to do today. Then reluctantly he agreed but instead of cycling from the cottage he drove the car down to beside the railway track for us to ride beside the track as it was on a surface which was almost flat with a few minor inclines, and on our return trip declines, we managed to get our average speed for the little excursion up to 20.1km/h which should equal something like 12.2mph but it'd have probably rounded it up to 12.3 as it 12.26 would probably be more of an accurate transformation from km to miles. But we got that done and then it started raining and Mich suggested that we went out on a little walk in the rain, so I agreed and when my trousers were getting weighed down with the rain water I suggested that we returned to the car, by the way when I typed my trousers were getting weighed down by the rain water, I'm not meaning that I couldn't pick my legs up, I mean the trousers were starting To sag more and if the rain hadn't stuck already them to my thighs I'm thinking that they may have slipped right off of me.

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