Sunday 10 September 2017

Day 1526

Day 1526;

As a BMI of the day today 20.67 I think was because I did even less than yesterday.

Breakfast: cereal, banana and apple.
Lunch: sausage, mash, 2 portions of peas, carrots, sticky toffee pudding and half of a strawberry.
Dinner: buffet dinner and lemon drizzle cake.
Drinks:: 1 300ml mug of fruit juice, 1 bottle of apple juice, 1 300ml mug of ginger beer and some Shloer.

So today I have had another lazy day but it was also a good day as GM has told us that she'll be going to Allergy's graduation, as it isn't too far from where we live. So I was sat there celebrating as Allergy had already been telling us that there wasn't a snowflakes chance in hell of that coming to pass (not in those exact words but the sentiment was there). But now I don't have to go to it, initially they'd bought 3 tickets to go watch her graduation, they were for Tini, Mich and Emu, then Mich made her purchase 3 more, for C/Emu's husband, B/Allergy's boy friend and GM, but if any of them didn't want to go I'd be getting forced to go in their places. But then all of them said yes they'd go, now I am happy, as I won't be having to travel for ages in the car to be sat down bored in a cathedral for hours.

Now what have I been doing for the rest of the day? I cannot remember, now it must be that small portion of the good news of the day that clouds out the rest of the day. 

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