Thursday 31 August 2017

Day 1516

Day 1516;

20.24 I had gained a pound in weight but that was from doing practically naught for the complete today, as I have had my friend around this morning after that I haven't done anything else, at least naught of any significance since.

Breakfast: cereal, apple, banana and strawberries.
Lunch: coronation chicken sandwich (white bread).
Dinner: ham, eggs, potatoes, pickle and some lemon meringue pie.
Drinks: 1 300ml mug of milk, 1 300ml mug of fruit juice and the remaining liquid from the 450ml bottle of nonalcoholic cider from yesterday.

Today I have been expecting my friend to come over to the place where I live. Of which he arrived about an hour later as he missed the bus that he was getting, and he's told me today that he hasn't missed a bus for work or anything that he would be happy missing for a day, never taken a sick day either, but he is almost constantly missing busses or being ill on days when he's organised to come around to my abode.

Then when he had arrived we played chess a number of times I'm thinking that if I could actually remember all of the hints that he gave to me while we played I would probably be quite considerably better at chess, like I can remember 1 of the hints he gave me, it was to target the opponents weakest points which are literally the spaces where they have got solitary pieces on their own with no other pieces as backup basically, which is basic, but I'm thinking that he must have given me some more advise that just that, but I cannot remember it, as next up we were attempting to get it to "fools mate" which is checkmate in basically as few moves as possible. Which we got there in the end, it may have been thanks to Wikipedia, but we still managed to get there.

Wednesday 30 August 2017

Day 1515

Day 1515;

20.11 was my BMI today and today I have had my Wednesdaily gym session at the gym, which I have realised is quite an redundant thing to type.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple and strawberries.
Lunch: ham sandwich (white bread), grapes, strawberries, blueberries and blackberries.
Dinner: pie, peas, carrots, potatoes and some lemon meringue pie.
Drinks: 1 300ml mug of milk, 1 150ml mug of ginger-beer, 1 300ml mug of Pepsi max and 1 450ml bottle of nonalcoholic cider.

So basically today I have got up, gone downstairs to eat breakfast, I've changed into my gym attire, I've been to the gym, returned from the gym, i have had a shower, I have eaten my lunch, and from then on I can't remember what I have done.

Except from read Genesis 38 as it is interesting. As the story goes, there is a man called Er who pissed off God, so God killed him, and then Er's father had to give her to his second son to procreate and to continue Er's line (even if it wouldn't be genetically Er's line of decent), but the second one was pulling out before emulation so then they couldn't procreate but they were having sex, and so the Lord knocked off the second son. So this man had 4 sons to start with and thanks to God he only has one left so he was mulling over giving the wife to the third son, and then his wife died. So the woman takes off her clothes and puts a mask on, something to do with the prostitutes of the time and she hooks the old man and he gets her pregnant, then some time later the woman is about to get burnt for prostitution and when she reveals who the father would be of this unborn child was the old man just goes it'll be fine ,and then waves the pyromaniacs on their way.

Tuesday 29 August 2017

Day 1514

Day 1514;

I got 20.24 today as a BMI my weight was something like 62kg today also.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, strawberries and apple.
Lunch: chip sandwich and I can't remember what else if any I ate.
Dinner: pasta meatballs and strawberry + apple pie.
Drinks: 1 300ml mug of milk, 1 400ml bottle of Lucozade sport (Brazilian Guava), 1 450ml bottles of nonalcoholic cider and 2 300ml mug of fruit juice. 
Snack: 1 raspberry truffle chocolate thing.

Today I have been to the gym in the morning then I got back home from the gym and I started rowing on the rowing machine. So today at the gym I did have a go on the cycling machine, but it was only a 30 minute session, with 6 minute cool down, as Tini had to go out with Allergy today, so Allergy took me to the gym today and then after 36 minutes at the gym I returned home and was told by Tini that I had to get on the rower for another 30 minutes as Tini won't be taking me back to the gym later on today, which was contry to my understanding of the situation. So I sat down on the rower and I started to row it was for 10 minutes, then I took a break and I had some of my Lucozade, then it was another 10 minute row before another Lucozade break, before doing my third 10 minute row to get me upto the correct time spent on the rower.

But in sport today the Windies beat England for the first time in 17 years in England. I think that the British no.1 female tennis players was knocked out of the US open and Froome keeps the leaders jumper in the Vuelta.

Monday 28 August 2017

Day 1513

Day 1513;

20.31 was my BMI result for today, I went to the gym this morning I started off on the exercise bike, next up was some of the arm weight machines then it was a go on the lateral trainer.

Breakfast: cereal.
Lunch: I have forgot what I ate for mains but I had strawberries, banana and apple, for after.
Dinner: sweet +spur chicken, crocket potatoes and chocolate cheesecake.
Drinks: 1 300ml mugs of milk, 1 bottle of nonalcoholic cider, 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice and 1 300ml mug of ginger beer.

Over the past few weeks I have been attempting to figure out Catholicism, isn't catholicism heretical? As they have some great, what seems to me at least, hero worship for Mary, the so called mother of Jesus. And as God is a jealous god, so if you even look at another one in slightly the wrong way you should be rotting in the ground before you even know what it is that you have done.

In the cricket today England managed to get up to 490 for 8, then they declared which gave them the whole of tomorrow and the final 6 overs of the day to play to attempt to bowl the Windies out, but the Windies managed to post the score of 5 without loss, in their 6 overs, so they need to get 316 runs in the final day of the test in order to beat the English, now it's possible. So come on you Windes.

Sunday 27 August 2017

Day 1512

Day 1512;

My BMI for today was something like 20.28, and today I also managed to get more than 10000 steps done, which may have been as we have been on a 40mi tandem ride in the morning.

 Breakfast: cereal.
Lunch: buffet lunch, banana, apple and grapes (black and purple).
Dinner: beef, carrots, peas, potatoes, strawberries and cream.
Drinks: 1 300ml mugs of milk, 2 300ml mugs of ginger beer and 450ml in 2 mugs of fruit juice. 

So today we arrived home in time for the Grand Prix, and Mich asked me something about the ride but I can't remember what it was about as I was already bit irritated by Mich's untethering of his boots from the tandem. As I could support the bike and Mich, as I have been going to the gym over recent weeks, if not longer.

But also today Mr Hami won the Grand Prix, but then Liverpool also managed to beat Arsenal 4-0, which was a bit of a shock. Is Liverpool going to win the premier league this season? Well with a result like that I know it's still early on in the season but it's got them up to second place in the league, for the moment. Now within la Vuelta a EspaƱa Mr Chris Froome stamped his authority on the ride today as he won today's stage which further cements his place up front in la Vuelta.

Saturday 26 August 2017

Day 1511

Day 1511;

20.47 I'm thinking was my BMI for today.

Breakfast: cereal, grapes (black, green and purple), banana and apple.
Lunch: I think it was a buffet lunch.
Dinner: fishfinger curry and a slice of chocolate cheesecake.
Drinks: 1 300ml mug of milk, 1 300ml mug of ginger beer and 1 bottle of nonalcoholic cider.

Today I have had an exceptionally lazy day, as there was something to do with Emu coming around today in the morning. Of which there was a fire so her and C went off to investigate. Then Mich and myself went off to watch the football team that we support play actually very well against some opponents that they had never played before because they are a relatively new team and they will have had to fight their way up through the congested football lower leagues in order to get to the league that they are in at the moment when the team that I support has been there and done that a long time ago, probably when it wasn't quite so congested and is actually on its way down. At least from the past couple of seasons, They played well and they won the game.

But the English women's rugby union World Cup final was looking so good before half time as they were winning by 7 points at the break, but then they lost the second half and the game in the second half of the match, it was a good match, shame about the result.

Friday 25 August 2017

Day 1510

Day 1510;

20.08 again now today I was lazy as we only went on a small cycle in the morning, which was first to the post office then it was to GM's house, she was acting weird today and she understood me, as I was attempting to ascertain weither she wantrf the radio on or not, as I was thinking that the radio can have a soothing effect on people that are ill, but anyway by the time that Mich walked back into the room she said to him then she thought I was asking her if she wanted me to put the radio on for her. And I was.

Breakfast: cereal, grapes (black, green and purple), banana and apple.
Lunch: cheese with ham omelette and 2 fruity pastries.
Dinner: pie, peas, potato and I have forgotten the rest.
Drinks: 1 300ml mugs of milk, 1 300ml mug of fruit juices, 1 450ml bottle of nonalcoholic cider and I've forgot what I had to drink with lunch.

Also yesterday I played a bit on the NES classic mini, I played on 1 game which I currently have forgotten's name, the second was the original Legend of Zelda, then the third was Super Mario Bros, but the first I'm thinking was Ice Climbers, and while I was playing through it I found myself struck by a question, my question was, "Why does the character have to climb up through the ice, what is the purpose? and what is that thing that the bird is carrying up o the end point of the levels? As it looks like a Jelly bean." so I used the internet, the wonderful contraption that your probably viewing this on. on, it I got to level 6.

But today as well as going on that small cycle around the town, I also went to the gym, as Mich was too busy caring for GM too take me out on another cycle, Instead I went with Tini to the gym but it wasn't an hour bike ride today it was a Wednesday gym routine not this Wednesday though.

Thursday 24 August 2017

Day 1509

Day 1509;

20.08 was my BMI today, which is disappointing low especially seeing as I went to the gym today and I went on the exercise bike for an hour, which I was hoping to bulk up my leg muscles, but no luck.

Breakfast: cereal, grapes (black, green and purple), banana and apple.
Lunch: I've forgotten.
Dinner: pie, peas, carrots, butternut squash, potatoes and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: 1 300ml mug of milk, 1 300ml mug of fruit juice and 1 about 450ml bottle of non alcoholic cider.

Now today I have been to the gym and I have been doing the usual thing in the gym, of which I thought was that cycle, on the exercise bike, which was supposed to go up to 55 minutes before a 11 minute cool down, as I was thinking which was the second day that I have thought that, in my memory at least, only to be let down before the end of the bike ride.

My friend didn't show up today he missed both of the busses today, I wonder how he managed to miss both of the busses, especially not that both of the busses came to his town, I get that you can miss a bus let's just say that you didn't wake up at your alarm, but then another one comes around an hour later, so I'm guessing that he either forgot that he was coming over or that he slept until about 15:00 as he finally corresponded with me just after that time. But Tini was in a strop for him not turning up, I'm guessing, as she could have gone to school if she had known that he wasn't going to show.

Wednesday 23 August 2017

Day 1508

Day 1508;

20.24 was my body tests result, down on yesterday's result. Now it could have been as I didn't manage to make my goal for steps neither yesterday or today.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, strawberries, apple and grapes.
Lunch: I cannot remember.
Dinner: tomato pasta, cheese, strawberries, blackberries, raspberries and some chocolate.
Drinks: 1 300ml mug of milk, 3 300ml mugs of dandelion burdock.

Now today I have got onto the exercise bike at the gym and I have done another one those 5 10 minute intervals then a 10 minute cool down, then today I have seen an excellent product it's a thing that's similar to an exercise bike but it generates electricity, positively similarly to all of those looney toons cartoons which had one party, usually the villain peddling away to power one of the machines, as the ad goes just 1 hour of peddling will get you a full days power, I would like a go.

Tuesday 22 August 2017

Day 1507

Day 1507;

2My BMI today was 20.49 or there about, and in steps for time up until I tested my body I had 9808 so I should only need 192 more to reach my target, of which I utterly flunked at yesterday.

Breakfast: cereal.
Lunch: ham sandwich (white bread), grapes, strawberries, blueberries and blackberries.
Dinner: sausages in Yorkshire pudding, mashed potato, carrots, peas, some funny vegetable which I cannot remember the name of and a Cadbury's pot of joy.
Drinks: 1 300ml mug of milk, 2 300ml mugs of dandelion and burdock, some more of a bottle of Lucozade sport (orange) and 1 300ml mug of fruit juice.

Now what I have been doing today was going to London for some more rat poison injections into my face, in order to allow me the ability to see better, well rat poison gets injected into some of my muscles in order to weaken them so my opposite muscles have a chance to put up a fight against the closing muscles apparently, if I heard that correctly.

I have been for a small walk around London today, as it was only from the tube stations to the hospital today instead of as it usually is, if my memory serves me well, that is. 

Monday 21 August 2017

Day 1506

Day 1506;

0.11 I think was my BMI of today and in steps for today I only did a low amount before the weigh in, it was something like 58088, but today I went to the gym.

Breakfast: cereal, strawberries, banana and apple.
Lunch: cheese sandwich (white bread) and sausage roll.
Dinner: chicken, carrots, peas, roast potatoes and lemon meringue pie.
Drinks: 1 300ml mug of milk, 3 300ml mugs of fruit juice and some of a bottle of Lucozade sport (orange).

Today I have of gone to the gym for another one hour ride on the exercise bike, which I was going up to level 40 for 1 minute in every 10 minutes, level 30 for 2 minutes, level 20 for 3 minutes and starting at level 10 for 4 minutes. Which was fun, especially as I mucked up a bit on the fifth and final one before going onto the final 10 minute cool down. But then I did an extra 5 minutes at 10 for 1 minute, 20 for 1 minute, 30 for 1 minute then 40 for 2 minutes, as I thought that was what Tini asked me to do last week, but alas it wasn't to be. At the gym today there young girl who looks like another girl that I used to know, as her hair is the same, it's an almost white blonde, but her face isn't quite correct to be the girl that I knew from school.

There was another goal for Rooney today in his new Everton shirt to make him up to 2 goals this Premier League season. In the match between Manchester City and Everton, of which the final score was 1-1 but the team that was many of the people that actually know stuff about football, more then me, were tipping to win the Premier League (Manchester City) was actually trailing to Everton for the majority of the second half before getting that equaliser to rob 2/3 points from Everton.

Sunday 20 August 2017

Day 1505

Day 1505;

My BMI was 2.18 and I had done 17983 steps before my weigh in.

Breakfast: cereal, apple and banana.
Lunch: ham sandwich (white bread), grapes (green, purple and black), a slice of fruit cake and a slice of batten burg.
Dinner: chicken, carrots, peas, Yorkshire pudding and strawberries + cream.
Drinks: 1 300ml mug of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

Today I have enjoyed another small cycle it was in a part of the country of which I am alien to. So even if I could see for the majority of the cycle I wouldn't have recognised it. Also today in the Premier League Chelsea managed to score all 3 of the goals in their derby match against Tottenham Hotspur but one of them was an own goal so they could only win by 1-2 at Wembley, as Wembley is the Hotspur's home ground for this season, I wonder if the football team that I support manage to get through to the FA cup round where it's against Premier League opponents and they get drawn away at Chelsea, will that be played at Wembley? I would imagine so but wouldn't it be like going to the final before you've  managed to get to the final? The stands woul be less full than today's match, for sure, and today it wasn't even full, even though the two clubs that were there were the two top clubs of last season. Also they are both local clubs to Wembley, as both of the clubs are based in London. 

Saturday 19 August 2017

Day 1504

Day 1504;

20.46 was my BMI today which was up by point nil/naught/zero two.

Breakfast: cereal, apple and banana.
Lunch: cheesy topped half roll, I have forgot whatever I had with it but I remember that I had some grapes (green, purple and black).
Dinner: chicken, carrots, peas, potatoes.
Drinks: 1 300ml mug of milk, 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice and 1 bottle of non alcoholic cider (I think it was something like lemon flavoured).

Then today I did another little exercise bike cycle in the gym early on, then later on we went on a 2.5 mile cycle around a small bit of the town that I live in. In the meantime I don't know what I did minus eating my lunch.

The workmen arrived today, Manchester United won again, by a score of 0-4. But Arsenal lost today against Stoke, so you play one week against a team that that has actually won the league more recently than you but then you were play your next game and you lose a game which would probably be another 0-4 match for Manchester United, or a target game for that score.

Friday 18 August 2017

Day 1503

Day 1503;

20.64 or something like that, anyway I had a lazy day what a difference a day makes, as yesterday when I was to do my body test I only had to do less than 100 steps to make it up to my daily goal of, 10000, so I made sure to cover the steps necessary to reach my goal, of which I did. But thanks to my lax attitude for the last 24 hours i had only done just over 200 steps for today.

Breakfast: cereal, banana and apple.
Lunch: cheesy topped roll with cheese, Quavers and something I've forgotten.
Dinner: fish + chips and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: 1 300ml mug of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

So today was a disappointing day for me as the most exercise I got today was in me flying a kite, which was fun but we went to the seaside to play with it. Which I am thinking good we can cycle over to the coast, but no we had to use the car which isn't too good for my head, just as going anywhere in the car isn't very good for my head. What happens to my head is similar to what happens to my head on boats, or as close as I can remember at least.

Thursday 17 August 2017

Day 1502

Day 1502;

Breakfast: cereal.
Lunch: sausages in Yorkshire pudding, carrots, potatoes, Fry's Turkish delight and strawberries + cream.
Dinner: cheesy topped bread roll filled with ham, porkpie, cookie and something else.
Drinks: 1 300ml mug of fruit juice and water, 1 300ml mug of milk, 1 300ml mug of fruit juice and 1 300ml mugs of fruit squash.

Today I have gone to the gym, I was supposed to be on the bike for an hour, but Tini cut it short, as I had been on it for just over 9 minutes when I accidentally hit the stop button and by the time that I had reset it up I started it off at level 40, for 1 minute, then it was back to the usual routine for the remaining 50 minutes of the cycle which included 4 more of the 10 minute sections, 4 minutes at level 10, 3 minutes at level 20, 2 minutes at level 30 before finally going up to level 40 for the final minute. Then a 10 minute cool down, but Tini was tapping her wrist as I had just done my final 4 minute cycle at level 10so I had got into my final 3 minutes at level 20, so I continued on my cycle, and I had only got to partway through the fourth minute of my cool down before Tini was unattaching my hand from the machine.

So Tini and Mich were talking about the two of them going somewhere the two of them I think it included some fancy dress element also, but it is an over night thing and Allergy's working on that night or something, so they're wanting to ship me off to Emu's. Just as I'll need feeding a meal, but I said that Tini could simply just teach me how to cook, again all I will need is to set up a load of reminders with instructions like remove food from oven, but then Tini has said that my hand is too dogey basically. Which I could get around by using some adjustments or whatever the things that help cripples out in the kitchen.

I know that they may cost a bit of money but didn't I get that considerable amount from GM and GD, the other day?

Wednesday 16 August 2017

Day 1501

Day 1501;

20.31 so it was up on yesterdays which could have been as I went to the gym today and I spent time on the arm weights, and the lateral trainer, of which in the 19th minute, as I only had 1 minute to go I started attempting to go flat out for the last minute, apparently I managed to max out at 20MET's but then I failed by approximately 30 seconds to keep up with my pace.

Breakfast: cereal, banana and apple.
Lunch: ham in a bread roll with cheese on top, porkpie and Aero mint mousse.
Dinner: I've forgotten the meat, carrots, peas, potatoes and strawberries in cream.
Drinks: 4 300ml mug of fruit juice, 1 300ml mug of milk and 1 100ml mug of fruit juice.

Now today I have got up, I have eaten my breakfast, brushed my teeth, got myself changed into my gym get up, I went to the gym then I got back from the gym and I had a shower before I ate my lunch. Then once I had eaten my lunch I've forgotten what I did immediately after lunch but I'm guessing that it may have had something to do with the blind woman that came around to look at Emu's wedding photos that we have just received from Emu.  ThenI'm thinking that I also got to some more of playing Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, which was a finally moment as I have been meaning to play on it for some time now, in fact however long since we completed the Prudential Ride London but I have been too busy, getting myself fitter to play. Fitness is like a drug to me at least. You get one bit of it and if you like it you keep coming back for more, what happened to me with fitness 

Blind woman that came around to see? From what Tini has told me about her, is that she is blind but she can see big discrepancies in colours, so I wondered if she wanted a go on the tandem with me, as it would be interesting, as it could be the bind√leading the blind (well mostly when I'm riding).and she was saying that she'd need her husband to ride his motor bike out front with his high vis jacket on so she could know where to go, 2 police escorts either side and then Tini following on a moped, just to make it safe, she said that she'd be up for it. That was after she'd been saying that I looked smart inn the suit that I wore to the wedding, which probably would have had me very confused, as how does she know? she's blind.

Tuesday 15 August 2017

Day 1500

Day 1500;

20.24 was my BMI for today I had gone up a pound, it could be that I am finally gaining muscle, but more likely it's the fish finger curry.

Breakfast: cereal.
Lunch: Swiss baked eggs, bread + butter, banana and apple.
Dinner:fish finger curry, croquet potatoes and tiramisu.
Drinks: 2 300ml mug of fruit juice, 1 300ml mug of milk, 1 300ml mug of fruit squash, 150ml mug of pear NA cider, 1 300ml mug of mixed fruits of NA cider and 1 150ml mug of mixed fruits NA cider.
The NA before cider means nonalcoholic not that it's not applicable.

Today the fruit squash I had was especially foul, it may have been as it had already been carted something like 40.2 miles around the county, earlier today. As we had been on Mich's tandem to go to a little coffee shop, but I don't drink coffee for a start, and I didn't know where we were going until we arrived at the coffee shop otherwise I may have been able to get my friend who lives out there to visit the place sp I could have had a little meet up with my friend around the time that I was there.

But then after we had returned from our cycle Mich had some new cycling shoes to try out, they work extremely well but the thing with them is that not with me. As they work in sticking Mich's/my feet to the peddles, they're easy enough to get your feet out of also. But the thing that doesn't work with them is the fact that Mich told me not to get my feet detach the shoes when we stated that ride around the housing estate, as I couldn't get my feet back attached to the bike, so I was just peddling away it was working extremely well, even Mich was admitting that it was the best idea of his, regarding the bike- as he was saying that he had nothing to do but sit there and steer, and we were traveling quicker than ever, or something like that, but the problem came when we stopped and I was still heeding Mich's instructions from before the ride, which were don't remove your feet from the peddles so I didn't and now I'm realising that was a mistake, as what happened was the bike stopped and Mich was getting off of the bike. What happens to a stationary bike? It falls over, and the bike did fall over with me strapped to it, but for future reference when the bike stops untrack your feet from the peddles and put them onto the floor.

Monday 14 August 2017

Day 1499

Day 1499;

20.15 was my BMI today it was saying that my weight was something like 10 stone 9 or 9 stone 10, I'm unsure of which, the numbers get muddled up in my head.

Breakfast: cereal and banana.
Lunch: cheese sandwich, fruit cake bar and Aero mint mousse.
Dinner: chicken, macaroni cheese, purple grapes, strawberries, blueberries and raspberries.
Drinks: 1 300ml mug of milk and 3 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

Today I have gone downstairs to eat my breakfast before going back upstairs in order to get myself dressed and I have watched a load of stuff on the internet, before I went back downstairs for lunch but I cannot remember if i did brush my teeth after eating my breakfast, but I think I have done, there's only one way to be sure. It is by brushing my teeth again after I have eaten my lunch.

Now I have just eaten my lunch so I still have my pots to clear away after, but I'm going to brush my teeth and get ready for the gym before that. Now I had brushed my teeth and I had been getting changed into my gym stuff when Tini messaged me telling me that she'd arrive soon so I had to get myself ready for the gym immediately which meant that I had no time to get my pots cleaned up. But never worry when Tini arrived home she just dumped them all in the washing up bowl which isn't a way to get them clean unless you use Tini's logic. Anyway I just had to get my gloves on before heading off to the gym, so I did and we did go the gym. I did a 50 minute cycle before a 10 minute cool down. Next week tin has stated that I'm going to be doing a 55 minute cycle, which should mean an 11 minute cool down. I'm excited.

My gym instructor told Tini that I needed to eat a lot of protein, like chicken and pasta, in order to build up the strength in my legs. But then here was me, myself and I thinking I know I only managed to lift 125kg on the leg press machine the other day, but it's never been my legs that I've had a problem with, which maybe  as I was demonstrating back when they had to lock me into those wheelchairs otherwise I'd run away from them back in rehab.

Sunday 13 August 2017

Day 1498

Day 1487;

Today I lost a bit more weight, so my BMI was down by point zero three to 20.38.

Breakfast:  cereal, banana and apple.
Lunch: cheese sandwich and something.
Dinner: chicken, carrots, peas, potato and tiramisu.
Drinks: 1 300ml mug of milk, 1 300ml mug of fruit squash and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

On my row today I have done 172 strokes burnt 554 calories covered 2.6km within 10 minutes or there about. But I know that I did that in the afternoon of today as after I had done my row, I started to watch Deadpool again, it's still an excellent film. Probably my favourite superhero film, I know it's not a superhero film exactly, but it has got 2 superheroes in, which aren't the main focus of this film but they were there to to be used as jokes as well as having a side but crucial role to play in the film.

But there was at least 2 stoppages within my viewing of Deadpool, today, the first was when I went to eat my dinner and the second was when I went to do my weigh in. But Deadpool is a great film you should really get to watch it, if you're old enough that is. 

Now I forgot to put into this post a short rundown of the scores in the Premier League, and the goals don't seem to have dried up as their was 6 goals scored today in 2 matches. The first was a 0-2 game between Newcastle United and Tottenham Hotspur, meanwhile the second was a 4-0 thumping by Manchester United on West Ham United, which is enough to put Manchester United into top spot of the Premier League after all of the teams have played one match. 

Saturday 12 August 2017

Day 1497

Day 1497;

BMI for today was 20.41 again, and I had a relatively lazy day today, with the extent of my exercise done today will probably be the little bit of walking that I did and the 11 or so many minutes I did on the rower.

Breakfast: cereal, banana and apple.
Lunch: burger and chips.
Dinner: cheese sandwich (while bread) and 1 Aero mint mousse.
Drinks: 1 300ml mug of milk and 3 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

As the premier league started yesterday with the fantastic 7 goal extravaganza which saw Arsenal steal the 3 points away from Leicester City, on the second day of the season even though there hasn't been as many goals in a single game there has been close, with an epic 6 goal game coming up in Watford vs Liverpool the final score was 3-3 and then half time humiliation for the previous years champions as they were down by 3 goals at half time but they managed to get 2 goals in the second half to make it Chelsea 2-3 Burnley, that score line has 5 goals to make it the second highest scoring game of the day, in the Premier League of the day (and 3rd of the year so far). So it has almost been the complete opening weekend of the Premier League just 2 more games to be played, and does anyone think that the 7 goals in 1 game will be beaten, by either of the games that are to be played tomorrow? Of which the games are Newcastle United vs Tottenham Hotspur and Manchester United vs West Ham United.

Now I'm going to try a row on my row today I got up to 12:05, so that should mean that I have done an about 11:45 minute row today on the rower I don't know any of the other stuff that I got today on the rower as it was dark in the area of the house that the rower is in, and I know that I probably should have looked earlier/when I turned the light on, but I didn't, now I know that I could turn the light back on, but I'm not going to as I just don't care that much.

But today I went to watch the football team that I support actually play a game, goalless in the first half, but the team that I was there to support had the best chances of the half, I even thought I saw one of the opposing team hand the ball just, outside of the penalty area, well the incident in question happened when a player on the team that I was supporting kicked the football towards the goal, then an opposing player that was on his way to the player that kicked the ball his back leg was in the penalty area but his arm and hand was outside of the are when the ball struck his hand which took it away from it's intended destination, but the referee didn't notice any foul play so I must have been mistaken. But the second half started, the team that I support was terrible until they went a goal behind then they started playing. Pity that it takes the other team to score before they start actually trying to win it, as they managed to get a goal back before full time. So the end result was 1-1.

Friday 11 August 2017

Day 1496

Day 1496;

20.54 was my BMI today so it was another improvement, but it doesn't feel that way.

Breakfast: cereal, banana and apple.
Lunch: I think it was a ham sandwich but other than that I can't remember.
Dinner: ham, eggs, chips and tiramisu.
Drinks: 1 300ml mug of milk and 3 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

Today I attempted my new cycling routine for on the cycling machine, it's a little routine which takes 10 minutes to go through it once, as in you start off at resistance level 10 for 4 minutes, then you go up to level 20 for 3 minutes, then up to 30 for 2 minutes before finally going for the final 1 minute at level 40, and I just have to repeat that simple little sequence for however many 10 minutes I am doing my cycle on the machine. Which for today was 3 times with a 6 minute level 10 cool down at the end, but I should be on having 5 attempts at it but Tini was in a bit of a rush today so those were the breaks on the exercise bike for today. But I noticed some concerning results on my fit meter after I had loaded it onto my Wii this evening, it showed me that after I had done the first 10 minutes I had slowed down and was only getting back up to speed around the 10 minute mark for each one after. I should really sort my act out, I want to be seeing my fit meter have me in the red from start to finish for the next ride I do on the exercise bike.

Congratulations to Arsenal for managing to come from behind on 2 separate occasions in their first league match of the season to beat Leicester City 4-3, as they initially scored in the first 90 seconds of the match, so I was thinking that was it the game was over. But then Leicester scored a goal before the end of the fifth minute so I was thinking that they could have a game on there, then before halftime the score was 1-2 Leicester had taken the lead, but then in added time onto the end of the first half Arsenal managed to get an equaliser, the score was 2-2 at half time. Second half stated, Leicester City drew first blood by getting their noses ahead the score was 2-3, then it was in 2 of the remaining minutes of the game when Arsenal scored twice to crush Leicester City's hopes of starting the new season with a win, or even a point, as Arsenal steal all 3 of the points. But one of the commentators said that one of the Arsenal goals was because of a deliberate handball, but the referee didn't catch on.

Thursday 10 August 2017

Day 1495

Day 1495;

Today my BMI was up to 20.41, which is better than it has been for the last few, weeks or days, I cannot remember. Much like my lunch.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, black grapes and apple.
Lunch: as inferred above I have forgotten.
Dinner: chicken pie, carrots, potatoes, apple pie, rum and raisin ice cream and finally some Vianetta.
Drinks: 1 300ml mug of milk, 1 300ml mug of fruit squash, 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice and 1 300ml mug of fruit juice with water.

Today I have been out on a little cycle, which was after I had completed a little row on the rower. The row itself was only 20 minutes in length, I'm wondering how I'd fare on a real row boat, with me actually rowing it? My right arm is a bit of a problem, so I may have to row one of the boats that you have to share the rowing duty with another, you know like on those big Viking longboats how they land the boat, on the beach of the land that they're conquering. They have the Viking warriors lined up on either side of the deck heaving the oars in and out of the water, until they get far enough out at sea before they erect the sails. Or is that just in my mind that those circumstances happened?

Anyway on the cycle today we managed to average 12mph exactly for the first 5 miles then the next 5 we were slightly behind pace, but then for the 3rd 5 we managed to get it quite a bit quicker and then we went homeward. Today 

Wednesday 9 August 2017

Day 1494

Day 1494;

Today my BMI was 20.24, and my gym instructor, who was one year out on getting my age correct when he was asking another about how much I should be able to lift on the leg crunch weight machine thing last week, has just informed me that he's had some communication with a local cycling club, in his attempt to get me into the London to Paris cycle, which I want to do. As it's my next challenge according to the little pamphlet thing which came with the Prudential Ride London, which I have just done.

Breakfast: cereal, purple grapes, strawberries, blueberries and raspberries.
Lunch: I can't remember what I had for main course, purple grapes, strawberries, blueberries, raspberries and a doughnut.
Dinner: tomato pasta, bread and something that I forgot.
Drinks: 1 300ml mugs of milk and 3 300ml mugs of fruit juice.
Snack: 1 doughnut.

So today I have been dragged out of the place of my abode to go to the shops, I was only told that I was going to look at some of the new iPads, as I'm unsure if I'd informed you or not that I'd broken my old one, I'm unsure as it may have effected me badly, in the past, still effects me a bit I think it may have something to do with the fact that me myself or I, actually broke a device which helps me to live, it's literally a life line to me. But I hadn't been told was that we were going out to collect an iPad for me, which may have been as I would have objected to the cost, as a new iPad does cost a fair bit of money which is worth more than me, but you could probably just say that a rock no a tacky little beach variety pebble is worth more than I, I wouldn't object you could probably find more things that you would actually like to do with it also, rather than with me.

Now as I had been to one shop to get that I was taken to another shop which was where I got myself some new shoes, so I just keep getting dragged further into debt today, don't I.

Then we went to the gym, which was where I started this blog post at, as I went to see my personal trainer today at no additional cost to the gym membership, but today I have devised myself a new training routine for the bike but let's not be having that until I actually get to have a go at it which I didn't today. Well what my personal trainer has done is he has got into contact with some of his contacts in a local cycling club and what he has said that he has said to it is that if they have one person that is interested in riding a tandem long distances, get into contact with me, basically.

Then after that I cannot remember what I have done today.

Tuesday 8 August 2017

Day 1493

Day 1493;

20.18 was my BMI for today,

Breakfast: cereal, banana and purple grapes.
Lunch: forgotten what I ate.
Dinner: macaroni cheese, fish fingers, purple grapes, strawberries, raspberries and blueberries.
Drinks: 1 300ml mug of milk and 4 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

What have I done today? I'm unsure of what I have done for the majority of today but I know that I have been doing some more of my bike hill training at the gym today and I've worked out where I was mucking up, which had me doing more of 4 minutes at the end on level 40 instead of one and a quarter minutes, before doing my 9 minutes cool down. But Tuesday afternoons at least while there's no school on, which maybe the reason why it has rained quite a bit today, I have only seen 3 women in the gym today the rest of us were all men. Now it could be that man come  out to the gym to get away from the children, that are home as school finished something like a week ago, which could means that the women are left at home to stop the children from burning there homes down.

Both are important, but the woman's job is more, if you asked me, which you didn't, so I should probably shut-up (or stop typing) now.

Monday 7 August 2017

Day 1492

Day 1492;

20.21 was my BMI for today, which in balance I could say that it's probably expected as I went to the gym this morning and I ate a Chinese meal for dinner.

Breakfast: cereal, strawberries and banana.
Lunch: ham sandwich, black grapes and something.
Dinner: chicken balls, chips and sweet and sour sauce.
Drinks: 1 300ml mugs of milk, 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice and 1 300ml mug of fruit squash.

This morning I have gone to the gym, it was a 45 minute work out with a 9 minute cool-down, added onto the end. So I was on the exercise bike for 54 minutes, today, as I started off by doing 10 minutes at level 10, then I doubled the level but I halved the time so it was 5 minutes at level 20, then after 5 at 20 I did 2 minutes 30 seconds at level 30, next up it was level 40/the maximum level for the machine I was only supposed to do it for 45 seconds but I mucked up slightly on it and I did 1 minute, so let's have a recap 10 + 5 + 2.5 + 1 which makes 17.5 minutes spent, next up I did 2 minutes 30 seconds on 30, 5 on 20 and then 10 on level 10, which got me to minute 36, for the next 5 minutes I spent on level 20, 41 minutes then next up level 30 for 2.5 minutes so by now I was at 43.5 so for the next 1.5 minute I maxed out with the machine at level 40. Before sinking the level down to 10 for the last 9 minutes.

When I'm dead I really hope tha someone, or something, gets to tuck into this carcass. as I have put way too much effort into it to have it wasted. 

Sunday 6 August 2017

Day 1491

Day 1491;

20.05 was my BMI for today, which may have been as I went out on a little (well I think it was 27.something mile cycle.

Breakfast: cereal, apple and banana.
Lunch: forgotten.
Dinner: beef (I think), carrots, peas, potatoes and something else but I have forgot what it was now.
Drinks: 1 300ml mug of milk and 3 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

Locally, to where I live they have got a little cycling tour, which is split up into 3, 1 tiny cycle only something like 30miles which we could have done this afternoon within 3 hours, the second cycle was something like 60miles which is a bit more respectful then the third is about 120miles long and Mich has already ruled that cycle out. But I am still looking for someone to steer the tandem from London to Paris for me, I will try to make sure that you aren't having to do much to the peddles, so you just have to concentrate on the steering. This afternoon we also went on a small cycle, as I have already stated in this blogpost, we set an average speed of 13.5mph today.

Also today, I think that I have watched some more of a Spider-Man cartoon, wasn't Gwen Stacy in it towards the beginning? But now she's been replaced by Mary Jane, but the Green Goblin has only just appeared so she couldn't have gone too soon as her afair with Norman Osborn/Green Goblin still hasn't happened.

Saturday 5 August 2017

Day 1490

Day 1490;

20.47 so I dropped dow by point two today, which I find shocking, as shouldn't my BMI be going up as I have done basically naught, energetic at least.

Breakfast: cereal, banana and apple.
Lunch: I think I have had some sandwich but I have forgotten the rest.
Dinner: chicken, peas, potato and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: 1 300ml mug of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

Ok, now if you've read the previous message then you should know that I have been lazy today. The furthest I have walked is to the kitchen, to eat my meals which honestly isn't that far. So I should be getting fat in no time.

Friday 4 August 2017

Day 1489

Day 1489;

20.67 which was up from yesterdays as yesterdays was 20.64.

Breakfast: cereal, banana and apple.
Lunch: all day English breakfast sandwich (white bread).
Dinner: chicken, chips and peas.
Drinks: 1 300ml mug of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

Now today II think I have gone out on a small cycle, or was that yesterday? Yes it was yesterday, but in excursuses today I have 120 press ups and 20 sit-ups. So all in all a disapointing day,

Now I wanted to know I had done anything today, alas no I can't remember.

Thursday 3 August 2017

Day 1488

Day 1488;;

I'm thinking that my BMI for today was 20,86 which may have been 20,68 but it could have been anything that's higher than yesterdays result but still in the 20's.

Breakfast: cereal.
Lunch: coronation chicken sandwich, banana and something.
Dinner: pie, peas, carrots, potatoes and tiramisu.
Drinks: 1 300ml mug of milk, 1 300ml mug of fruit squash and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

Today I have had my friend around, and then I have been out on my tandem (which is the [original] tandem before Mich got himself one for the ride at the end of last month),  So my tandem is the off road tandem, but it has a nasty habit of breaking meanwhile Mich's tandem is one for only use on roads, and therefore pavements.

I hate me sometimes... I mean I hate me all the time but some times more than others.

Wednesday 2 August 2017

Day 1487

Day 1487;

BMI for this day was something like 20.34 for today, which is down a bit on the last result.

Breakfast: cereal, banana and apple.
Lunch:  sausage roll and ham sandwich.
Dinner: tomato pasta, cheese and a chocolate eclair.
Drinks: 1 300ml mug of milk and 3 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

What if homo bovine was the dominant species on this planet? 
Then males of our species would probably be driven away to the slaughtered houses to fill up McDonald's burgers and the females would be impregnated and then milked.
I'm fine with that, especially if we hadn't developed our brains to the current level. But even if they had it'd just be the circle of life in action.
We eat the grass,
We get bigger,
Our masters,the homo bovine, eat us,
I know it may not seem fair to you, but if I have had a brilliant life up until that point, or I in part at lest owe it to the farmer that's kept me safe and fed all of the years of my life prior to the point of my execution, even if I have had a terrible life I'd be glad to get it over with. It's kind of like the reason that Tini was late for collecting me from the gym earlier today, which was as an old man had driven into the car next to Tini's car in the super market car park, and my immediate thought was that's good he didn't drive into yours. 

Which could be seen as a pitiful thought as what would your immediate thought be? Would it be for the wellbeing of the drivers involved in the incident, it probably should shouldn't it? But not mine.

Well as you could tell from the previous little interlude into my head, that I did go to the gym today, I went for a more or less usual gym session but instead of ending it on the exercise bike I finished it n a leg weight machine but I could only lift 125kg on the leg weight machine, which is apparently good for my age as the man in the gym told my PT that I should be lifting from about 95-105, apparently. But today I lifted from approximately 85 to 125, but I tried lifting 135 but it wouldn't budge.

I need to get stronger in my legs once more. Why don't I try skating again, that is ab excellent way to get more strength in your legs. 

But my PT was proud of what I had achieved the other day on the bike ride, apparently, but I didn't seem to be able to perceive an emotion from him except him being pleased for me. Then again I don't have a very good barometer when it comes to emotions. 

Then later on this evening I did my body test, I drank another drink, went to the loo, washed my hands and I brushed my teeth. Now I have been in my pyjamas for the most of the day to save on washing my clothes as I have only been out once today, and that was to the gym, but when I get back home from the gym I have to have a shower then I got into my pyjamas after my shower as I wasn't planning on going out for the rest of the day.

Tuesday 1 August 2017

Day 1486

Day 1486;

My BMI was up again today I think to 20.55 this time thought. 

Breakfast: cereal, banana and apple.
Lunch:  I've forgotten.
Dinner: chicken balls and chips.
Drinks: 1 300ml mugs of milk, 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice and 1 300ml mug of water.

Leith and Box hills were disappointing yesterday as I had thought they were supposed to be challenges, all you have to do for them both is put your bike in ridiculously low gears and then you just have to peddle your little heart out, or my black void, as that was what I did the day before yesterday, and our tandem actually overtook people on the climbs. But then there was people that shot up the hills like rockets along side of us but there was this man, that I have no idea of who he was, but he cycled up to us after we'd finished a hill, I'm thinking it was on a more flat piece of road, said to Mich you two just over took me on that hill. Which must have been something that's unheard of, as a tandem with not just one old bloke but two on it, overtaking a man on a normal bike up a hill. But it was easy as all I had to do on the back was just keep peddling I didn't have to worry about things that got in the way, I could have just sat back and enjoyed the ride if I could see while I was on it, that is. I can see the challenge that would be with going up it at a quicker speed, in higher gears, but no I went up it as fast as I could.

April was apparently the time that we found out about the cycle ride. So we had April, May, June and July in order to get ourselves fit for the ride. That was after getting the a tandem bike in December last year. so 8 months in total but the last 4 of them more intensive which was all leading up to that one day, but the next my next challenge is 1 of 500km over 4 days, so that is 125km per day, and I've got 14 months to prepare for the challenge, as it is happening in September of 2018. But we could redo the current challenge to see if we can improve our time next year. 

Now it was today that I completed level (chapter/episode) 4 on Resident Evil: Revelations. I think that it was today that Allergy excelled GM's expectations on her with a bonus on the result, in her university degree thingy, I think, which wasn't hard to do from Allergy's perspective as her just getting into university exceeded GM's expectations of her, according to Allergy at least. 

But there is another thing that Prudential Ride London want me to do, which is actually 2 things, as they wold like me to become a Classic or Classique or something similar, which is basically a triathlon but not in one sitting thing, as it is set up so I have done the cycle so I should now have to do a big swim and then the marathon, but I have no idea of the order that they have to be done in if there is even any order that they should have to be done in. But I know that Emu has already done the Marathon, so I wonder if her and C would like to borrow the tandem to have a go at the cycle ride, then she'll just need to get the swim done in order to become a classic, isn't a classic a type of chocolate bar?