Wednesday 22 March 2017

Day 1364

Day 1364;

21.42 was my BMI for to night, another dissapointment, which may have been as it was the first time since Sunday that I didn't manage to reach my calorie target, but yesterday I did and it was better but not by much.

Breakfast: cereal, banana and purple grapes.
Lunch: ham sandwich (white bread with seeds) and Bakewell slice.
Dinner: gammon, pineapple, carrots, potatoe and layer of joy.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

But today on Breath of the Wild I have continued on my quest to get all 120 shrines completed but I still have quite a way to go before I'm even half way there, so Mrs May I think you'll have won the race, because she has set the date for her triggering article 50, to March 29th then I think the EU has 48 hours/2 days to discuss what to do about Britain leaving the party, but I don't know if that means the UK's independence day will be on 29th or the 31st of March?

Today I have been on Breath of the Wild and I have met back with my bird friend, named Kass, as he is singing songs about Link, 17 of 24 is where my Cache lies. what is this Cache? I'm supposing it's the Master Sword, as that was what the weird person that wants the Legendary Hero to go and visit her was on about when her quest was called something like the hero's cache. But I have completed the three giants shrine quest today it destroyed my Guardians axe.

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