Wednesday 8 March 2017

Day 1350

Day 1350;

21.68 again second day in a row.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, strawberries and apple.
Lunch: cheese and ham sandwich and Bakewell slice.
Dinner: chicken pie, peas, carrots, croquet potatoes and ...
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300 ml mugs of fruit juice.

What is your problem with mr Donny Trump America, and everyone that protests him? He is the President of the USA it's not like he's some lowlife crooked convicted pedophile, as far as I know he hasn't been convicted for no offences of that nature. else wise why would he be president of the USA? Wouldn't people have gone out and voted in their millions fore who they wanted to become the president instead of him:? I'm meaning the disaffected people with politics that just don't vote wouldn't it have been better if they had all gone outside of there homes on polling night and crossed/ticked the boxes for the people that they wanted to become the president be they Trump, Hillary or a third party, as before the election of donny Trump I was getting hopeful that this term maybe the year for the third  parties to really make an impact, seeing as the two major contestants were both hated. By the way I used to think that all Americans had personalities like Donny Trump, I wouldn't call you liars per se, i would probably say that he's got a classic American trait, one that has been lost on the current  generation of plastic princesses which is how I'd probably describe the current load of both from America. Protesting against someone just because... So I have a little character of how Americans from before tithe accident, and it is :

1. Over conf/ident
2. A bit stupid
3. Funny

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