Friday 3 March 2017

Day 1345

Day 1345;

21.62 again as I apparently got that number yesterday as well.

Breakfast; cereal and banana.
Lunch: cheese toastie.
Dinner: chicken, beef burger, chips and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

This morning I was looking through an old sketch book of mine and it had literally a couple of interesting drawings of mine that I had done many yeas ago, but I drew each of them something like 3 times a piece in the same sketch book. the first showed a man in a straight jacket (a lunatic) inside of someones head of which I'm currently believing it was my head which may explain the reason to why on one of the pictures I have another it with the lyrics if a Pink Floyd song which goes by the name of Brain Damage, but If i'm correct and I did do it before I got brain damage could that mean that I have had some very minuscule future sight issues in my past? And there was me drawing about myself back then before myself and the lunatic became of one mind, I mean now.

Then on another few pages there is the second picture and its of a boy who has his head facing down over a well or a pond and he's crying the tear(s) are falling down from his nose into the water beneath his head. But I can't remember any of the actions that lead to that picture either but It gives me a feeling or sadness.

Now today in fitness I know I did my 500 strokes on the rower But then I only did one set of 10 press-ups, 10 sit-ups, 10 crunches, 10 squats and 10 lunges, where did that come from and where where my SS? I don't know but I can remember doing them while I was waiting for Breath of the Wild todo something on my new Switch that I got this morning,

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