Friday 17 March 2017

Day 1359

Day 1359;

21.46 I think was my new BMI anyway it was an improvement on yesterday's diabolical result. But I did basically nothing again today, even though I should have gone to the gym but I hadn't finished my lunch by the time that she arrived to take me.

Breakfast: cereal, green grapes and banana.
Lunch: cheese sandwich (white bread) and battenburg.
Dinner: chicken nuggets, peas, chips and chocolate cheesecake.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

Now today I have been doing something, I think, but I cannot remember what it was that I diid this morning, I can only remember what I have been doing since lunch as that was simple as I have been playing on my Switch, some more of Breath of the Wild, that breath taking game I am just setting out to collect as many spirit orbs as possible before I next go up against that temple boss again as I am thinking that I should need at least a couple more heart containers before I challenge it next.

As stated above I haven't done much in exercise today, or pretty much anything other than play on Breath if the Wild, Nicola Sturgeon can you just shut up about your referendum we all (well at least we all should) that your going to get a second shot at your independence but we have to get out of the EU before, which should work better for you as if you'd voted to leave the UK last time while we are still members of the EU then you'd still be having to put in place article 50 which leaves you with 2 more years of being "controlled" by Westminster. 

Now sorry about that it was just that absurd woman was talking on the radio and Mrs May was basically doing an impression of me from my last type about politics, minus the conspiracy type, as Mrs May doesn't want to give her any ideas,

But today I also got a visit from some of the Jehova's whitenesses I tried my hardest to not laugh at them as they handed there booklet over to me before scampering away, now the Jehova's could have known that I couldn't speak to them in response so that could be the reason of their promt visit, as I thought I recognised them, or it could ha e been wearing a t-shirt which said Voodoo six on the front which they may have oozed at dor a second before skadadaling.  

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