Friday 31 March 2017

Day 1373

Day 1373;

21.62, I'm moving in tte correct direction but still not enough.

Breakfast: cereal, apple, banana, pear and green grapes.
Lunch: sausage roll, tinned spaghetti with mini sausages and something that I have forgotten about.
Dinner: margarita pizza, garlic bread and sponge cake.
Drinks: 1 300ml mug of mlk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

So in the morning (as in before I went to sleep so the time was about 1 maybe 2am) today I did 20 press-ups. then I did 220 strokes on the rower as I was waiting, as I was waiting for Tini, but as it turns out she didn't send me the message today.

Then I got up and I went on a cycle to another town/village which is close by it was apparently a 20 mile cycle and we were out there cycling for approximately 1 hour 50 minutes, as we had cycled the first half in 55 minutes and then the second half of the cycle Mich said that we'd flown back so I'm taking that to mean that we traveled back at a good pace. But today it was a cycle ride without the annoying car journey, which isn't just a bonus for me, as no annoying car journey.

The cycle ride I went on today was another one of those rides on the tandem, which had Mich steering and me on the back just peddling away, but when Mich returned home after going on our little cycle, he attempted to go on the plain old bike, I didn't see this but apparently he found it trickier as, now this is taken from his words (I think), he actually had to peddle.

Now today I've been thinking that I might have needded to get a son a while back now why don't you say something like 15 years ago, then maybe I'd be able to have him fide with me on the tandem, why only a son? It could be that all of the women in my family are all short and the males on both sides of the family are tall except maybe my GP's.

Thursday 30 March 2017

Day 1372

Day 1372:

21.45 which was point 07 below yesterdays and I had been on another cycle in the gym today, so what is that telling me? Is it telling me that cycles in the gym are good for weight loss?

Breakfast: cereal, green grapes and banana.
Lunch: ham sandwich and something else.
Dinner: pasta,  cheese and tiramisu.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

Now today on Breath of the Wild I got a load of the Kokrok's, so by now I should be up to about  45 Korok's collected. But the last time I saw Hetsu, I think that was his name, he told me that he was going back to his home because I'd reminded him somehow and then I found the lost woods and then I got lost in them, so next up I started attempting some more of the side quests, and I have even found my way back to Eventide island, but this time I flew my way to the island, no need for the raft and the Korok leaf.

Today I saw the below YouTube video.

It's such a breath of fresh air to have these people speak my mind for me, on thee topic of racism and other forms of bigotry. As, just in case you missed the memo, I cannot speak; in real life.

But what is real life? Is it an illusion of which this blog is just one little part of your conscience all of your dailly actions are just virtual simulations of something which is happening in another reality, how do we know that our decisions are really our decisions as you could have something programmed into you qhich would say that the nonsense that this Savage is spewing is just that nonsense,and you should really shut this page down NOW.



What you haven't shut the page down, how intriguing, does your personal programming work? As if you've got this far down the page I'm thinking that the men In white coats should probably be knocking at least on the front door of your home, right about now.

Wednesday 29 March 2017

Day 1371

Day 1371;

It improved today 21.52 or something like that. And I did a full work out session in the gym today, bya full work-ut I don't mean that I went on all of the equipment in the gym today, I mean I worked on my arms and legs today in the gym.

Breakfast: cereal and banana.
Lunch: canned spaghetti with mini sausages on toast and a Belgium bun.
Dinner: steak pie, carrots, potato things and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

Now today I have been to the gym, it was the usual session that I do, which starts up on the lateral trainer and ends up on the excersise bike. Which also included 2 sets on the pectoral fly machine, forwards and backwards and a set on each of the 4 arm weights machines.

Today I also took down the beast that had overrun the divine beast of the Rito, I did it using a lot of bomb arrows and 1 ice arrow, then I teleported back to the elephant and I took out the calamity of Ganon's creation using similar technique, but now what was I typing yesterday? I can use the Rito's clothing range to sale Mount Eldin? was I high or something when I typed that? I'll cook like a jacket potato If I wear that set of clothes up there.

Tuesday 28 March 2017

Day 1370

Day 1370;

21.38, I think, I know it had decreased since yesterday, but all I can state about it is that today I have gone on a 30 minute cycle on the exercise bike which was my first one of those in a while.

Breakfast: cereal, apple and banana.
Lunch: ham sandwich and slices of chocolate cake.
Dinner: spaghetti, cheese and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

At athletics yesterday it was interesting as I think that out of the coaches that are supposed to turn up only 1 axtually did, and it was Mr B, but then there was also the other coach there as well but she was the one that fell pregnant and she had her child with her this week, so it was a 1 man show this week of which was unusual as it was usually a 1 woman show before she got herself pregnant, with another man doing some throwing  stuff with a young man. But then since she got pregnant she's been off caring for her child, the other man has been taking the athletics club as Mr B has been off doing... I don't know what he has been doing. But there has been another woman that was there to replace the pregnant one, who I don't think was there this week. Anyway the pregnant one has now had the child, but I got myself confused when I saw her face, as I was certain that I knew her from somewhere but I could not put a name to her face, and I had no idea of where I knew her from, at the start at least, but now I remember.

Who knows? Not me. I never lost control. You're face to face, With the man who sold the world.

The man who sold the world sounds a bit like that older doctor who plot which the Daleks shifted the earth to another set of co-ordinates throughout the time space nexus, at least i think that was what they were talking about a long, long time ago.

Now today I have Got to the Rito village without clearing out the main boss in the Zora's Domain but now I have got some new clothes to help me out in the Eldin region thanks to me getting sidetracked on another side quest as I am have been on my own side quest which is to travel to all of the towers, and to activate them all so I can get the largest map of Hyrule which is bigger, and more encompassing, than in any of the previous games.

Monday 27 March 2017

Day 1369

Day 1369:

21.45 which was an improvement on yesterday's dissapointment of a result, I have only been to athletics tonight, elsewise the majority of the day I have been playing Breath of the Wild, other than sleeping and eating, ii think they're the 4 things that I have done for the majority of the day.

Breakfast: cereal, apple and banana.
Lunch: macaroni cheese and 2 cakes.
Dinner: ham sandwich and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 3 300ml mugs of fruit juice.
Snacks: 2 cakes and 1 Jaffa cake.

Today I have played on the switch. As I did yesterday, but yesterday I didn't get around to writing about my adventuring yesterday, But yesterday I also managed to get some time in on the Splatoon 2 Global Testfire. But in my adventuring today on Breath of the Wild I have managed to get my total number of shrines completed up to 41 and I have also found another one of those little Kokori blighters.

I don't know what I've got till it's gone....

I don't know what I've got until it's gone, is one of those things that I would like to say is 100% inaccurate but alas but I can only say that's it's slightly accurate. Unless you are meaning it in some convoluted metaphysical kinda way, then you'd most probably be 100% correct.

Sunday 26 March 2017

Day 1368

Day 1368;

21.38 was my BMI for today I think, it may have been so low as I have done some skiing today, at the localist indoor ski centre.

Breakfast: cereal, banana and apple.
Lunch: chicken, sausage, peas, carrots, roasted potatoes and some lemon meringue pie.
Dinner: bread (white bread lightly seeded), butter and a cake.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk, 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice and some squirts from a bottle of Lucozade sport (orange).
Snack: 1 Jaffa cake.

England won their latest qualifier for the world cup, 2-0, but they lost their last friendly match with Germany the other day. Scotland also managed to wrestle out a goal in their tie so they still have a chance of making the world cup. But the south of Ireland only got a draw with the Welsh today which put's the two countries in second and third of the group, meanwhile Northern Ireland has won there game which leaves them at second place in the group.

Saturday 25 March 2017

Day 1367

Day 1367;

21.62 twas an improvement again but it's still not good enough, I was much closer before my little phlegm fit, and before I decided to be lazy for this month, but I might as well scrap it before this month is out.

Breakfast: cereal.
Lunch: cheese sandwich and a cake thing.
Dinner: chicken pie, peas, croquet potatoes and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk, 1 300ml mugs of fruit juice and 1 300ml mug of fruit juice and lemonade.

Now today the boccia team that I'm a member of had another 2 game, I actually played 6 ends, in total, today the first 5, I lost 4, and the team that I was part of won the 5th, then the team also won the 6th end which I had been subbed out for, which ave us a score of 4-2 then the next match was slightly more 1 sided only slightly the score was something like 7-1. then in the final end that I played in as it was a friendly match the team that I was part of 'won the first end in the friendly match, then I didn't pay very much attention to the rest of the friendly match as I had to get going, I had a football match to go and see.

The football match was a great match which gives me another incite into the managers tactics, Which are attack, attack, attack for the first half, to build up a lead then the second half the tactics are to defend defend, defend. I think as it's too tiring to attack for the complete 90 minutes, but this game was a win for the team that I support but it wasn't a clean sheet,. as the opposition team only managed to get 1 goal in the home teams net, but thankfully the full time score was 2-1.

Then I have also mannaged to complete another shrine and some more quests on Breath of the Wild today, but due to the traffic of stuf I have been doing today I haven't managed to fit in any time on the splatoon global testfire thing.