Sunday 26 February 2017

Day 1340

Day 1340;

21.81 was my BMI of the day.

Breakfast: cereal, banana and apple.
Lunch: chicken, sausages in bacon, peas, carrots, potato, raspberry pudding and chocolate pudding.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk 1 300ml mug of fruit juice and Lucozade Sport (orange).

In the six nations today we saw and heard a game that wasn't rugby according to Eddie Jones at least, which England won but only in the second half as they were all etc up to go in by the end of the first half down 5-6 but then the Italian missed the kick it bounced off the post and then one of the  Italian players managed to gather the ball and shepherd it over the touch line to give them a try, which is another 5 points, with the prospect of making it a 7 pointer score (by converting the ball) which they did making the score line 5-10 but in the second half England started up by scoring 2 try's converting 1 which gave them a score of 17 before the Italians managed to get one try back, which made the score 17-15 of which England needed to get at least one more try to secure the bonus point win which they did with a score of 36-15 after Eddie had told them what to do with the Italians at half time.

Now today it has been another final Sunday of a month and I have had 2 hours of skiing today the second hour was the better of the hours as we were going down doing 360's and jumps all 3 of us stacked it at least once during the second hour but during the first when we were just going the slope I stacked it once with Alan at about 3/4 of the way through it, I staked it I don't know why I can't remember It was such a long rime ago. But then my second time of stacking it today happened after we had all been doing 360's and jumps, with the 2 legends Matteo and John, I had just reached the bottom of the slope and my eyes shut and I stacked it, I wasn't even moving at the bottom but my legs just gave way on me I must be getting old or I could just not be fit enough yet to withstand 2 hours of skiing, yet, but it was fun especially the 1 proper 360 that I did it must have been on my penultimate ski down the slope.

Yesterday in fitness I only did 1 of my 10 routine before the body test. But I did 0 on the rower so I'd have to do 2500 on the rower for today as well as 35 of my 10 routine; this morning I was up and dressed positively promptly so I had decided to have a go on the rowerI think I got up 2226 before I stopped as the time that I had been on the rower had gone over an hours I just had to tidy up my rowing record to mage it equal 2230 before I stopped on it for this morning So I just have 270 more strokes to do today or 770 to do tomorrow. Meanwhile of the 35 of the 10 routines to do I had only done 3 before my body test, but afterwards I have only done 2 so that makes 5 done for today 40 more to do tomorrow.

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