Tuesday 7 February 2017

Day 1321

Day 1321;

22.01 was myBMI for today It's close but still not good enough.

Breakfast: cereal, banana and apple.
Lunch: ham sandwich (white bread), green grapes, purple grapes, chocolate brownie and fruit cake.
Dinner: meat, carrots and new potatoes
Drinks: 3 300ml mugs of milk, 1 300ml mug of Lucozade sport and a few squirts of Lucozade sport.

Now today I have ben to the hospital I have also been walling around London so that was the majority of my exercise for today, but I have also been for a 510 stroke row when I returned from London. Just before I did my body test I was doing the 100 press-ups, 100 sit-ups 100 crunches and the 100 squats.

Today I was quizzed by the person at the desk of the hospital to why I wasn't looking forward to Emu's wedding. it's as it a waste of time, They are already living together and they are both happy so why are they messing with the formula it's not like either of them are religious or anything like that, as I know it's not going to be in a church or a religious centre, so what's the point? I mean I'm getting it if you believe there's some super powered Big Brother in the sky getting ready to judge you when you die and I you did one thing wrong you'd end up burning forever, but I don't believe that load of drivel, hell I don't even believe that we have a second state of being, this one life is all we get so we have to make the most of it and we must preserve the world as much as possible for all the future generation of creatures that come about on this planet.

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