Wednesday 22 February 2017

Day 1336

Day 1336;

21.55 was my vmi for today which is exactly the same as yesterday's first measurement but I did it again yesterday after I which got it to 21.58.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple and pear.
Lunch: canned spaghetti with mini sausages on toast, cheese and chocolate chip shortbread.
Dinner: spaghetti with meatballs and tiramisu.
Drinks: 1 300ml mugs of milk and 1 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

Pitiful... just pitiful.

What's pitiful?

The fact that some teachers, of young children, are going to have to go on 1 mile walks with their students, now just I approve of the concept, and I hope art works but I can't help feeling that it'll have a adverse effect on the students if you';ll get some students who are like me who like walks and they could walk until the soles of there feet are bleeding, if ed be, but then you are going to all of the students that hate walking of who the furthest they walk on a daly basis it the trip to the bus stop, which is just slightly further than the trip from the school gates to the classroom, of who was soon as they stop doing this (when they graduate from the school) are going to shudder at the thoughts of what they were doing for the past 7 years of there life and then they are going to go into there shells even quicker eating they're way to an early grave.

But it's no t all bad Tini is one of the teachers that is going to be doing this exercise with the children. and the children could get bitten by the walking bug, which should help with the obesity epidemic among the young. When I was their ages I couldn't wait to get outside to have a little run around which was better than being in the classroom

Today in fitness I did 9 of my 10 routine and I decided to stop there, for the time being as I had the gym to go to and I didn't want to get myself too sweaty before the gym, and I'm already starting to look like a chicken in a bag of boiled fried rice. I have been to the gym, I did a Wednesday type routine today, which started with 20 minutes on the lateral trainer, then I moved onto the peck fly machine forewords and backwards, I went onto the arm weight machine that's next to the seated row machine then I went onto the seated row machine which the personal trainer told me to move the thing that you put your chest against to as far as possible today, in retrospect I think he meant as long as I could still reach the handles, but I did as he instructed and I had moved it out to 9 as there was no more numbers after that, then I reached over the chest thing, I grabbed hold of the handles and I positioned my chest onto the thing and I proceeded to row whilst seated. Next I was the 2 arm weight machines which I was only doing 5kg's on to strengthen my wrist, and I think I did well on them today as my PT said to me that the weight for them will be going up next time I use them. Before finally going the exercise bike for a 5 minute, which turned into a 7.5 minute but it ended at 8 minutes, cycle. Then I returned home and I made it to half way through my prescribed, for today, in my 10 routine as I did 1 more of the sets. 

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