Monday 20 February 2017

Day 1334

Day 1334;

21.63, I think, was my BMI for today, which was disappointing but it was also expected as today I have done a lot of running around at athletics and I had only done half of my work-out routine for today by the time of may body test.

Breakfast: cereal, banana and apple.
Lunch: cheese & pickle toastie, chocolate box and "hot" cross bun with apple.
Dinner: tomato, spaghetti, cheese and chocolate pudding.
Drinks: 3 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.
Snacks: 1 "hot" crossed bun and 2 jelly beans. 

So this morning I have done basically naught apart from sleep, which I did for the majority of the morning but then I got up and I ate my breakfast, I had a shower, got dressed, helped Mich to move a table around downstairs then I played on Phantom Hourglass until it's battery died I had go up to the double dragon like boss, one fire the other one ice. I get how to defeat it at least in the early stage of the battle but I haven't best it yet.

Tonight in the FA cup it was Sutton vs Arsenal and one of Sutton's star players used to play for the team that I support, but he left a few years back. But I didn't realise that he'd dropped out of the football league system and was now playing for a non-league team, he was one of the team that I support best players also, or so I thought. But with a score of 0-2 to Arsenal it doesn't really give me much hope for Arsenal make in a titanic come back to win the next leg of there champions league tie 4-0 because that is the score that they need to equal or better to get through to the next round in the champions league.

Could Mr Wenger win another FA cup, with Arsenal, I don't see why not, to see if he could make it 8 FA cups in 20 years, but there is also Manchester United still in the cup who are the current holders go the cup but they are also in the final of the English Football League cup against Southampton, which is on next Saturday. And then there's also the team that Manchester United is up against next time in FA cup Chelsea who are the current leaders in the Premier League also and they are 8 points clear of the next places team.

But I haven't actually been able to get on the rower today. But I have only done 5 sets of 10 press-ups and 10 speed skater things (ss), 10 sit-ups and 10 more ss, 10 crunches and 10 ss before finally 10 squats and 10 more ss. Before it was time to get out to athletics, for today. So at athletics today I did a bit of running to fetch the things that the others were throwing before throwing it back to them but some times when my throw was pathetic I had to run back to get it before then throwing it again to make it reach them which came in handy once as I had dropped my cloth on the floor about half of the distance between the people and where the thing had ended up so I threw it and it landed just to the side of my cloth from where I threw it back to them. After I had done my body test I did 2 more of the 10 routine, so it's going to mean a good 13 more of the ten routine for tomorrow. 

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