Tuesday 28 February 2017

Day 1342

Day 1342;

Today my BMI was a pitiful 21.52.

Breakfast: cereal, strawberries and banana.
Lunch: cheese sandwich (white bread) and sponge cake.
Dinner: meatballs, pasta and something else.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 3 300ml mugs of fruit juice.
Snack: 1 chocolate ball.

Last night I remember righting my piece about how much of a dog I am, but the one area I'm lacking in is the size of my cock. As it is pathetically small, but last night I had a dream and it included me and a woman but we were both nude like dogs in the wild, and she was on all fours and I went over there to join her on all fours dog style, well that was an experience that I had in a dream.

hus far I have only done 8 before lunch I have gone to the gym and had a 32 minute cycle on the exercise bike before doing 200 strokes on the rower. So that being said I still need to get 30 more of the 10 routine and 300 more strokes to have accomplished my fitness regime for the first month. 1 more of the 10 routine but then I decided to go out back to get my 300 rows in as if was getting a bit dark. I did 300 more rows to make it up to 500 for today, now it should just be 29 more of the 10's. I got 8 more down 21 to go, but my back started clicking while I was doing sit-ups. So it looks like I have failed at that part go my routine for this month. 

Monday 27 February 2017

Day 1341

Day 1341;

Well howdy there all o' yo' folks my BMI was 21.78, so today was a another lazy day for me.

Breakfast: cereal, banana and apple.
Lunch: canned spagetti hoops, mini sausages and toast.
Dinner: chicken pie, potato, sweet potato, peas and jam roly poly.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.
Snack: 1 chocolate.

So I'm just like a dog, I stink basically, I rely on my nose quite a bit, my hearing is kinda sensitive also, I drool quite considerably, I lack comprehension in the finer parts of human interaction, I'm stupid, I'm forgetful, I basically suck at being a human. Ok now the final part was had a bit to do with the stuff mentioned on a previous days post, one of the parts about me not understanding feelings but I guess it could have included that part in with the finer parts of human interaction, I guess.

Today in fitness I have the 770 strokes on the rower, so I'm back on target for that, but I have only done 12 of the 40 still required before my body test.  But today I went to the gym but it was cut short as the gym had sprung a leak.

Sunday 26 February 2017

Day 1340

Day 1340;

21.81 was my BMI of the day.

Breakfast: cereal, banana and apple.
Lunch: chicken, sausages in bacon, peas, carrots, potato, raspberry pudding and chocolate pudding.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk 1 300ml mug of fruit juice and Lucozade Sport (orange).

In the six nations today we saw and heard a game that wasn't rugby according to Eddie Jones at least, which England won but only in the second half as they were all etc up to go in by the end of the first half down 5-6 but then the Italian missed the kick it bounced off the post and then one of the  Italian players managed to gather the ball and shepherd it over the touch line to give them a try, which is another 5 points, with the prospect of making it a 7 pointer score (by converting the ball) which they did making the score line 5-10 but in the second half England started up by scoring 2 try's converting 1 which gave them a score of 17 before the Italians managed to get one try back, which made the score 17-15 of which England needed to get at least one more try to secure the bonus point win which they did with a score of 36-15 after Eddie had told them what to do with the Italians at half time.

Now today it has been another final Sunday of a month and I have had 2 hours of skiing today the second hour was the better of the hours as we were going down doing 360's and jumps all 3 of us stacked it at least once during the second hour but during the first when we were just going the slope I stacked it once with Alan at about 3/4 of the way through it, I staked it I don't know why I can't remember It was such a long rime ago. But then my second time of stacking it today happened after we had all been doing 360's and jumps, with the 2 legends Matteo and John, I had just reached the bottom of the slope and my eyes shut and I stacked it, I wasn't even moving at the bottom but my legs just gave way on me I must be getting old or I could just not be fit enough yet to withstand 2 hours of skiing, yet, but it was fun especially the 1 proper 360 that I did it must have been on my penultimate ski down the slope.

Yesterday in fitness I only did 1 of my 10 routine before the body test. But I did 0 on the rower so I'd have to do 2500 on the rower for today as well as 35 of my 10 routine; this morning I was up and dressed positively promptly so I had decided to have a go on the rowerI think I got up 2226 before I stopped as the time that I had been on the rower had gone over an hours I just had to tidy up my rowing record to mage it equal 2230 before I stopped on it for this morning So I just have 270 more strokes to do today or 770 to do tomorrow. Meanwhile of the 35 of the 10 routines to do I had only done 3 before my body test, but afterwards I have only done 2 so that makes 5 done for today 40 more to do tomorrow.

Saturday 25 February 2017

Day 1339

Day 1339;

22.01was my BMI for today. so close to perfection, yet so far.

Breakfast: cereal and pear.
Lunch: cheese and ham sandwich.
Dinner: toad in the hole (sausages in batter), peas, carrots, potato and white chocolate ice-cream.
Drinks: 3 300ml mugs of milk, 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice snd more of my Lucozade Sport (orange).

So today was a Boccia match day, both our A team (which consisted of Link, J and myself) and our B team (which consisted of everyone on our boccia team apart from D and Myself) lost. The team we were playing beat team A by 4-2 and they beat B team by 17-2, but the boss man of the opposition team said to me that he had never seen someone use their feet to play boccia before me. So I took it at what it was, a statement of my irregularity.

Next up today I went to watch a football match, and it was  a shock result as the team that I was their to support won the game, 2-1, but the second goal was thanks to a penalty that I didn't think should have been given. But the referee was apparently off his rocker today. As there was this challenge that happened to one of the players of the team that I support, that practically broke his ankle, to my understanding at least, The ref just waved play on.

Sic Nations today first I heard that Scotland beat Wales today which I found surprising as isn't Wales supposed to be good at Rugby? and then it had Ireland v France of which ended in an Irish victory predictable, if toy ask mr, now the next match starts tomorrow and can England get up tomorrow and beat Italy tomorrow?

Friday 24 February 2017

Day 1338

Day 1338;

21.75 was an improvement on yesterday's BMI, today I have been on the tandem

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple and pear.
Lunch: ham and cheese sandwich (brown bread) and tiramisu.
Dinner: scampi, chips, peas and chocolate brownie trifle.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk, 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice and a few squirts of a bottle of Orange flavoured Lucozade sport.

Today was a tragic day, or rather last  night was a tragic night, as Mr Claudio got fired from his job at Leicester City FC. After performing a miracle (well the footballing equivalent) last year, they should have at least had him to stay out the rest go his contract which was another 2 seasons after the end of the current season, as he got offered a 4 season job before the start of his contract of which he had completed the 4 year plan in his first season, in-charge. But the blues of Leicester City, remind me of another blue team of a city, Chelsea of London who got rid of Jose the year after they won the league when the next season they were in a similar position to Leicester also, but look at him now he's in charge of Manchester United, from the looks of what was said about Mr Wenger I'm thinking that Claudio might get his next shot at managing a team at Arsenal.

Now I'm up against Bellum in Phantom Hourglass I have beaten him up past his first stage but when I got to the scnd stage It said something about drawing the figure of 8 on the screen, but I couldn't remember any of the studs tat went with it os I turned the game off and I went back into the fight It started the fight from the beginning. Now that's annoying.

In fitness today I have gone out on the tandem I've cycled from a town, which was called Broxbourne or something similar, to London; on the tandem Mich thinks that we have done 28 miles on our trip into the outskirts of London. Then I have only done 500 of my strokes on the rower today, I'm sill 1000 down on were I should be, and I have also of my 10 routine I have done it 10 times out of 26 times which was my target for today due to me not doing enough on the days previous, 

Thursday 23 February 2017

Day 1337

Day 1337;

21.58 It's gone back up to 2 days ago now I have had a lazy day today Of the 20 sets of the 10 routine I had set myself for today I did 4, but I managed to get up to 1000 strokes on the rower, before I got too hungry.

Breakfast: cereal, banana and apple.
Lunch: sausage roll, cheese sandwich, 1/4 of a chocolate coated flap jack, 1/4 of a cookie, 1 pear and some of my chocolate box.
Dinner: chicken pie, peas, carrots,creamed potato and tiramisu.
Drinks 2 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

I enjoy walking as  an escape. It's just refreshing especially in the country side as your walking along outside with the wind in your hair you could be using the wind to do more than just cool yourself down, as it could also be used to letting all my cares blow away, for the time that I was walking; at least. I could have been red in the face before the walk wit hall of that pent up anger which I had inside of me a nice long walk in the country side I thought was always good for allowing me to get it out of my system.

In fitness today I have ha a lazy day with only just doing 4 off my daily 10 routine and I only managed to get up to 1000 strokes on the rower today, so I'm still 1000 behind where I should be for tonight. 

Wednesday 22 February 2017

Day 1336

Day 1336;

21.55 was my vmi for today which is exactly the same as yesterday's first measurement but I did it again yesterday after I which got it to 21.58.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, apple and pear.
Lunch: canned spaghetti with mini sausages on toast, cheese and chocolate chip shortbread.
Dinner: spaghetti with meatballs and tiramisu.
Drinks: 1 300ml mugs of milk and 1 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

Pitiful... just pitiful.

What's pitiful?

The fact that some teachers, of young children, are going to have to go on 1 mile walks with their students, now just I approve of the concept, and I hope art works but I can't help feeling that it'll have a adverse effect on the students if you';ll get some students who are like me who like walks and they could walk until the soles of there feet are bleeding, if ed be, but then you are going to all of the students that hate walking of who the furthest they walk on a daly basis it the trip to the bus stop, which is just slightly further than the trip from the school gates to the classroom, of who was soon as they stop doing this (when they graduate from the school) are going to shudder at the thoughts of what they were doing for the past 7 years of there life and then they are going to go into there shells even quicker eating they're way to an early grave.

But it's no t all bad Tini is one of the teachers that is going to be doing this exercise with the children. and the children could get bitten by the walking bug, which should help with the obesity epidemic among the young. When I was their ages I couldn't wait to get outside to have a little run around which was better than being in the classroom

Today in fitness I did 9 of my 10 routine and I decided to stop there, for the time being as I had the gym to go to and I didn't want to get myself too sweaty before the gym, and I'm already starting to look like a chicken in a bag of boiled fried rice. I have been to the gym, I did a Wednesday type routine today, which started with 20 minutes on the lateral trainer, then I moved onto the peck fly machine forewords and backwards, I went onto the arm weight machine that's next to the seated row machine then I went onto the seated row machine which the personal trainer told me to move the thing that you put your chest against to as far as possible today, in retrospect I think he meant as long as I could still reach the handles, but I did as he instructed and I had moved it out to 9 as there was no more numbers after that, then I reached over the chest thing, I grabbed hold of the handles and I positioned my chest onto the thing and I proceeded to row whilst seated. Next I was the 2 arm weight machines which I was only doing 5kg's on to strengthen my wrist, and I think I did well on them today as my PT said to me that the weight for them will be going up next time I use them. Before finally going the exercise bike for a 5 minute, which turned into a 7.5 minute but it ended at 8 minutes, cycle. Then I returned home and I made it to half way through my prescribed, for today, in my 10 routine as I did 1 more of the sets. 

Tuesday 21 February 2017

Day 1335

Day 1335;

21.58 today my BMI loss I have contributed to my lack of doing ,y daily 10 's for today and the lack of doing any of the rower also but I have done a little bit of running and quite bit of walking according to my fit meter.

Breakfast: cereal and banana.
Lunch: macaroni cheese,  1 chocolate chip shortbread and 3 pears.
Dinner: cheese & ham sandwich and 1 chocolate chip shortbread.
Drinks: 2 200ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice,

I came up with a revelation yesterday and it goes like this, if you want to loose weight run. That's it you have to run about more than however much you are scoffing down, say you eat a  4oz cheeseburger (that's the wight of a mcdonald's cheeseburger) that should be your first 4 minutes you've got to run just for that burger then you'd have to run for another 3 minutes if you had a small bag of chips (80g or 2.82oz so I rounded it up to 3) or 4 minutes if you had a medium bag of chips (114g or 4.02oz so I rounded it down to 4) or 5 minutes if you had a large bag of chips (150g or 5.29oz so I rounded it down to 5). But I know hat I have only used the little english weights for the foods. But when I say run I mean an actual run not just a girly run/skip, like the way that Usain bolt would run the 100m. But the idea behind this is that you'd add up all of the weight that you have consumed at a meal time and then you'd go out and have a run for e.g. 7 minutes and then when your 7 minutes is up you'd be walking back to your home. Like for example you live in a city you could wander down to a park after eating your McDonald's cheeseburger and a medium bag of chips you arrive at the park just about 12:30 then you set up for your run of 8 minutes when you're finished you shouldn't be drenched with sweat but I probably would be so you move off to your home and you get changed into less sweaty clothes. That is the Savage weight loss plan. I know that it may be difficult for you to get started on doing it but hopefully you'll see the benefits of the weight loss plan.

In fitness today I have walked into town and back, then ass soon as I had returned I was sent off again to the post box which is a small distance away from my abode. but to my surprise my walking back to the car from the football match must have been quick as my fitter has told me that I was running about then, which has got me confused,

Fitness today I have been to the gym and I have done a 32 minute cycle ride, I got home and I only managed 3 of the 13 fitness workouts so it should be 20 of them tomorrow. 1500 strokes on the rower tomorrow it should be.

Monday 20 February 2017

Day 1334

Day 1334;

21.63, I think, was my BMI for today, which was disappointing but it was also expected as today I have done a lot of running around at athletics and I had only done half of my work-out routine for today by the time of may body test.

Breakfast: cereal, banana and apple.
Lunch: cheese & pickle toastie, chocolate box and "hot" cross bun with apple.
Dinner: tomato, spaghetti, cheese and chocolate pudding.
Drinks: 3 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.
Snacks: 1 "hot" crossed bun and 2 jelly beans. 

So this morning I have done basically naught apart from sleep, which I did for the majority of the morning but then I got up and I ate my breakfast, I had a shower, got dressed, helped Mich to move a table around downstairs then I played on Phantom Hourglass until it's battery died I had go up to the double dragon like boss, one fire the other one ice. I get how to defeat it at least in the early stage of the battle but I haven't best it yet.

Tonight in the FA cup it was Sutton vs Arsenal and one of Sutton's star players used to play for the team that I support, but he left a few years back. But I didn't realise that he'd dropped out of the football league system and was now playing for a non-league team, he was one of the team that I support best players also, or so I thought. But with a score of 0-2 to Arsenal it doesn't really give me much hope for Arsenal make in a titanic come back to win the next leg of there champions league tie 4-0 because that is the score that they need to equal or better to get through to the next round in the champions league.

Could Mr Wenger win another FA cup, with Arsenal, I don't see why not, to see if he could make it 8 FA cups in 20 years, but there is also Manchester United still in the cup who are the current holders go the cup but they are also in the final of the English Football League cup against Southampton, which is on next Saturday. And then there's also the team that Manchester United is up against next time in FA cup Chelsea who are the current leaders in the Premier League also and they are 8 points clear of the next places team.

But I haven't actually been able to get on the rower today. But I have only done 5 sets of 10 press-ups and 10 speed skater things (ss), 10 sit-ups and 10 more ss, 10 crunches and 10 ss before finally 10 squats and 10 more ss. Before it was time to get out to athletics, for today. So at athletics today I did a bit of running to fetch the things that the others were throwing before throwing it back to them but some times when my throw was pathetic I had to run back to get it before then throwing it again to make it reach them which came in handy once as I had dropped my cloth on the floor about half of the distance between the people and where the thing had ended up so I threw it and it landed just to the side of my cloth from where I threw it back to them. After I had done my body test I did 2 more of the 10 routine, so it's going to mean a good 13 more of the ten routine for tomorrow. 

Sunday 19 February 2017

Day 1333

Day 1333;

21.91 was my BMI for today, yes it's looking better now, but it's still not perfect..

Breakfast: cereal, apple and banana.
Lunch: pizza and peas.
Dinner: friend egg on toast and cheese.
Drinks: 1 300ml mug of milk and 3 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

Tony Blair (the ex-Prime Minister of GB) has climbed up onto his soap box and is crying out that we need to change the minds of the British people on the topic of Brexit, I am thinking I didn't like having you as PM but I didn't attempt to get you expelled from number 10, before your time was up that is. Now the time is up on the debate about our place in Europe, we don't have one that is it. So if you want to start up a new party, it could be called UKIE (UK in Europe), you should go on and do it but now the verdict is in we have voted out of the EU, now be a good little boy and respect the will of the people, the people that voted you in power all those years ago.

Now I should just address his point on hard Brexit, the people, well I did at least, knew that it'd be a hard Brexit the soft Brexit stuff was a myth, if we were going down the path of a soft Brexit the EU (Tony's employers) would say that the UK has to allow the free movement of people, or no deal to what ever Britain offers, as the free movement of people is a sticking point to the EU's side. I can't force any of them doing a realistic deal with the UK if the free movement of the people wasn't on the table.

In my Legend of Zelda questing I have knocked down the ice walls of the Isle of Frost. So the Yooks better be wary go me. As I'm into the ice temple to steal the 3rd precious metal.

So this morning I went to the gym, I did the Wednesday routine, then I returned home, I finished off my breakfast, with the fruit and apple juice, next up I did over 1235 strokes on the rower in a 30 minute stint, which averages out as a slightly more than 40 strokes per minute over the course of 30 minutes. But I had to just do another 5 strokes to make it up to a better number. Then later today I did another one of my 10 press-ups, 10 sit-ups, 10 crunches and 10 squats, before going for a little wander around and before the daily 7 minute work out, it's been a while since doing one of those.  then I did 9 more of this all new 10 of each exercise, what I was doing was I'd do 10 of those speed skater things after each of the 10. So I started off by doing 10 press-ups, then 10 speed skaters, then 2=10 sit-us. 10 speed skaters, and so on, up until the time had got to the time for my BMI test and I surprised myself as i had done enough exercise in the day to have reached my calorie goal every day for the past 7 days/week.

Saturday 18 February 2017

Day 1332

Day 1332;

I had a BMI of 21.82 or there about, anyway it had gotten farther away from perfection than it was yesterday but nor by much.

Breakfast: cereal.
Lunch: 2 eggs on toast and chocolate bites.
Dinner: a home made Indian and magnum ice cream.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice and 1 300ml mug of fruit juice and fizzy water.

Today I had boccia, I managed to get some of my flukey shots in today as well as some dreadful shots, but the number of flukey shots I managed to pull off today was actually greater than the number of dreadful shots, in the last game at least which is pretty much how it went down last week, or whenever the competition was; at least I think.

As I must be vitamin D deficient I have decided to go outside bit of light activity and a bit of walking for my efforts of taking in some of the vitamin D, so I have hopefully made my Vitamin D target for today then I suggested to Mich that we could go out on a bike ride as the day was sunny today, he agreed, I'm unsure if he was reluctant to take me out for a cycle or not I'm terrible at reading people; like when it was dinner time Allergy had cooked a home made Indian for us, from a new cook book. The food was food that I was eating but in iit there was way to much spinach so I tried it and I didn't like the spinach but the majority of the rest of it was ok, so when Tini asked me did I like it I shrugged as the nan bread, popadoms and chutney were nice. Then Tini said "me neither it was terrible" or words to that effect, I was shocked as shed just said that she liked it when the chef was present. But just before that the chef was present and Tini wasn't, the chef said that Tini didn't like it.

I also managed to defeat Eox and rescue the king of the Cobble Kingdom, so that's 2 of the 3 metals recovered, now where is the other metal?, but now I've got 23 minutes in my glass, so lets be going back into the Ocean Kings place.

In fitness I have rowed for 15 minutes, which was a 642 stroke so I rowed 8 more strokes to make it up to 650 and I stopped at that. then afterwards to be sure that I was to make my calorie goal for today I did the  the above stuff then before I ate my dinnerI attempted to do the thing that I tried yesterday to meet my calorie goal as in the 10 of the exercises then have a bit of a wander then I'd do another 10 of the exercises and so on, but today I got up to 60 of them each before I was called down to have my dinner so it's only 40 of each that I have to do after I had my dinner I completed them all by doing a 40 repetitions of each Then it was time for my weigh in as you could probably tell from my BMI alert thing that I put at the top of these blogposts my BMII had gone down. But I only missed my calorie goal by 15, so I ran back upstairs and I did myself another 10 of each of my exercises and then I ran downstairs to the Wii and I had done 21 more calories so mission completed for the sixth day in a row.

Friday 17 February 2017

Day 1331

Day 1331;

21.88 was my BMI for today it's still a bit shy of perfection, van I make it to perfection?

Breakfast: cereal and banana.
Lunch: cheese sandwich (white bread) and chocolate bites.
Dinner: ham, 2 eggs, chips and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk, 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice and 1 300ml mug of fruit juice and sparkling water.

Today I got up and then I went to the gym. why on the treadmill does Tini keep grabbing my back so once I tried batting her hand away and she got all stressed with me, I know I'm not the steadiest on the treadmill with me occasionally accidentally stepping onto the edge of the treadmill with my other foot still on the moving belt of the machine. 

Phantom Hourglass or my personal Phantom 21minute glass and I have got onto the island of the cobble kingdom and I've just talked to thee ghosts of the kings 4 knights, Brant, Bremeur, Doylan and Max, who have granted me access to the temple'/castle (thing) to go thirty and save there king. Which I will do to get the second metal but before I arrived at the island I noticed the small games island which is just in between the two islands in the north east sea.

In fitness today I have been to the gym, started with 10 minutes on the cycling machine and ended with 20 minutes on the treadmill+ an extra 4 minutes cool down time. I also only did 500 strokes on the rower, which took me 13:44 by the time that the rower had stopped it's counting. So today before I had my dinner I had done 110 of each of the 4 exercises. Which put me 1650/1700 for this month, so I'm still 50 behind where I should be. But the rower I'm already at 9000/8500 at least I should be, as I think I did an additional 500 yesterday. 50 more of each of the exercises and doing that I have managed to meet my calorie goal for 5 days straight pity I was still 115 calories short by the time of the gaily body test.  Noe I knew that I was short on my calorie goal as the Wii told me and I realised that I needed the loo pretty badly at that time so I dashed up stairs and I went into the toilet room and I had finished, washed my hands etc, I went back down the stairs to the Wii I checked up on my progress it only said that i had burnt off about 31 calories So I had 84 left to burn so I went back upstairs and I did 10 of each of the exercises, then I traveled downstairs to pick up some of my washing, I did this 5 separate times  before getting back on the Wii and I had burnt off 91 calories by then, I had completed my goal for the 5th day in a  row.

Thursday 16 February 2017

Day 1330

Day 1330;

21..75 worse than yesterday but I have made my calorie goal 4 days in a rowI wonder if I can keep this up?.

Breakfast: cereal, banana and apple.
Lunch: 2 poached eggs, toast and "hot" crossed bun.
Dinner\: gammon, pineapple, peas, carrots, potato and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk, 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice and about a third of a bottle of Lucozade sport.

Today I have gone on a walk to the garage which is at the opposite side of the town that I live in, e.g, I live on the north side of the town and the garage is on the south side of the town, and such and such, but it's honestly not that far from one side of town to the other. 

Also today I have heard some very bad news it's about Arsenal and they might be sacking Arsen at the end of the season why is it bad news you may ask, it is bad news as if Arsenal sack Arsen what will that leave them with... al, that's it and what a terrible name, for a football club (but it maybe better for an Italian restaurant), is al. Now what should happen is Ian Wright and Arsen could join forces so Arssen would still be in control of the club but then you've got Ian who could be offering his perspective on Arsenal and he could help out in the training as he has won a lot of things with Arsenal but that was a longtime ago, when Arsenal was still winning trophies and stuff. But I think they could do with him back as an assistant manager to Asen.

You know the short walk I took to get to the garage by the time that I arrived at the garage I was boiling as I had to wear my coat and I took the coat off when I got to the garage and it, the coat, was drenched with sweat, so Mich was saying stuff about me being seriously out of shape, well I get hot very easily, that is about all that I can say/type to that observation. Her even started going on about how I nerd to go to the gym to get fitter if I'm that out of shape.

In fitness today I have gone to the gym done a 20 reps on the. only one of five, arm weigh machine that I missed yesterday, 20 minutes on the treadmill with a 4 minute cool down, 5 minutes on an exercise bike. 120 press-ups, 120 sit-ups, 120 crunches, 120 squats, 1000 strokes on the rower.

Wednesday 15 February 2017

Day 1329

Day 1320;

21.88 was my BMI for today, which is an improvement on yesterday but still not perfect but I have met my KCAL goal for the past 3 days which I think that I have done about once  before, as I am thinking that I managed it while I was on holiday a while back.

Breakfast: cereal and banana.
Lunch: sausage rolls, scotch egg, mini sausages and chocolate brownie.
Dinner: pasta, quornballs and apple crumble with milk.
Drinks: 3 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

So today I have been thinking about a lot of stuff of which I can't remember the most of it, but then who can remember everything that they have thought about  in a day?

But Mich has had another holiday idea, for us to go on but the following idea has got a problem within, it's a concept that has us staying beside a cycle track so we can go for tandem cycle rides which I have no problem with, the issue comes with there being no Wi-Fi, so it looked like I won't be able to continue this blog for that week. Unless I could use Mich's Wi-Fi hotspot on his phone for that week, so here's to hoping that I can.

Now In fitness today I went to the gym, in the gym I did my usual Wednesday routine, then I returned home and I drunk about half of my first fruit juice of the day then I went for a pleasant 500 stroke row the timer has got to about 12:52 when I stopped but by the time that the counter had stopped it was reading 13:00. I also did 120 times press-ups, sit-ups, crunches and squats each today. I have also done a HasFit 20 minute work out with a How to Stretch routine added on to the end, just for good measure.

Tuesday 14 February 2017

Day 1328

Day 1328;

21.78 was my BMI for the day how disappointing.

Breakfast: cereal, apple, banana, green grapes and 2 purple grapes.
Lunch: chicken, carrots, peas, new potatoes and apple crumble.
Dinner: Swiss baked egg, toast and 2 jam dougnuts.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

Now today I have thought about getting the most out of my gym membership again, Bur today I went to watch a football match the football match was a defeat for the team that I support 2-3 was the score line they lost by, they scored the first and the last goals during the game But in between them the opposing team scored 3 times.

I had done my 500 strokes on the rower today before Tini got back to take me out to the gym when I started off on the exercise bike, I did 25 minutes on that piece of equipment then I concluded my workout by having a nice gentle stroll on the treadmill for 7 minutes. Then I completed my first 50 press-ups, sit-ups, crunches and squats, each, today before dinner, then I managed to fit in my second 50 of each of them before I went out to watch a football match. 

Monday 13 February 2017

Day 1327

Day 1327;

21.94 was my BMI for today closer than yesterday's but still 0.6 out.

Breakfast: cereal: purple grapes, green grapes, apple and banana.
Lunch: nibbly bits (grapes, porkpie, mini sausages scotch eggs etc.) and sponge cake with strawberries.
Dinner: shepards pie (lamb, peas, carrots, potato, cheese) and some of the cakes filling (with strawberries in).
Drinks: 2 300m mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.
Snacks: 1 chocolate brownie and 2 jelly beans.

in fitness today I did 500 strokes then 30 more but with my hands backwards (so I was pulling the rowing bar towards my face instead  of towards my chest) then 500 more strokes then 70 more backwards strokes. The next thing to do on my to do list was those 200 press-ups, sit-ups, crunches and squats. each, but I unfortunately only managed 100, of each. I also went to athletics today, now just as it happens today, at athletics, I only managed to get a bit of jogging in, hurdles and something else but I can't remember what it was.

I know I am a bit harsh on the wedding idea, but that doesn't mean I can't have fun with it, so I was thinking about the songs for the wedding, and I can just see C standing up at the front waiting for Emu, the song starts when the lyrics get to "Each morning I get up I die a little" you can see GM wanting to get out of the seat that she's sat in, and when it gets to the chorus you'd then have GM pulling herself out of her chair to get you to find C somebody to love him.

But then again I knew that the song shouldn't be something which is overtly about love as that was. so I apologised stating that I knew it was a bad choice as I knew that it'd only be good As Long As it's Not About Love.

Next I was onto my rejected idea for a song which was Thunderstruck as I thought I could remember hearing (or seeing) somewhere about it's pretty soppy back story, But my idea was Shot Down in Flames.

Sunday 12 February 2017

Day 1326

Day 1326;

22.17 was my BMI for today and today I did naught of my usual thing so it should be double  of everything for tomorrow.

Breakfast: cereal and banana.
Lunch: margarita pizza and eaton mess.
Dinner: green grapes, purple grapes, porkpie and a whole load of nibbly bits I can't remember what I ate for desert, either.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

Now last night I managed to defeat the Goron's pest, so now my "Bro's" son is now calling me "Bro" also, but shouldn't I be called uncle, instead?

In a couple of months, or so on, I should be getting my own brother, as Emu is getting married to C, of whichI am just like: why bother? So you "love" each other, shouldn't that be enough, there's no need to have a whole flashy wedding about it. It's just a waste of money, of time and of resources. I know a reason as to why the members of the rich wealthy class like kings and queens or even dukes and duchesses used to get married but the commoners like me and my family I don't think it's necessary is is just the religious that have pushed this upon us? I don't know but it makes sense as it all comes back to control. Because religion was only invented initially by people, probably men, to control others mainly women; which would work out better that way as if you have got a man and if he likes a woman he's going to want to impress her and the man will do anything to get her attention in hope of making that link to get on her good side in order to hopefully fulfil his biological imperative, as if his biological imperative is to have sexual relations with the female in order to produce offspring to basically continue the species

Now today I have been on the tandem and with both C and B, at separate occasions, but I think B and I got tooted at by a car for cycling infant of 2 cars as 1 was were attempting to get up the road and the other was attempting to get down the road. As we both cycled the bike our into the middle of the road in between to cars which were facing the opposite ways.

I have just learned that France managed to beat Scotland in the Rugby Union Six Nations. which came as a shock to me. Does that mean that only England can go through this Six Nations tournament unbeaten make it 2 Six Nations tournaments won without dropping a single game, will they be able to make it? just 3 more games to play to make sure of it. If England manage to do that Eddie Jones would be like an English Rugby God, I know he's not English but...

Saturday 11 February 2017

Day 1325

Day 1325;

21.91, which is still too low.

Breakfast: cereal.
Lunch:  swiss baked egg, bread and 1 jam doughnut.
Dinner: mash, lamb, cheese, carrots, peas and chocolate brownie trifle.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

Boccia: I have been to a court nearby to practise with the team, there was 7 of us today which should mean that it made a grand total off £24.50 of which pays the coach but the remains £4.50 isn't quite enough to pay for the court hire.

Fitness: 600 strokes on the rower that I did today. Press-ups 150, sit-ups 200, crunches 200 and squats  200.

Football: I have been to watch a football match which was won by the team that I support by a score of 2-1, which was a shock especially as it was a game which lasted 100 minutes, as at the end of the first half it had 6 minutes of stoppage time added onto the end and the end had 4 minutes tacked onto the end, which may I just stare for the record that I applaud the stamina of the players that kept it all together for the whole 100 minutes.

Rugby: I have listened to the rugby on the radio and I have watched it on the TV the match's that I listened to on the radio were the six nations matches The first was won by the Irish 63-10 against the Italians, which is literally a mental score for a rugby match. It's almost as good as the English women did against the Welsh women (they won 0-63), but then back within the six nations mens game the English men were losing against the Welsh men at half time and they were continuing to lose the game up until the last 5 minutes when Daly managed to get a try which put the scores to 16-19 Wales-England and then Farrell managed to kick over the conversion to make the score 16-21 then we had to wait for the clock to run down so that one of the english players could boot the ball into touch and end the game.

I have made an amendment to one of my previous days posts.

This pair of socks that I'm currently wearing are getting very small, Mike tells me it is because they keep striking in the wash.

I have started playing Phantom Hourglass once more, I need some seriously better stylus control.

Friday 10 February 2017

Day 1324

Day 1324;

22.91 and today was a lazy day, apart from my 30 minutes, approximately, in the gym, and the 400 strokes on the rower today.

Breakfast: cereal, banana and apple.
Lunch: ham sandwich and chocolate brownie.
Dinner: chicken, sausage, potato, peas, carrots and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

Today I saw some snow falling down from the sky, at least I think it's snow, not something else like dandruff of a giant.

Before the above happened I was playing on my DS, some more Phantom Hourglass but my DS ran out of battery just as I was about to do something in the dungeon on Goron island as last night I just secured the south eastern sea map (chart) and then this morning I weighed anchor for new sea and the closest island in that sea was the Goron island and I have become a brother of the Goronsand is I've chased off into the dungeon in search of the Chiefs son. Next up I need to find the bombchu bag, I wonder if it's in the temple?

But as I decided to go back not the game later on I found the bomchu bag in the dungeon. I have even almost rescued my "bro's" child apart from the boss of the dungeon. i have managed to get him to flip onto it's side but I just can't activate the bombchu's quick enough.

So In my fitness today I disappointed myself, as I know that I have gone to the gym today and all, but I have only done 400/500 strokes and 50/100 press-ups today, I have done none of any of the three other little exercises, so that means 600 strokes, 150 press-ups, 200 sit-ups, 200 crunches and 200 squats tomorrow, in order to make ends meet.

Thursday 9 February 2017

Day 1323

Day 1323;

21.98 as my BMI for today which I think is at least the equal closest to perfection that I have ever got beneath perfection, being only 0.02 off but I know I have been 22.01 before now which is closer  but it's also above the target.

Breakfast: cereal, apple, banana, green grapes and purple grapes.
Lunch: ham & cheese in an omelette,fruit cake and chocolate box.
Dinner: chicken, peas, carrots, roast potatoes and chocolate brownie trifle.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

Today I think I played a bit more on the Phantom Hourglass and I thought about swimming, but the Phantom 16 minute glass is coming on pretty well seeing as I have uncovered the south eastern sea chart, just now.

In fitness today I have been to the gym, my hearing got commended today as well when I was at the gym, iI did my 500 strokes on the rower, I also did my 100 press-ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 crunches and 100 squats.

My hearing was commented as the person at th gym started telling me how the gym piece of equipment that I was complaining about hearing a weird sound when I was on it actually broke down yesterday, I think, and before it went down it was making the same loud noises that I was complaining about which must have been 2 weeks ago, now, but apparently everyone could hear it yesterday not just me, never mind now it has all been fixed.

Wednesday 8 February 2017

Day 1322

Day 1322;

22.07 I'm still a bit on the heavy side.

Breakfast: cereal, banana, green grapes, purple grapes and apple.
Lunch: cheese sandwich and chocolate cake.
Dinner: quorn balls, pasta, cheese and chocolate cheesecake.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

Now today I have done 500 strokes on the rower then I have done basically done nothing until just before I watched Leicester City, beat Derby 3-1 in additional time but it really should have been a more clear victory the the champions of the last premier league season (Leicester City) as they should have had 2 penalties in the extra time periods and Mr Slim missed a sitter, as the ball was passed to him by Greyhe didn't even react to the ball being passed to him he just stepped over the ball, what where you doing Mr Slim? Ok and just before I went to watch that game I did 50 press-ups, so that means that I still have to do 350 more combined press-ups, sit-ups, crunches and squats, before this day is over., of which I have just done.

And I give forgot all of the other things that I have done today.

Tuesday 7 February 2017

Day 1321

Day 1321;

22.01 was myBMI for today It's close but still not good enough.

Breakfast: cereal, banana and apple.
Lunch: ham sandwich (white bread), green grapes, purple grapes, chocolate brownie and fruit cake.
Dinner: meat, carrots and new potatoes
Drinks: 3 300ml mugs of milk, 1 300ml mug of Lucozade sport and a few squirts of Lucozade sport.

Now today I have ben to the hospital I have also been walling around London so that was the majority of my exercise for today, but I have also been for a 510 stroke row when I returned from London. Just before I did my body test I was doing the 100 press-ups, 100 sit-ups 100 crunches and the 100 squats.

Today I was quizzed by the person at the desk of the hospital to why I wasn't looking forward to Emu's wedding. it's as it a waste of time, They are already living together and they are both happy so why are they messing with the formula it's not like either of them are religious or anything like that, as I know it's not going to be in a church or a religious centre, so what's the point? I mean I'm getting it if you believe there's some super powered Big Brother in the sky getting ready to judge you when you die and I you did one thing wrong you'd end up burning forever, but I don't believe that load of drivel, hell I don't even believe that we have a second state of being, this one life is all we get so we have to make the most of it and we must preserve the world as much as possible for all the future generation of creatures that come about on this planet.

Monday 6 February 2017

Day 1320

Day 1320;

22.17 was my disappointing BMI of the day.

Breakfast: cereal, banana and apple.
Lunch: canned spaghetti with mini sausages on toast.
Dinner: chicken, peas, Crockett potatoes and chocolate cheesecake.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk, 3 300ml mugs of fruit juice and 1 100ml mug of coconut milk.
Snack: shortbread.

What is intersectional feminism? It's a broken ideology.
What is Islam? It's a broken ideology.
So lets team up and make it happen broken ideologies FTW. That is what the woman in the following video seems to be saying.

The two men in that video keep saying it more eloquently than I. Intersectional feminism is just stupid liberal jargon, there gores you've summed it up for us all right there enough said, that's a wrap.  

The level of the contradictions within her speech is quite astounding, by saying she's a feminist she's literally saying she's not a Muslim and by saying she's a Muslim she's quite literally saying she's not a feminist.

The coconut milk was disgusting in sent and taste.

In fitness today I have done my 500 strokes on my rower, within actual fact it was 530 that I did in 10:34, as I was rowing along I lost my specs around about 8 minutes which I found amazing as I had been traveling at 60+ strokes per minute, which is 1 stroke per second for a little time before I lost my specs, but after I lost my specs I know that I wasn't traveling very quickly, I had slowed down quite significantly, and I was just rowing until I thought that I had to have passed 10 minute, and it works out as it did, so yeah I think that I managed to get to 500 strokes in less than 10 minutes. 100 press-ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 crunches and 100 squats. But I also went to athletics today such a shame about my eyes though, they really started bugging me today,

Sunday 5 February 2017

Day 1319

Day 1319;

22.17 was my BMI for today and I had been having an extremely lazy day today, at the most exercise I have done today would probably be the 1000 strokes that I did inside of 25 minutes this morning.

Breakfast: cereal and banana.
Lunch: Swiss baked egg and bread.
Dinner: chicken, baked potato and peas.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

But the thing with me and ages is that the 2 of them just don't mix as there was a man a while back the thought I was 15 and therefore younger than my younger sibling. and he was something like 4 years older than me at the time and I thought he was my age (but I was closer) So why does everybody get me confused with a youngster, but I'm still not allowed to have the childrens food from the menu at the wedding that I'm going to in something like 2 months, it's such a drag. I've got a choice between the starters that I don't like, then I'm getting a chicken thingy for main and thankfully I'm going to be allowed some pavlova for pudding at least I think. But the sibling that's wedding it is, is wanting me to choose a starter to waste, I hate waste which just might be one of the reasons why I hate myself. As I am such a waste.

In fitness I have done 1000 strokes on the rower which should bring me up to 2500 for this month so far so I'm my preset target for this month, at least so far. But I still need to do double everything else today in order to keep myself on target for this month. That was what I did in the morning then between lunch and dinner I did pretty much naught which was up until after dinner when I did my first 100 press-ups and sit-ups and 50 crunches, so I still had 100 more of press-ups and sit-ups, each. 150 more crunches and 200 squats to get me back on track. Later on today I managed to complete my press-ups so I've now done 500 for this month.Then later still I managed my 100 more sit-ups, 150 crunches and 200 squats.

Saturday 4 February 2017

Day 1318

Day 1318;

21.94 was my BMI for today and I had burnt off more than my daily KCAL's target as I have barely sat down for today as I was doing enough of that while playing boccia today.

Breakfast: cereal.
Lunch: ham sandwich, green grapes and purple grapes.
Dinner: chicken pie, crocket potatoes, peas and Tiramasu.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk, 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice and the remaining more than half a bottle of Lucozade sport.

Today I have been to a boccia competition, I'm terrible at boccia or so I thought before the tournament started and I didn't disappoint myself in the first two games as I lost both of them. I lost my first game by 9 points to nil, but I lost my second game by 9 points to 1. So there was this 3rd game that I had to play I had set myself a target of scoring 2 points in the match, to mark my progression, I won the first point of the game, then I lost the second point, so with the game tied at 1 point a piece going into the 3rd round of which I won it by 1 point, so I had made my target that I had set up for myself with 1 end left to play and I actually played it well, by winning the final end by 2 shots which gave me the game by a score of 4-1 I was gobsmacked. but the 3rd end was the best end that I have ever played in with it being a tit for tat (well what happened was I played my first shot in and he beat it immediately then I'd beat it, then he'd beat me and so on) contest, well we had both done that foe our first 3 shots individually so it was with 6 shots had been thrown then my 4th shot I mucked up, then my 5th shot followed suit, before getting my shot on for my 6th and final shot, for the end and I had lined it up nicely so it sat in-front of the jack ball, fluke shot if I've ever seen one. Then my opposition had his final 3 shots to steel the end from me, but he didn't make it, which you could say that end was the turning point in the game as we only had one end left to play and I dunno but I could have got the bonus buzz from winning that end, meanwhile a bit of mental fatigue had started to creep in over him my opponent, which may have allowed mtg to win with a deceptively comfortable score line of 4-1. But I immediately leapt to my feet to shake hands with the unfortunate party because that was how good the game that I had played with him was, as it was so close.

Boccia Classifications:

So basically I'm a BC6, apparently. But the clarification thingy was a bit of a hassle as for my classification they had an issue about If I was allowed to use my feet or not to propel the ball, in the end it was decided that I was allowed to, but in the third match that I played I didn't actually use my feet, which may have been as the person that I was playing against was a short to mid distance player so we would just aiming for the floor in front of our feet, so therefore no need to boot it long. 

Friday 3 February 2017

Day 1317

Day 1317;

21.84 was my BMI for today

Breakfast: cereal, purple grapes, green grapes and banana.
Lunch: eggs mayo, chicken mayo, scotch eggs and chocolate cake.
Dinner: scampi, chips, peas and tiramisu.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

So today I have played another bit on the Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass but that I was attempting to do for the majority of my play through today was attempt to work out where I had got up to in the end I worked it out I had got up to the part where I have to go and draw a Triforce on a door.

Also I saw the following YouTube video by Men Going Their Own Way:

I get it in a biological sense, but I don't think I can size up a room the moment that I enter it, but I can't talk so that kind of makes the part after that redundant, I get the part about not caring for  the problem snd just walking through it but the majority of thee times that that has happened to me I haven't realised there was a problem until I had hone through it and then I attempted to make it better anyways I have undermined Howard Dare's instructions, Then his little role play type of thing if someone told me my shoes were stupid I'd probably have hysterics, just as the stupid nature of the comment, The analogy about chess that urned into more than an analogy, I'm thinking that I'm going to have to get better at cess.

Today in fitness I have been to the gym, at the gym I did a 32 minute cycle ride in that time I managed to get over 10 KM, but  before that I did 510 strokes on the rower but I also decided to give it a go at doing individual arm strokes on the rower. But in doing that I also noticed just how unfit my right arm actually is.as I did 30 strokes on either arms therefore 60 in total. Then I also did my 100 press-ups, 100 sit-ups, 100 crunches and 100 squats today before I checked my BMI, then after we had done our BMMI's Much and I did one of coach Kozak's 20 minute workouts, as Allergy has disappeared so there was no chance to do one of her 7 minutes workouts, and all of the promise that I saw in Allergy's willingness to purchase a fitness DVD was wasted.

Thursday 2 February 2017

Day 1316

Day 1316;

Just for a heads up today I had a very nice lunch, I'm wondering if anyone has had a sausage mayo sandwich, how delicious would that be? No innuendo intended Mr (Sarge/Corp) Chaz. Today I had a BMI of 22.01.

Breakfast: cereal, able and banana.
Lunch: sausage roll, egg mayo and chicken mayo sandwiches.
Dinner:  chicken. nan bread and tiramisu.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

Now today I had  my friend come around my abode, we started off by playing a bit on Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword and then we went for a small cycle, on the tandem, around the housing block that is out side of my home. When we came back inside afterwards we had lunch and we also played a bit of chess.

Then I went ip yo my room and I started off by doing my 100 press-ups, then it was only 50 of each sit-ups, crunches and squats. Then after dinner I did 50 more of each sit-ups, crunches and squats which made it up to 100 of each. In the morning (before it rained) both my friend and myself managed to get 5 circuits around the nearby housing block done on the tandem, before we decided to end out little cycling experience, I saw that there was a lot of white hair on the back of his jacket in thee small amount of time that my eyes were open during the cycle ride, now I know it.s not long until I get the botox that's necessary to keep my eyes open. So I hope it works this next time that I'mm having it done, I'm also wondering if any of my other older friends would like to have a go on it? Maybe Easto and £2000 (2000 pounds is a weight which is equal to 1 Ton) maybe I could invite the two of them over for a cycle in the future, perhaps. But then today I also didn't manage to fit in any strokes on the rower (nut thankfully I did extra yesterday).

Wednesday 1 February 2017

Day 1315

Day 1315;

21.88 was my oh so disappointing BMI for today.

Breakfast: cereal, banana and apple.
Lunch: quornballs, pasta and something that I forgot.
Dinner: chicken, peas, crocket potatoes and jam rolls poly.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice'

So my routine for today should have been breakfast then get ready for the gym as then it was time to go to the gym, but I'm guessing that I ate breakfast took a shower then I got changed into the gym gear then I went to the gym, I'm only guessing that's what happened as I didn't remember taking a shower I only remember myself returning the towel that I use to the shower room. So that was a daft thing that I must have done this morning.

I have published my life for over 3 and a half years on this blog, wow, but I can't remember if it was during me doing this day type thing that Mr Dio died but I have been remembering him today, from the Holy Diver to the Rainbow in the Dark with a lot of his awesome songs in between.

I have also been playing a bit on Skyward Sword but I'm still too much of a spastic to even get to Girahim let alone Demise, and a bit more on Phantom Hourglass I have worked out where I was supposed to go, to get the final 2 sea charts, Also I have secured 10 of the power gems, why is Jolene, the fake pirate, obsessing over Linebeck?

Today in fitness I started off by going to the gym, then when I had returned home I did 1000 strokes on the rower. Next up I did 50 press-ups, 50 sit-ups, 50 crunches and 50 squats so that was half done then i did the other half a little while later I can't remember if I did them the other side of dinner or not, but that would make sense... so I'm unsure if I did do that.