Thursday 17 November 2016

Day 1239

Day 1239;

21,91 was my BMI for today but I only took off 1 pound today for clothes i was wearing as I was wearing; socks, jeans, boxers, t-shirt and specs.

Breakfast: cereal, green grapes, purple grapes and cereal.
Lunch; sausage roll and a pack of monster munch.
Dinner: southern fried chicken, peas, new potatoes and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk, 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice and 7 gulps of Lucozade sport: orange flavour.
Snack: 1 little chocolate sheep.

This morning I thought I heard the front door knock as I awoke, then I had my daily morning inhalation, then I did 20 crunches then finally 10 more before going downstairs for breakfast.

While I was eating my grape double I noticed a strange flickering which was coming from the sun, the sun was flickering like a dying light bulb from one of those old school police shows. 

Also this morning I have been playing on some of the many Faceybook games, most notably Criminal Case as I have completed the first 51 levels and chief King is now dead, he shot himself at the end of case number 51. When I was going to put him under arrest for killing that man.

So above it's the Regressive News Network (RNN/TYT) throughout the night on the election night the other week, I've forgot how long it was ago but I'm thinking that it was a long time ago but Mr Donny Trump is still not the President. How long do they have to wait until the new president is sworn in? Why? Is it so they can get people in the faces of the winning candidates to bump them off. before irreversible damage is done? So the governing body of America can be as discrimatory against the will of the American people?

Now today in fitness I did 30 crunches as a start for today, I hadn't even got out of bed but I was still too slow to have a go on the rower before I went out to the gym, and when I got back from the gym I ate my lunch I had a shower and I did basically naught else in terms of my fitness, until about 7 O'clock in the evening, or 19:00. Anyway then I did 50 sit-ups, 50 crunches and 50 press-ups, so all that was left to do was my 15 minute row but it was too dark, But didn't you do a 30 minute row yesterday? I think I did in total, but wasn't that in aid of covering off some of that 3 days worth I missed? I can't remember but I thought you had already done that.

Hillary Clinton's concession speech is pretty good.

She's a good looser very gracious unlike the media outlets, or The Young Turks. But I can now respect her for the humility she's shown in defeatI have put a hat on so I can take it off as a show of respect for her. If she gets another shot at the presidency next time I would like her only attack him on what he has done in the following term as president, the promises her has made during the following election cycle and please attempt to show how you would improve on the good points and the bad of Trumps Presidency don't go into another election with the brain of a petulant child she should act her age more. Don't go on about how Russia has any part in your politics.

By the part about the brain of a petulant child I was meaning that she was making out that she deserved the presidency, as nobody deserves the presidency anyone that wants it has to earn it.

So I ha my second inhalation of the day much later on today before drinking my second mug of milk after my weigh in tonight.

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