Wednesday, 30 November 2016

Day 1252

Day 1252;

Now today my BMI was 22.11as I had put on 1 pounds worth of clothing, socks, jean, boxers, t-shirt and specs,

Breakfast: cereal.
Lunch: sausage roll, chicken bites and a pot of joy.
Dinner: Macaroni cheese and turkey drummers.
Drinks:3 400ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

Last night I had another strange dream and It was one without me in it/it had 0 playable characters from my memory, at least, As from my memory of it the dream played out as a Naruto cartoon.

I know how long it took me to do 1000 strokes yesterday, so lets be having me beat that today, no pressure, actually, I'm going to push a whole load if pressure onto you to beat it today, so you better beat it. So what if I don't beat it, are you going to eat me up? Yes. Unbelievable, you're a little too close to me for that too happen, as you are me and I am you, so I hope you see how futile your attempts at physically harming me are. Well what if I make your life a living hell? So what you can still find happiness in hell, it may take longer but it is possible as soon as you get used to the pain as it's only as if you are your encased in fire/ice for ever sure it may be a bit hot/cold to start off with but then after 100 times 365 days you may be getting the hang of it. Look at Captain America he spent a while trapped in that iceberg he may be a bit timid around a vodka martini ON THE ROCKS, but that  is to be expected.

As I realised quite early on in my row I wasn't going to beat my time from yesterday,  as at 200 stroke mark it had already taken me 10 minutes to get to, so judging from that it would take me 50 minutes until I got to 1000m which is completely unacceptable, so I decided to beat my distance instead so I was going to row out a 1500m row, which should have taken me 75 minutes judging from the earlier pace. So from thn or a bit more in the future I decided to just keep going if one of my feet fell off from one the peddles and I decided to stop only evert rim thy both fell off from one of the peddles, which could have been a contributing factor to my slow pace. But any way you look at it I got to 1500m in over 55 minutes.

Then later today I did my 50 sit-ups, 50 crunches and 20 press-ups which was followed by 39 more press-ups which when you do the math gives you 59 so I think that means I have done my 50 of press-ups also.

Tuesday, 29 November 2016

Day 1251

Day 1251;

22.11/21.94 was my BMI for today as I first did my body test i put 0 weight of clothing. and the second I put a pound. as I was wearing socks,tracksuit trousers, boxers, t-stirt, wristbands and specs.

Breakfast: cereal, apple and banana.
Lunch: Fried egg, mini sausages with spaghetti, toast and apple crumble.
Dinner: chicken balls, chips and sweet and sour sauce.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk, 1 150ml mug of pear juice, 1 300ml mugs of fruit juice and 1 300ml of fruit juice and lemonade.
Snack: 1 slice of Emu's fruit cake,

In fitness yesterday I did my daily 500 strokes on the rowing machine, I also did 50 sit-ups and 50 crunches, but the 50 press-ups I was going to do but I fell asleep while I was in the process of doing them yesterday.

However in fitness today I have been to the gym and I have been on the cycle machine for half an hour, before I had to leave. Then I had returned to the old abode and I gave myself a 1000 stroke target which I had accomplished before the clock on the rowing machine reached 35 minutes as I had reached 900 strokes after 31 minutes which is slow as I know I must do better on the rower in the future. But it is slightly dark now so if i started up again on the rower I know I might manage to get another 500 out of my rowing, if my luck with the straps for my feet changes and I actually have them sticking in place for the duration then I may have enough time, but I cannot bank on that happening.

So on with the rest of my daily fitness I did my daily 50 sit-ups, 50 crunches and 50 press-ups.

Now it has been since last night that I started watching Naruto Shippuden, as I had watched Naruto a while back, so I just thought that it'd be a good watch. As well as that I had started to play Unlimited Naruto approximately a week ago and its story line is similar to a season in the original series.

Now the following song was on my mind today.


I don't know but it was.

And I have attempted toplay my trumpet again today, but I was hopeless I couldn't get my embouchure sorted out at all, but I'm attempting persistence with it for however long I think. Maybe then I may be able to play a single note?

Monday, 28 November 2016

Day 1250

Day 1250;

21.75 was my BMI for today but I only wore a my pyjamas, socks, boxers, wristbands and specs, I put on 0 pounds as clothes.

Breakfast: cereal, banana and apple.
Lunch: lamb, carrots, peas, minted pear, roasted potatoes and apple crumble.
Dinner: 1 slice of fruit cake.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

Today Emu and C have been here, for Mich's Anniversary day celebrations, of which I forgot about numbers times today.

Then I also have gone to a skiing thingy today, which I stacked it once today, Now it was as I had almost stopped or had I actually stopped at the bottom when I closed my eyes and I lent forwards the next thing i knew my legs and feet came up over my head as i had done a forward roll. I was a bit bemused by that so I shrugged when the man that's an automobiles son said to me how did that happened. But I am guessing that it happened as I only actually had my right foot fastened into my ski boot the there, my left foot, wasn't fastened in correctly as Mr Automobiles son had unfastened my left boot before me getting on to the skies which was to tell me off for not having my salopettes on the outside of the ski boot, but I had managed myself with the boots that weren't attached to me properly for the whole of the ski session before that incident and I managed it after that incident for my final decedent, so I don't really think that the fault for me doing a forward roll in the snow on my penultimate ski down the slope is to blame.

Sunday, 27 November 2016

Day 1249

Day 1249;

21.94 for the 4th day in a row,when I haven't bothered doing anything fitness wise,

Breakfast: cereal.
Lunch: chicken soup with a slice of baguette and a raspberry and cream thing in pastry.
Dinner:chicken wrapped in bacon, peas, new potatoes  and a raspberry and cream thing in pastry.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

Today I went to Boccia practise first then I went to watch a football match, but then there was a properly surprising thing  that happened today, at the football match.

What did the team hat you support actually win?

Yes they did actually win and it was another win and another clean sheet (a clean sheet is when a team doesn't concede any goals in any match so a score line of 1-0 would be classified as a win and clean sheet).

The score at half time today wads 1-0 to the team that I support so at half time I signed to Mich my guess that the score would be 1-3incorrect I was thankfully.the last game they played they won 0-3 then this game today thy won 4-0 7 goals and 2 clean sheets in the last 2 matches the team that I support hadn't scored many more than 7 in all of the previous matches that they played this season, I'm thinking had they?

But that should be meaning I still have another 120 minutes to do on the rowing machine in a day soon..But I could do an hour tomorrow then an hour the next day then I'd only have to do half an hour the next say.

Saturday, 26 November 2016

Day 1248

Day 1248;

21.94 was my BMI again.

Breakfast: cereal and banana.
Lunch: ham cheese in a sandwich and a chocolate brownie.
Dinner: fish, chips, curry sauce, vinegar and cheesecake.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.
Snack: 1 chocolate  chick o which I goy back at easter time.

So I have been lazy today as well as yesterday doing naught but sitting down watching some more anime shows today I think I have watched one anime series... oh yeah that was it thank's, A.D. Police, I have watched that today and It was very good. Then I watched the first Afro Samurai episode tonight which may be part of the reason why this is late to be uploaded, onto the net. I thought that the Afro show reminded me quite a bit of Samurai Jack in it's art style.

Now I'm thinking that I may have forgot to post the following paragraph on the day that it actually happened, as I can't remember when It happened but I was thinking it was on a Tuesday and I couldn't find where it was , when I had a look;but anyway here I go (again):
Ne nah ne nah ne nah, I hear the sound of sirens in the distance, it's almost as haunting as the sound of the heating which is on in the background just chirping away to itself and the hot water heating. Then there's that irritating stomping noise which is coming from Allergy's room as she is at home today, but then there's one more noise to mention and no it's not Allergy's burping noises as that only happened once when I was typing this post out, I am talking about the constant noise of traffic not just the cars that just so happen to drive past the house at intermittent intervals I'm typing about all the cars that drive by the end of the road at the end of the road that I live on and the air traffic, which is just exasperating.

Here I go again you should know where I got the idea to play the following some from

OI have just had an Idea and I came from a funeral that Mich wen to today as to start the funeral off apparently they played Meatloaf's song Bat out of Hell, you know what that song is I'm sure...
"Like a bat out of hell I'll be gone, gone gone,"

This song just rocks.
But as I thought that here I go again would probably be a better fit for a funeral, because it's saying that I'm going to a place again it could be meaning the ground beneath our feet as I know I'm dead or would be when it;s playing and your going back to nothing just as you came from nothing. By nothing I meant your constituent parts, e.g. all of the elements that make up your body breaking down and returning to the earth.

Friday, 25 November 2016

Day 1247

Day 1247;

21.94 which surprised me as it's only a 0.03 increase on yesterday's BMI and I just spent my day sitting down in my jeans, socks, boxers, t-shirt and specs all day basically, so I put on 1 pound clothing .

Breakfast: cereal, banana and apple.
Lunch: ham cheese egg in sandwiches, porkpie, chocolate brownie and Bakewell.
Dinner: chicken, new potatoes and peas.
Drinks 2 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

Today I ha my friend around my home again so I first offered him a cup of coffee of which he accepted and I then had to make one for him using the coffee machine which Mich had informed me how to work earlier. Next up we both conversed a bit on the future and how I was saying that he might be able to sell the portraits of me if I become a Winter Paralympian in a couple of years, but why would anyone want a picture of me, I mean I'm hardy a picturesque person,

Then next up I asked Mich if he knew where my Trumpet was which he did and he brought down them both, I was half in shock. My embouchure (mouth) is broken, well the way in which one is supposed to apply pressure to the mouthpiece of a trumpet in order to make a note is what is broken, your supposed to blow a raspberry through the mouthpiece of a brass instrument in order to make a sound of which I cannot do.

And today I have, physically, done nothing except burnt off a lousy 200 odd kcal's but as I have watched some more Anime, it was the rest of the "Eccel World" which I found very good and I still would like to get one of those computer-neural interfaces plugged into me so I could sort out my memory like a computer hard drive it all of the instances that happen to me in a day already on file time and date stamped So I could go into a day; lets say Day 2999 and that is on a different day many years from now I think and I could store a notification on that day that I would only be 1 day off 3000, or such like, I could have my life planed out for me so that I would never miss another scheduled appointment and my forgetfulness would be a thing of the past so I would know what I have done for every minute of each day.

Thursday, 24 November 2016

Day 1246

Day 1246.

21.91, was my BMI for today as I rook off 1 pound for the jeans, boxers, t-shirt and specs that I was wearing. But I have also forgotten what I just ate for  dinner the only part I can remember is the pudding.

Breakfast: cereal.
Lunch: 1 sausage roll, 2 porkpies and monster munch.
Dinner: chocolate cheesecake.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

Now at the end of the night before last night I had a weird dream now it was supposed to go in yesterdays blogpost but I forgot about it and it wasn't until I checked my notes when I remembered about it. So my dream was short and it included 2 NPC's and me but all I did was reciprocate eye contact and and applaud as what happened in this dream was there was 2 girls Img and Rose who were looking in my general direction so I looked back and then both of them one at a time flexed their muscles so to them I gave them my applause and then I was thinking that they wanted me to flex my muscles also and I was just about to when I was woken up.

I would like a direct link, I'm typing about the tech that is instrumental in Accel World now just as if I could have one of those plugged into my head then I could communicate with people easier and I could sit outside waiting for people to walk up to me and then challenging them to a death battle, which I have the highest probability of losing but hay they're the rules of the games every battle has a winner and a loser apart from if a fight is called off, or some other outcome which make it a draw,

But I have got a game idea but until the technology is available for it I am unsure if it will ever be a realistic idea as it uses the Direct Link from Accel world. But it doesn't have to, I guess, I have it codenamed Warriors Online, and you play as yourself. Your first fight is a induction fight it's a fight to see if you can make it into the over-world academy where you have to fight to keep the world safe from invaders and other internal things, like the monsters that escape from the underworld and the over-world monsters but if you lose the fight you lose the fight at the beginning you are cast down into the underworld academy


So today I first went to the gym, at the gym I was going on the lateral trainer for 20 minutes and I was attempting to keep my MET's up past 13for the duration I think I managed to get it for the most part this time even if I couldn't actually see for the final 5 minutes,but my PT was saying that I was managing to keep it just to 13 when I had my eyes closed. Then I also did a bit of work on my arms muscles my weight has now gone up to 22.5 as well as strengthening my right wrist which I was doing and I noticed someone in the gym that I thought I recognised from somewhere, I was thinking school. But then I finished off with a 5 minute hand cycle ride.

Then I got home and I gave myself a 500 stroke, or 15 minute, row to do, I completed it which still left me with 2000 more strokes to do so I am still going to have to do that 2500 stroke row in the future.

Wednesday, 23 November 2016

Day 1245

Day 1245;

22.11 and I was wearing 1 pounds worth of clothing as I was wearing Jeans, Socks, Boxers, T-shirt and Specs.

Breakfast: cereal and banana.
Lunch: sausage roll, quavers and doughnut.
Dinner: macaroni cheese, chicken and chips.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk, 1 300ml mug of fruit juice and 1 300ml mug of fruit juice and lemonade mixed, together.

So last night I finished off watching the 13 episodes of Abenobashi and today I have watched the 12 episodes of Absolute Duo, which I found disturbingly entertaining.

I think liatening to other people talk about how I'm doing something is interesting especially when they get ir wrong as yesterday when I was walking backwards over the mini hurdles, I wasn't looking where I was going as I was looking to my front. as I was doing that Mrs Sa was telling Mich that I was stepping over the mini hurdles and then I was backing up to the next one and when I felt the mini hurdles against my leg i knew when to step over it. Which would be fine and rosy if that was the actual way that I was doing it. But alas it wasn't, I was just going along attempting to replicate what I had done the first time which was step over then take 2 shuffle steps back then step over,

Fitness today:

I did Ihad only just got to 500 strokes/15 minutes as it became too dark to see the timer/counter on the rower today so I still have to do 75 minutes or 2500 strokes tomorrow basically, but I remembered to get my 50 sit-ups 50 crunches and I did 60 press-ups today. 

Tuesday, 22 November 2016

Day 1244

Day 1244;

22.07 with taking off 0 pounds for clothing 21.84 for taking off 1 pound for the weight of my clothes as today I was wearing track suit trousers, socks, boxers, wrist bands and specs, so I'm thinking that get up probably weighed about half a pound.

Breakfast: cereal, apple and banana.
Lunch: canned spaghetti on toast with 2 types of mini sausages.
Dinner: chicken in BBQ sause, peas, carrots, roast potatoes and chocolate cheesecake square.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.
Snaks: a slice of fruit cake, a slice of a sponge and white chocolate cake and a slice of black forest gateau cake.

Fitness today:
I have gone to the gym to d a 10km cycle ride in 30 minutes, as I did the first 25 minutes I was attempting to keep my peddle speed up around about 100, then for the next 5 minutes I was just riding it out as a cool down ride. Then I have also done 50 sit-ups and 50 crunches all that's left for me to do is 50 press-ups and 15 minutes on the rower for today which I am thinking I should just do a 75 minute row sometime like tomorrow. maybe. Then later on, just before leaving my home to go to athletics I did my 50 press-ups.

Today in athletics I tried some walking forward backwards and sidewards each time stepping over a mini hurdle then I attempted a two footed standing jump over each of the mini hurdles I failed quite a bit doing that which was funny as I had just succeed doing it over them once but I succeeded in doing it over them before the end of the session, then there was the actual hurdles that we had to duck under I managed it, in the end, I also crawled under it when we were both going through it forwards. 

Now just what else have you done today?

You should know, you were there.

I know, I know. but it's not my job to inform the audience of your happenings today, it's yours!

But today I have been out fitness stuff, at home eating or watching some anime. Abenobashi is intriguing as it takes some of the r reoccurring themes from video games and it puts them into a anime. 

Monday, 21 November 2016

Day 1243

Day 1243;

22.01 was my BMI again and I took off 1 pound weight in clothing as I was wearing jeans, boxers, t-shirt and specs.

Breakfast: cereal, apple, purple grapes and banana.
Lunch: sausages, peas, mashed potato and apple crumble.
Dinner: ham sandwich.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk, 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice and I had about 1 150ml mug of gravy mixed with mash potato and silva.

In my fitness regime (yesterday):
I did my daily 15 minutes on the rowing machine earlier on in the day, but I got around to doing my 50 sit-ups and 50 crunches after dinner before 12 O'clock midnight after I had typed up my blog post and then after midnight just before I went to sleep I did my 50 press-ups.

Just before I awoke this morning I had a strange dream, it had me Morgan Freeman and one of my friends that are girls in it, it was one of the blonde friends that I'm not really sure wether I should call her a friend anymore as as she unfriended me from faceybook by at least the run up to the Brexit referendum, if not by the actual British  election. But I shall call her Alola as it seems to be a bright an cheerful enough name for the girl that I knew and as I would be saying hello to her she would most likely be saying goodbye to me (the two meanings of the word Aloha which the name I have given her comes from).

Ok so the story starts in a little pub/café like thing, It's a story now? well yes it is, now the little pub/café thing only had a handful of people in it and of the people that were in it only Morgan, Alola and myself/the playable character were the only participants in the progression of the story. As the story started I was sitting in a pub/café and Morgan was also in the pub/café and he was threatening the server (I didn't exactly recognise her as Alola until after the dream, but she was blonde and her face looked familiar to me in the dream). Morgan was threatening her with a gun and I just got up and wondered over towards Morgan and he pointed the gun up into the air and fired it, as he was saying don't take a step further towards me or I will shoot so I didn't he shot at me the bullet scraped along the side of my face and I grabbed his gun with my left hand but my right arm went over the left shoulder of Alola, my right arm went down into her chest. So my hands were up in the air while I was moving to Morgan and I reached the Morgans gun and the girl simultaneously and both of my arms went down to drag his gun from him but only my left arm reached the gun the other arm did the other thing. I tugged the gun from his hand, he then ran away seeing as he was disarmed and I was standing there all hunched over now with my left hand holding the gun and my right arm down on Alola I don't know what happened next as I woke up,

But today in fitness:
I didn't do my daily 15 minute row as I didn't bother to get some socks on today, so I have to do a whole hour now to make up for my lax behaviour. over the past week or so long. So I have done 50 sit-ups and 50 crunches, will I be able to get my 50 press-ups done today or will it be more of the early hours of tomorrow morning?

Well you know just as I do there's only one way to find out, and that is Nike (just do it).

Well I'be done it with 8 minutes to spare,  well I just wanted to mention to Mr Murray my congratulations. as if he'll ever see this this is a blog of obscurity within a sea of obscurity, well I know I just wanted to put my 2 pence out there on the sea of obscurity as he has beat Novak Djokovic in straight sets to become the ATP champion and t guarantee his ranking, as world number 1 until at least the new year, as he had a positively decisive victory  over 2 sets 6-3 6-4 he only had his serve broken once by Novak and that was after he had already broken Novak's serve 2 in the second set.

Sunday, 20 November 2016

Day 1242

Day 1242;

22.01 was my BMI for today as I took off 1 pounds worth of clothing today as I was wearing socks, jeans, boxers, t-shirt and some wrist bands. 

Breakfast: cereal.
Lunch: bread, ham, porkpie and 2 halves of some cream cakes
Dinner: a meat pie, carrots, new potatoes and the other 2 halves of the cream cakes. 
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

Today started off slowly as I had Boccia this morning but it soon got interesting as before we were half way through we got told we were going to have to leave at half way through the session as the court had only been hired for the hour that starts half an hour before we start and finishes half an hour before we should have usually finished, like say that we had our Boccia club from 1 till 2 what they had done at the sports centre was have our session from 0:30 till 1:30, and Mr laughing V had a go at the people in charge of the place, he started calling them liars was they should have known that we had the same court hired since march for the same time slot but we were able to stay on the court the extra half hour as the other people agreed to let us continue playing but I half wish they hadn't as they got half of the hall not the full hall and they were making an atrocious noise which puts extra strain on the player attempting to hit the balls to the Jack ball.

Then later on today I played on the Pokémon games, so what I did was I trained my Gastly to get a Haunter and I traded a Haunter over to get a Gengar. I also caught a Tentacruel and a Tentacool and I trained my Stunky so it evolved into a Skunktank. So all in all I had a moderately successful day.

Saturday, 19 November 2016

Day 1241

Day 1241;

22.07was my BMI for today and I'm still shocked with it's lowness in number as today I didn't do anything energetic as first I sat down with my friend conversing about random stuff and then we ate a bit of lunch and he drew pictures of me.

Breakfast: cereal, apple, green grapes, purple grapes and banana.
Lunch: cheese sandwich and 2 different cup cakes.
Dinner: chips and chicken. 
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

Today I also noticed I must have popped a pimple or something that was on my rear end as either Tini or Allergy noticed I had a spot of blood which was in my back side area;

But by the time that I am posting this I have done none of my exercises which were from my daily workout routine.

Friday, 18 November 2016

Day 1240

Day 1240;

22.04 which I thought was remarkably low as I have done minimal exercise today until after my BMI test at least.

Breakfast: cereal, apple, green grapes, purple grapes and banana.
Lunch: ham sandwich, scotch eggs, cocktail sausages and 2 different cup cakes.
Dinner: macaroni cheese, chicken and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

So this morning as I was sitting on the bottom steps which are in my home I noticed that my feet were blue so I have got up, from a sitting down position and I have moved to get some socks, I have' tout them on yet but I'm still moving my feet around in hope to turn them back to the correct colour of feet, I can't remember being born but my initial colour was blue, apparently, I'm thinking that I may have seen some baby photos of me when I was blue also. You were born an Avatar? No, I was a more greyish blue rather than a royal blue.

I had done my first 15 minute row by 15:05 today but I had it all planned out in my head to have my first row before 12 as I had my friend coming around earlier on today so I was up and ready to meet him early, on today, minus socks, now I ate my lunch with my socks beside my space, on the table, meanwhile I was fidgeting my feet to improve blood circulation, and my feet were looking more or less normal by the time I had finished my lunch, so I traveled back upstairs after my lunch to go to the loo and to get the socks on. Which I did and by that time I'm guessing it was about 14:45 just about the time that I got to my 15 minute row. About the thing which was about my friend coming round today, he didn't as he missed his busses, better luck next time, I say old boy.

But within both of the recent elections the one for Brexit and for the USA's new president, I have backed the winning horse, to use a horse racing analogy. It may not have seemed like it when I first expressed y backing for both of the winners but they both came home. If only I was a gambler I could have made a profit. That's not to say that I thought I had backed the winning horse on even one of the occasions before the results were in. Then I was shocked, happy but shocked.

Ok, now I'll try this for a second time;
Fitness today I did my 15 minute row earlier then I was thinking I had done my 50 sit-ups, 50 crunches and 50 press-ups earlier also, but apparently not, so I'm going to have to do them now instead.
Then after that I did 100 sit-ups, 100 crunches and 57 press-ups, oh come on that's pathetic. What's pathetic? Only managing 57 press-ups. well I will attempt to do the 43 remaining later? Like gall you will, I know your type. My type? Always saying you'll do things that you never accomplish.  40, is the number of extras I did after typing that. See what did I say, and I had done 10 more with 2 minute to go until time up,

Thursday, 17 November 2016

Day 1239

Day 1239;

21,91 was my BMI for today but I only took off 1 pound today for clothes i was wearing as I was wearing; socks, jeans, boxers, t-shirt and specs.

Breakfast: cereal, green grapes, purple grapes and cereal.
Lunch; sausage roll and a pack of monster munch.
Dinner: southern fried chicken, peas, new potatoes and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk, 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice and 7 gulps of Lucozade sport: orange flavour.
Snack: 1 little chocolate sheep.

This morning I thought I heard the front door knock as I awoke, then I had my daily morning inhalation, then I did 20 crunches then finally 10 more before going downstairs for breakfast.

While I was eating my grape double I noticed a strange flickering which was coming from the sun, the sun was flickering like a dying light bulb from one of those old school police shows. 

Also this morning I have been playing on some of the many Faceybook games, most notably Criminal Case as I have completed the first 51 levels and chief King is now dead, he shot himself at the end of case number 51. When I was going to put him under arrest for killing that man.

So above it's the Regressive News Network (RNN/TYT) throughout the night on the election night the other week, I've forgot how long it was ago but I'm thinking that it was a long time ago but Mr Donny Trump is still not the President. How long do they have to wait until the new president is sworn in? Why? Is it so they can get people in the faces of the winning candidates to bump them off. before irreversible damage is done? So the governing body of America can be as discrimatory against the will of the American people?

Now today in fitness I did 30 crunches as a start for today, I hadn't even got out of bed but I was still too slow to have a go on the rower before I went out to the gym, and when I got back from the gym I ate my lunch I had a shower and I did basically naught else in terms of my fitness, until about 7 O'clock in the evening, or 19:00. Anyway then I did 50 sit-ups, 50 crunches and 50 press-ups, so all that was left to do was my 15 minute row but it was too dark, But didn't you do a 30 minute row yesterday? I think I did in total, but wasn't that in aid of covering off some of that 3 days worth I missed? I can't remember but I thought you had already done that.

Hillary Clinton's concession speech is pretty good.

She's a good looser very gracious unlike the media outlets, or The Young Turks. But I can now respect her for the humility she's shown in defeatI have put a hat on so I can take it off as a show of respect for her. If she gets another shot at the presidency next time I would like her only attack him on what he has done in the following term as president, the promises her has made during the following election cycle and please attempt to show how you would improve on the good points and the bad of Trumps Presidency don't go into another election with the brain of a petulant child she should act her age more. Don't go on about how Russia has any part in your politics.

By the part about the brain of a petulant child I was meaning that she was making out that she deserved the presidency, as nobody deserves the presidency anyone that wants it has to earn it.

So I ha my second inhalation of the day much later on today before drinking my second mug of milk after my weigh in tonight.

Wednesday, 16 November 2016

Day 1238

Day 1238;

22.04 was my BMI with only 1 pound taken off for clothing 21.88was my BMI with 2 pounds taken off for clothing, as today I was waring... jeans, socks, boxers, t-shirt and specs.

Breakfast: cereal, apple and banana..
Lunch: spaghetti on toast with some mini sausages, scotch eggs, pork pie and 3 slices of different cakes
Dinner: cheese + ham omelette, potato salad and cheese cake.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk, 1 300ml mug of presse and 1 300ml mug of fruit juice.

Fitness today as I first woke up I did 20 press-ups as  starting point, to build on and that was it; for the morning at least. As a few hours later I (when I had finally pit some socks on) I went for 5 separate rows my first 2 rows were only 5 minute rows as both of my feet came unstuck before the 5 minute mark, so I attempted to continue rowing but both of the times I stopped at 5 minutes. Then attempt number 3 now this attempt was my most successful attempt, in time rowed, as I managed to row for 10 minutes before my specs slippered down my face  my feet stayed attached. The in the last 2 my feet stayed attached for the complete time which was past 6 minutes for both of them, so today it was approximately 32 minutes in total that I spent on the rowing machine, so I'll round it down to 30 minutes, so there should only be one more day of 30 minutes on the rower till I counteract that 3 days of missed rows.  But now tonight I have just completed 70 more press-ups, 50 crunches and 50 sit-ups.

Today I watched the Football match England vs Spain for 85 minutes give or take a few minutes, England had the game 2-0 but then after that Spain managed to score twice, to get the game back to 2-2, the game was tied. Just before they were saying 2-0 that should be enough to guarantee the England manager his job 2-1 full time the game is in the 5 minutes stoppage time, they still think the score line should be good enough, 5 minutes elapse and those Spaniards score again 2-2 the commentators shut their mouths.

It was today I think I discovered my Nintendo Classic Mini NES should be arriving sometime next month. 

Tuesday, 15 November 2016

Day 1237

Day 1237;

21.94 with 1 pound taken off for the weight of my clothes which was a t-shirt, tracksuit bottoms, socks, wrist bands and the specs. But then I also did the rest  before but I didn't take off any weight fot clothing and I got 22.17 , but then the 0.2 weight less than a pound.

Breakfast: cereal, apple and banana.
Lunch: bacon muffin and a bag of pickled onion flavoured monster munch.
Dinner: past Bolognese (Quorn) and some cheesecake.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 3 300ml mugs of fruit juice.
Snack: Chocolate brownie.

Fitness: I have rowed for 15 minutes today which was 522 strokes, 50 sit-up, 50 crunches, 30 press-ups and 40 press-ups.

But then also today I have gone out to the athletics thing again where I have ran around a bit and I have thrown a little mini shot, but it wasn't a shot it was more squeegee so I had some trouble purring it. But S was there with a new person and the new person is supposed to be taking over from S after she goes off on maternity leave. Now today I was being helpful, apparently as I was collecting the shot back in after it had been thrown, and I was returning it to the next person in the queue, as I was being impatient, but then S told me that I was helping her as if she had to bend down to pick the shot  up from off the floor she wasn't sure that she'd be able to get back up again. As she is apparently huge.

But recently my family has had a loss it was the 10th person from Mich's side of the family that was at his wedding, of the 18, that has now died, Now I can remember 18 people from in my family  but only 15 of them are alive, hang on what about GUP? oh him...  no wonder I can't remember him he died before my oldest memories.

So this is my whole family that I can name. Alive are in green. Dead are in Red.

  1. J
  2. M
  3. C
  4. A
  5. E
  6. K
  7. R
  8. S
  9. T
  10. M
  11. F
  12. GMD
  13. GDD
  14. GM
  15. GAJ
  16. GP
  17. GAK
  18. GUH
  19. GUP
Which got me thinking as I remembered  a pair of ginger twins from a funeral that were from the household off the person that has died or at least I thought they were a pair of ginger twins but it turns out to be that only 1 of the 2 of them was actually ginger the other one wasn't ginger, the death was of P who was the wife of a members of Mich's family, Jo , Now Jo is a big man but he's also very nice.

Monday, 14 November 2016

Day 1236

Day 1236;

22.14 I lost 0.16 on yesterdays BMI. so I basically have to loose some more weight to get my BMI down a bit, that or I could grow... 

Breakfast: cereal, banana and apple.
Lunch: Buffet lunch.
Dinner: chicken, carrots, potato, chocolate cheesecake and  lemon meringue pie.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

So today I missed the memorial thingy, that thing for the 11th of the 11th, it was only as I had forgot what day it was by the time that I had eaten my breakfast and taken a shower, then I was attempting to get ready to go for the service of remembrance as quickly as possible, and I had got myself ready just as I heard the walk past my window, so I went downstairs to get m shoes on to follow them and Tini said I wasn't allowed to follow them down so I got myself frustrated as I had just heard them walk past the window, soI went out into the additional room and I decided to have a row on the rowing machine, I did about 39.34 minutes by the time that it stopped.

Also in fitness today I have done 50 sit-ups, 50 crunches and 50 press-ups/push-ups/what ever you call them. I know I should probably be targeting for 100 more of the first two and 150 more press-ups before this night is over, just to get myself up to where I'm supposed to be, but...

Emu and C came around today, also. 

Sunday, 13 November 2016

Day 1235

Day 1235;

22.30 was my BMI for today and I put on one pound for the clothes I was wearing, as it was jeans, t-shirt, socks, boxers, wrist bands and specs.

Breakfast: cereal, banana.
Lunch: potato salad, cocktail sausages, scotch eggs, mozzarella sticks and other buffet foods.
Dinner: pasta in some weird tomato sauce and something for puffing but I have forgot what it was.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

Today Allergy noticed that the BMI was about 0.33 out as she didn't even step on it and it gave her the reading of 0.33. But also today I went to my local boccia club, and there was the 6 of us that went today, so if that tallies up to £3.50 each it should have made £11 before coaches fees but if the coach we had today still doesn't want to be paid then the club could have made a profit so much so if the club has turn ups like this week for 4 weeks in a row then the boccia club could run 1 Thursday session with Mr D man on his salary.

Now that was me doing one of the laziest sports ever to have been labeled a sport. The next part of my day consisted off mr sitting down while watching the football team that I support get thumped 0-3, by a team that was below the team that I support and now they have just leapfrogged the club that I support, the football team that I support is going down, 

It's going down, 
It's going down, it's going,
Support is going down,

Saturday, 12 November 2016

Day 1234

Day 1234;

22.17 it's an improvement on yesterdays but not by much as I was wearing my PJ's tonight when I was having my weigh in so I put 0 ponds on for clothing weight.

Breakfast: cereal, apple banana and grapes.
Lunch: spaghetti on seeded toast and mini sausages, 
Dinner: scampi, chips, peas and cheesecake.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk, 2 300ml mugs of  fruit juice, 1 100ml mug of fruit juice, 1 149 mug of fruit juice and another few gulps from my Lucuzade Sport bottle. 

Today I reached my KCAL goal but that may have been as I went for a 40 minute cycle ride, well it was 25 minutes at attempting to go at least 100RPMs, then it was another 5 minutes going slower to burn off the lactic acid that builds up in peoples legs, at least I think that's what Mr P told me. 

Zero's death in Code Geass R2 is very theatrical as if it had been rehearsed Zero's Guards just let the new Zero waltz up to Lelouch and stab him, and I thought that Zero was married to the girl that was doing the agreements to become a member state of United Federation but before he went into the negotiations the girl Kallen kisses  him before he captures her as well as the rest of the black knights, and then just as they are about to get executed  when the new Zero turns up and does a whole load of acrobatics which the original Zero, Lelouch, would have trouble doing then he stabs the old Zero with his sword. Then I was like I understand why he has done this, for the same reason that Lelouch's sister was pressing the button and massacring all of the civilians. 

Friday, 11 November 2016

Day 1233

Day 1233;

Today I was even more lazy than yesterday as I am going to have to do 45 minutes on my rower tomorrow as well as 100 sit-ups, 100 crunches and 150 press-ups. Especially seeing as my BMI for today was 22.20.

Breakfast: cereal, grapes, banana and apple.
Lunch: 2 sausage rolls and 2 pok and pickle pies.
Dinner: chicken balls and chips.
Drinks:  2 300ml mugs of milk, 1 300ml mug of elderflower presse and 1 300ml mug of fruit juice.

Today I have heard about some revolts in the USA as some people there got the wrong president, but the President would be wrong no matter who won the elections just as with the EU referendum, but it'd have to be more like the PM's elections, I have been thinking recently that you should change your presidential election system, but we have what we have so just deal with it for 4 years from the 20th of January next year.

Today I have done none of my daily fitness routine but I have watched the remaining episodes ofCode Geas: Lelouch of the Rebellion and some of Code Geas: Lelouch of the Rebellion R2. I like it how it's episodes names are move 1-25 then in subtext underneath them it has the description of the move as the title of the episode. 

Thursday, 10 November 2016

Day 1232

Day 1232;

22.07 again just as yesterday.

Breakfast: cereal, apple and banana.
Lunch: ham & cheese sandwich (in seeded bread), pork pie and fruit cake.
Dinner: bacon burger thing and cheese cake.
Drinks: 2 300ml migs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.
Snack: toasted scone with jam.
Now last night/this morning I was looking at the BBC's reporting on the Trump v Clinton presidential  contest, as I like politics as it is interesting. I think it's interesting how Donny is winning all  of the "Key States except from "New Hampshire" at the moment of which he's loosing by 0.1%, but it became by 0.6 shortly after me writing this then it shrunk to 0.4. but even if he wins all of those states there is still "California" which is a massive state it's a 55 point state.

Florida; looked like a marginal win for the Trump before it was declared as a Trump Win. Ohio initially looked like a win for Clint when the day started but then it switched hands. Virginia Trump was winning for a couple of minutes at the start of the night, but Clint managed to get 0.2 ahead  but Clint managed to get a 0.5 lead on Trump, Clint has managed to win Virginia by a big 4.9 points. New Hampshire Trump managed to get 1.3 ahead at one point but by now it still hadn't declared But it was a Clint state as the Blues managed to beat Red by 0.2 %. 

So much for a 79% chance for a HC win, as someone said on the TV before the results started coming in, and they were also saying that they couldn't see how Donny Trump was going to get enough electoral seats. But now they are saying that Donny has a 95% chance to win says the New York times.

Pennsylvania 20 points it was a Clint sate for the majority of the time that it was on the screen, but then now it's 48% to 48% but it's saying that Trump was in the lead. But now it's 38%-39% to Trump, what?  I was only informing you on the results for Pennsylvania. As Donny actually won Pennsylvania. 

Wednesday, 9 November 2016

Day 1231

Day 1231;

22.07 I'm getting fatter again and today I was wearing jeans, t-shirt, socks, boxers and a pair of specs and I put 1 pound on as my clothing weight. 

Breakfast: cereal, banana and apple.
Lunch: spaghetti, toast, sausages, pork pie and a cookie.
Dinner: cheese & ham omelette, chips and cheese cake.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

Now tonight it's the US election but the BBC is informing that the results start to come in at midnight GMT but then just slightly further down the page it's telling me that Donny Trump is winning in New Hampshire as it stands and the national popular vote which has got 0.1% of districts counted Donny Trump is winning by 69.3 percent.

17:29 was the time that the rowing machine told me, I had done 543 strokes in that time, which was abysmal, but I could see the actual number of strokes used at the start but I couldn't by the end. which just goes to remind me how dark itb is getting earlier nowadays.

Today I was playing on Pokémon Pearl and I have also been playing on Pokémon Diamond as I plot to trade some of my Pokémon from one game to the other in order to complete my Pokédex.

Also in my daily fitness I have done 50 sit-ups, 50 crunches and 50 push-ups. 

Tuesday, 8 November 2016

Day 1230

Day 1230;

22.01 I tok off 0 pounds of weight for clothes as I was wearing t-shirt, track suit trousers, socks, boxers, wrist bands and specs.

Breakfast:  cereal,banana and apple.
Lunch: an all day breakfast, monster munch (pickled onion flavoured) and a doughnut.
Dinner: pasta, meat (quorn) balls, cheese and cheese cake.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.
Snack: 1 cookie.

Riolu evolved into a Lucario and my Roselia evolve into Roserade Which now means that in the Pokédex I have now got from Pokémon numbers 1 to 3 I don't have from Pokémon numbers 4 to 9 then I have from Pokémon numbered 10 to 29 next I should just have to evolve my Golbat into a Crobat and my Onix into a Steelix before I will have the first 35 in the Pokédex minus the 6 mentioned earlier (from 4 to 9) but I ccould relatively easily get 2 of them from my Diamond version go the game.

Americans and the election, on one hand side you've got Mrs Clinton, a stable candidate who has been in office for many years and then you've got Mr Trump, a businessman who has who has probably exceeded his own expectations by getting this far. 

Now what has the experienced one ever done while she was in power... I can't remember but I have been attempting to find out and I found a website which said she has helped to create Children's Health Insurance Program, She won the most votes of any female presidential candidate in history but that was when Barry Obama beat her back in 2008, She set the stage for Obamacare by pushing health care reform in the '90s and during the 2008 campaign but wasn't the whole Obama care thingamajig a failure? She became the most-traveled U.S. secretary of state ever, I wonder why... actually no with her being as far away from America as possible for the majority of the time that she was in office was probably better for America. She set into motion the first American talks with Iran since the 1979 revolution by set into motion it means she sent a young aid called Jake Sullivan off todo all of the work she probably just told Jake what to get on wit hand then she sent him away (to Iran).

Now what has Donny Trump ever done with his business powers for America? He has built office towers, hotels, casinos, golf courses, and other branded facilities worldwide, I get that from Wikipedia. So basically he's helped America by building quite a lot of infrastructure he has also exploited some of the loopholes in the American regulations and he told the public how to exploit them and he was telling the population of the U.S. that all of Hillary's donors were doing the same thingds but that was why Hillary would never do anything about them, but he was saying that he would. Then Hillary probably did that irritating little giggle just like the little girl that she's not and hasn't been for about 60 years. Well I know she's 69 years of age now so about 9-10 yeas old, seems legit.  "Legit"?  what seems legit? The about 60 years that you put before. Ok. So now that could have been when he lost the election, as he could have lost the major business backing, if he ever needed it, but it appeared to galvanise his supporters to him. Then the FBI reopened the email saga on Hillary Clinton as there was new emails which turned out to be the same as the old ones, but I thought that she was breaking the law every time that she accessed her Governmental emails on her private phone, instead of using a secure network node, like the governments phones.  

On the rower today I have done some number higher than 600, within 18:53 but I had stopped at around 12 minutes to switch the outside light off as it was shining in my eyes but as I attempted to do that Mich had a go at me saying that he had left it on for Tini so she could see her way back into home but I didn't understand why she needed that light on then as she wasn't going to get back a least not yet and If Mich was in the back room then he'd have the lights on in that room anyway so why does he need the other light on (he's such a wasteful person).

Then I did my daily 50 press-ups, 50 sit-upd and 50 crunches so my daily fitness regime completed finally. 

Monday, 7 November 2016

Day 1229

Day 1229;

21.88 was my BMI again and I took of 1 pound in weight as I was wearing Jeans, T-shirt, Socks, Boxers and a pair of specs.

Breakfast: cereal, apple and banana.
Lunch: chicken soup, baguette, scone crean and jam.
Dinner: chicken, carrots, peas, new potatoes and cheese cake.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

I did a 20 minute cycle ride as quick as possible for the complete 20 minutes which had me attempting to cycle at a minimum of 100RPM's, and then I continued for a 5 minute cool down period which lasted for 6 minutes. Now in the first 20 minutes I almost managed to keep my peddle speed to at least 100RPM's for the 20 minutes, but Tini was impressed by my efforts I think as she has said that next week the bar has been risen to 25 minutes, doe the 100RPM's peddle speed.

But yesterday at least I  think it was yesterday. anyway the 5th of November, gunpowder, treason and plot. Was the day that commemorates Guy (Guido) Fawkes and the rest of the plotters to blow up the houses of parliament and King James, that was to be there for the opening of parliament, to replace him with the 3rd in line to the throne Elizabeth (his daughter), which doesn't make sense, as the King was anglican which means that his daughter was most likely an Anglican also, so how would Robert Catesby's plot to remove the Protestant ruler of England if there was another protestant waiting in the wings to take over. Which was basically an elaborate plan to kill of the protestant King and to replace him with a puppet Monaco which they could manipulate to make her Catholic just to allow the catholics to rule over England.

First I mean second, as |I did that 26 minutes prior, today in my fitness I did 2 sets of 50 press-ups as I couldn't remember if I had done them last night, as I had the slight recollection that I had put down that I was going to do 100 press-ups last night, and I couldn't remember if I had actually done them last night, so I did them today.

I did 557 strokes in 17.05 minutes today on the rower, as it was dark in the room where the rower is situated I decided to count to 500 as I was rowing, It didn't work. next up I did 50 sit-ups, 50 crunches and 50 press-ups. but my 4rd 50 of today was slightly weird as I did 20 first then I did 17 and finally I did 13 or 14, so it totalled out at either 50 or 51.

Sunday, 6 November 2016

Day 1228

Day 1228;

21.88just as yesterday I was wearing approximately 1 pound again, as I was wearing Jeans, T-shirt, boxers, socks and specs.

Breakfast: cereal.
Lunch: scrambled egs on toast with a bit of salmon but I don't like salmon.
Dinner: beef pie, new potatoes, carrots, peas and a chocolate cookie.
Drinks 2 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

Dun is a greyish brownish colour, what is a vey wasn't it a thing which is similar to an aqueduct? Or am I mistaken?

Today in fitness I have done my daily 15 minute/500 strokes row, as I had rowed 511 strokes after 15 minutes were on the clock. But I had stopped 3 times during the row, so I decided to row another 3 minutes, so I had rowed over 100 strokes more in the time extra. So the clock said 18 minutes I had rowed but the strokes rowed was something more to the 616. Also I did 100 sit-ups and 100 crunches I am going to do myself 100 press-ups later on tonight. if I remember to  I'll inform you people tomorrow.

On the radio I have just heard a little section from the BBC Radio 2 thing and on it this week it had a news story about how to play the Trombone, you play the Trombone that was the answer, apparently it was about something they had said last week, which is a pretty accurate description of how you play the Trombone, to my understanding at least, as I used to play the Trumpet and it's another brass instrument with similar shaped breathing apparatus to play it, And I can remember how I'm supposed to play it but I can't get my lips together enough to blow a raspberry as that is how you're supposed to play the Trumpet/Trombone, Your supposed to purse your lips then you are supposed to put the mouth piece up to your lips, then blow out of your mouth through your pursed lips. Then all you have to do is to push the correct keys down for the note that your going to be playing, Trumpet, or you have to move the slide to the correct distance to get the correct note, Trombone.

Earlier on today I also had Boccia practise and Mr B was being really quite troubling, as he was saying that we will be able to only have to pay £1 per session, which I think is great as a user at least, but the Boccia club has got to be self-sufficient with out goings of £10 per court in court hire, you need at least 10 players per court to make it break even, but then here's the thing on that, you only play with 6 people on each court then even if you had six players present on every session you'd be losing 4 pounds per session and that is before coaches fee's as well.

Saturday, 5 November 2016

Day 1227

Day 1227;

21.88 and today I was wearing a pair of jeans so I was taking off 1 pound of weight,  so what I was wearing today was a

Breakfast: cereal, banana and apple.
Lunch: spaghetti hoops on toast with mini sausages.
Dinner: jumbo sausages, peas and chips.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

So today in fitness I have done my daily 15 minute or 500 stroke row, as I was on an actually decent row today I managed to get 500 strokes in 14:29 so III did myself another about minute on top just to be sure that I was getting my 15 minutes work done for today. first my left foot came unstuck from the peddle but I hadn't even done 10 strokes by this time so I stopped and started again tying up my left foot. Then I'm thinking that it wasn't until about a minute had pasted that my right foot had become unstuck but I continued on my way to the 500 strokes mark anyway and I made it with 31 seconds to spare.

Then today I have attempted a whole load of other exercises on top of my 50 sit-ups, 50 crunches and 50 press-ups.

As well as all of that I have also been doing some more research into Hillary and Trump. I still prefer Trump, as he seems to be more relatable and a lot less criminal than the Hillsborough (Hilary) disaster. click here to finf out about the actual Hillsborough Disaster.

 But there is one source that says Trump is 87% more likely to win the election than the charlatan that is the Clinton, but other than that one study there's a pretty small majority that is voting for Clinton from the polls. it's basically a 5 percentage unless you are looking at Sam Harris who is certain that Clinton is going to win 3:1.

Friday, 4 November 2016

Day 1226

Day 1226;

21.94 was my BMI for today as I was wearing tracksuit bottoms, t-shirt, socks, boxers, wrist bands and my specs I decided to put on no weight for my clothing as that is probably how much this garb weighs.

Breakfast: cereal, banana and grapes.
Lunch: white bread with cheese sandwich and some food that I have forgotten.
Dinner: pasta and Bolognese, chocolate trifle and chocolate cheesecake.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

The following video I enjoyed greatly. Heresy.

To think unicorns in the bible, I thought it was supposed to be infallible, isn't it.

In my daily fitness I have done my 15 minute/500 strokes row, today it lasted slightly more than 18 minutes and I only had 1 foot attached, to the rower, for the majority of it, I had 2 feet attached for a short time and I even had no feet attached by the end of my row.

But then I also went to the actual gym today before going the Pokémon gym in Pokémon Pearl later on today it is the gym in Snowpoint City that I have gone to, to help me overcome the feeling of sheer hopelessness that I have been getting from watching a lot of American peoples video's saying they were going to for Hillary Clinton  for reasons that are almost totally fictional and the only ones that may have some vicarious merit to them happened a long time ago before he even intended to go into politics.

Now today in the actual gym that I went to today I have been on a load of machines to help improve my fitness, then as I got home from the gym I decided to my daily fitness routine, which means 50 sit-ups, 50 crunches and 50 press-ips.

But then as well as going to Snowpoint gym today in Pokémon I also captured a Medichan. Which helps my Pokédex I wonder how soon it'll be before I have got them all?

Thursday, 3 November 2016

Day 1225

Day 1225;

21.88Which was down on yesterdays BMI and I put my clothing's weight a 1 pound again as I was wearing a T-shirt, Jeans, Boxers, socks and some spectacles.

Breakfast: cereal, grapes, banana and apple.
Lunch: white bread with ham sandwich and a mince pie.
Dinner: 2 jumbo sausages, peas, new potatoes and chocolate trifle.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

Toda in my fitness routine I have done my daily 15 minutes well it was actually 500 strokes of which I dd in 16:51 minutes, basically too slowly; did it today 50 sit-ips, 50 crunches and 50 press-ups before my daily weigh in.

I also have read some more of the Berserk Manga (comic) it's a lot better than the Anime (cartoon) as it goes into the story in more detail and you'd have missed out some giant chunks of the story if you only watched the Anime version I was getting confused about the first episode. at least how come he's got both of his arms back by the time of the first episode he looses one of them in the last episode of the Anime.  How did he also escape the death that was foretold by "Nosferato Zood" or however you're supposed to spell it.

There is 5 streams, of time, that Breath of the wild could potentially fit in according to my logic, the first is the "unified time line" which ends with the Ocarina of time and the three possibilities which are "the downfall timeline" "The child Link time line" and "the adult Link time line"I know that I have typed 5 time streams but from the list that I have just announced you would be correct in stating that I have only mentioned 4 But from the data that I have seen on the game so far I think that it could be positioned in "the reunified time line" which is only a concept that I came up with off the top of my head before I watched the youtube video which says is Breath of the Wild a Dragon Break, which is basically saying it the game may create a new time line the reunified time line.

Tuesday, 1 November 2016

Day 1224

Day 1224;

21.94 Was my BMI for today but I had decided to only take 1 pound off of my weight today as I was wearing some Jeans, T-shirt, socks and my specs as I noticed that earlier this week when I was wearing some of my lightest cloths i think it was at 21.98 so I wasn't thinking that my jeans were 2 pounds in weight.

Breakfast: cereal, grapes, banana and apple.
Lunch; ham with white bread sandwich and cherry Bakewell.
Dinner; chicken, peas, roasted potatoes and chocolate trifle.
Drinks; 2 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

So today in my fitness regime I had an according to my rowing machine a 23.57 minute row as I was attempting to get my 500 strokes in todays session on the rowing machine as it was a 546 stroke tow today and I stopped quite a few times during the course of this row most notably at 200 strokes so I could turn the light on for the couple of seconds necessary to check my progress then I was going until I had counted up to 100 strokes the second time but I lost myself in the numbers and I stopped to check the rowing machine again the stroke counter had reached 247, or something around there, then I thought that I needed to 53 more and when I next stopped the stroke counter was at 401 so I only had 99 more to do and then you can notice from the text that I have typed earlier that I miss counted the 99 by 46, so I had done 145 strokes in that last stint.

I have forgotten what I have been doing for the majority of today , but I know that I have done at least my 15 minutes on the rowing machine as I have also done 100 sit-ups, 100 crunches and 100 press-ups. So I think it could be said that I'm up to how many I should be on for press-ups, as well as sit-ups and crunches which I was already up to from yesterday or the day before yesterday I think. 

Day 1223

Day 1223;

22.01 was my BMI for tonight but tonight I met my kcal goal for the amount of Kcal's that I have to  burning off each day.

Breakfast: cereal, banana and apple.
Lunch: omelette and some chocolate cheesecake.
Dinner: pasta Bolognese, cheese and I ate something for pudding but I cannot remember what it was.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 3 300ml mugs of fruit juice.
Snacks: 3 out of date Hovis biscuits and some grapes.

Today I have done an about 10 minute row then when I had finished doing that I started again and I decided to do a 500 strokes, which lasted about 18:37 according to my rowing machine, and I stopped quite a few times. But then as I finished It as I had reached 501 strokes I made a mental note that I had accomplished 15 minutes today and my deficit was down to 25 minutes, But I also did my daily 50 sit-ups, 50 crunches and 50 press-ups. which just left me with that 50 press-ups to do in loo basically. 

But today in Athletics Mr B instructed Rose to get over into the other track for the long jump so I attempted to nudge her onto the correct track but she just had a go at me then Mr B told her to switch lanes once more but she refused and then he basically said to her fine. Next she went up to the edge of the sand pit and jump, instead of the white line which your supposed to jump from. Then after her jump I had to jump and when I returned to where she was standing she told me her age and I just smiled back at her while thinking "so what you have is +1 year on my age so what?" as if I could respond audibly I probably would have said that "Mr B is probably +30 on your age, why don't you listen to him?" If only I could speak, but alas I can't. which was the only reason that I touched her otherwise I would have told her.

So today I was getting a stern talking to, at least I think that's what I should call it by Mich who just over reacted quite a bit, for me doing what, nothing but turning some lights off in this room that he had just asked me to switch the main light on so I did, then I switched off the peripheral lights off which were inside the room, Then Mich flipped out basically and he started telling Tini that I wouldn't turn the lights back on for him when I was only signing "y" as in why, and he said as he couldn't see so I pointed to the main room light, then he started saying but his eyes aren't good enough (I thought my eyes are worse than yours at the very least and I could see decently) so I switched the light back on then Tini comes in and she starts reprimanding me for turning the waste of a light off I hate waste.