Friday 29 July 2016

Day 1128

Day 1128;

Today wasn't like a usual day, so it was an unusual day,it was unusual as I was playing some more boccia this morning, which was fun, boring but fun.

Breakfast: cereal, banana and apple.
Lunch: vegetarian hot dogs.
Dinner: chicken pie, something, peas, strawberries and chocolate.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk, 1 300ml mug of fruit juice+lemonade and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.
Snacks: 6 percy pigs.

Bellow this paragraph of text is a youtube video showing the song "Princes of the Universe" by Queen which was one of my favourite bands as I was growing up.

It wasn't because of some misguided form of patriotism that I used to like the band Queen as I still do it's just now my music taste has got a bit harder than the Rock of the Queen, but I still do enjoy listening to Queen's music, it has just taken a slightly more backseat in my musical journey of my life.

Musical journey... Journey is basically the American version of Queen, I think so lets have a comparison of the two bands music.

Ok so I have just gone off on that tangent now lets have me getting back on topic of what I have done today. Now from the way I started this blog article you can se that I have played some boccia today and I have managed to het more range from my arms, so that I can throw the ball further than I could before. But then that is only possible when my arm is willing to play ball, duh dun dum (pun get it? play ball as in cooperate and play ball as in what I am attempting to do with the balls).

I have done another about 5 minutes on my rowing machine also today, well In km it had got up to 1.8 but I thought the time had reached 5:19 by the time that I stopped then the clock ticked onto 5:34 while I stopped so I'm unsure how far I got in 5 minutes, now on the rower I have to remember to pull my arms to me the full  distance and then pushing it away from me to full distance, but I still need to get myself stronger to achieve my potential. I have within me. 

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