Tuesday 19 July 2016

Day 1118

Day 1118;

Now it is too hot, too hot for the likes of me, and according to the forecast it is supposed to stay like this until 6pm Thursday, oh joy (I'm being sarcastic).

Breakfast: cereal, banana and apple.
Lunch: cheese and some bread.
Dinner: 1 hotdog from the local Turkish take away.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk, 1 300ml mug of fruit juice, 1 300ml mug of fruit squash, 1 300ml mug of fizzy raspberry and a bit more of my Lucozade sport.. 
Snacks: Malt loaf and some chocolate bites.

So I have ben to athletics today and during the events of today it has come to my attention that Russia have been very naughty by doing some state sponsored drug taking during the Sochi winter olympic games 2014 and they have also been convicted for doing it on numerous occasions so often in fact they have been banned from entering any athletes in Rio.

My links to Russia go further back than I used to be a druggy, no performance enhancing though which was a shame, all I had was some pills that gave me worse headaches and stopped me from doing anything even thinking, as when I was taken off the drugs they were pumping into me that's when I started to respond apparently and now here I am back at home plaguing the people I care about; or I'm supposed to (my family).

But then the second connection to Russia and oldest was when I went to school all of this years ago I had a Russian form tutor, but the teacher had a niece, that I'm going to call V, of who I didn't really know but apparently she "loved" me. Of which I couldn't understand as I hardly knew her but I am betting it had something to do with my form tutor egging her on to say such absurd things, but then some of the other boys in my class made up stories of myself and V in the toilets, and other places, of which had us doing some hardcore pornografic stuff, which within my young mind which was obscene.

So now that's enough about the old school stuff now lets move on to the new trainers that I got today, as I got a new pair of trainers today but these were some proper lace up ones not my usual Velcro ones, which apparently got me a foot more distance in the long jump but that ain't good enough, not within my opinion. so I must get fitter to even challenge my new PB, so when I was home I got back to training in the heat, but I only got 10 sit ups and 30 churches done.

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