Sunday 17 July 2016

Day 1116

Day 1116;

No I'm not a gentleman, I get pretty rough in certain circumstance, but no the previous part go this sentence is not meant in a "dirty" way.  It was just the fact that I opened a door for people to walk through today and someone told me that I was such a gentleman for doing that, but I'm still the selfish little oink that I have ever been, so there's no need to worry.

Breakfast: cereal.
Lunch:open sandwich (which is basically bread, cheese, eggs, pickled egg and seafood sauce), Belgium bun, banana and apple.
Dinner: mash potato, peas and sausages.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk, 1 300ml mug of fruit squash and then I have had 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice but the second was only full up to approximately the 150ml mark.

Today I had some Boccia practise but today I managed to escape at the end of the allotted slot for it, as Tini allowed me to leave it this week and play some more cricket which I actually managed to catch the ball this week, as this week I caught Loose out once and I bowled her out twice, but then she bowled me out twice which was at the 2 times that I went into bat, my hand eye coordination isn't vert good, is one of the things that I have learnt from my attempt with the bat today. But then I also managed to bowl my gym instructor out today once. By the end time I had a little race with Izab it was up and down one side of the hall, so I was standing in the starting corner with one of my feet against the wall the man said go so I started running across the side I could see Izab to one of my sides as she was just starting to get a bit slower, then I did a bit f a run up the wall Izab retook the lead. Then I just legged it down the last side taking over Izab in the progress and my shoe came flying off in the progress of hitting the wall. Our little Boccia team has now lost it's pro coach, but we've still got one, the one that's not an Olympic medalist at the sport,

So the above film is a fan made epic of which I only learnt about because of the controversial little dips that Paramount CBS are being about the Star Trek franchise, and the Star Wars Renegades thing that the started off by advertising with Chekhov and Tuvok is now only called "Renegades" due to the douchey thing that that Paramount CBS is doing to their IP.

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