Monday 25 July 2016

Day 1124

Day 1124:
Now today I did a 2KM row, in 6.05 minutes, as well as that Hami took the lead in the F1 drivers championship and Froome won the Tour de France plus Robot Wars was back.

Breakfast: cereal, banana and grapes.
Lunch: I cannot remmember.
Dinner: pasta, cottage cheese, peach, grapes, apple and then a bowl of strawberries and single cream.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk, 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice and 1 fraction of a mug filled with the left over cream and strawberry juice.

In my row I was going to do the usual 1.6KM or 5 minutes, but then at just under 2 minutes my right foot came out of it's strapping so I attempted to keep going, but I wasn't very successful, so I strapped my foot back in  and I continued. The clock had ticked on to 2.25, I decided to just go for it, go for 2 KM. so I did and I actually made 1.6KM in 5 minuets, just.

Hamilton has now got a 6 point lead at the top of the F1 drivers championships thanks to his win today in Hungary. His team mate started in pole position but that didn't last long as by the time of the first corner he had already been over taken by Lewis and Ricardo , but the second of the over takers didn't last long, the next 2 times that Rosberg led the GP was when Hami took a pit stop, which his lead ended the next lap as Rosburger had to go into the pits by the end of the lap.

The Tour de  France reached it's climax today with Chris Froome winning his third Tour de France title but only his second in succession. On the radio they were all talking about how he could be the best British sportsman.

Robot Wars is back on the BBC finally we saw Razer and Behemoth both entering the pit of oblivion, by what seemed like some suicidal tendencies. But I don't think the pit of oblivion is even called that, at least no more as I'm thinking that may have been a  little Craig Charles invention on-top of just "the pit", Dara is a more serious than Craig ever was and the interviewing seemed to be more equally distributed between Dara and Angela at least within the final of tonight as in the olden days Craig would interview the two teams and this time Dara interviewed the loser and Angela interviewed the winner. I preferred the banter of Craig to that of Dara but this has only been the first episode he may find his feet yet. But it was still a great show, just lacking a bit in the humour department between the battles,

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