Friday 8 July 2016

Day 1107

Day 1107;

Even though the Gery's mucked up my quarter final prediction, they failed to do it again today , leaving the final to be contested by Ronny's friends and the Frogs.

Breakfast:  cereal, apple and banana.
Lunch: sausage roll and tomato ketchup.
Dinner: macaroni cheese and chips.

Sport isn't fair, if it was totally fair how could there be winners, But I am ok with that,and you should be also. I know there is rules and other shenanigans that make the game fairer. But that isn't saying anything about the players of the game each with different skill levels, within athletic they do a 3 place podium for the winner and his/her main rivals for the win, winner and then two runners up.I have no idea why they do that ritual typed  thing. If you win the race then congratulations then if you lose better luck next time.

In the Twilight of the Princess, iI was also fighting Zant, which is all fine until I get to the part of the lrvrl which is under water, when none of my gadgets seem to be working. I know what Midna is saying to me, the thing about deflecting his attacks with the master sword. But it isn't woking, for me, or it hasn't... yet.

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