Sunday 31 July 2016

Day 1130

Day 1130;

Now today was the second day this week that I have been to boccia and Tesco's but this time at Tesco's I didn't see an Abbott, or someone that looks and sounds like one.

Breakfast: cereal, banana and apple.
Lunch: Swiss baked egg, bread and raspberries.
Dinner: ham aka gammon (which I think looks remarkably like Jambon the Spanish, I think, word for ham), pineapple, potato, peas, carrots and some profiteroles.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk, 1 300ml mug of fruit juice and lemonade and 1 300ml mug of fruit juice.

Sorry I was incorrect Jambon is the french word for ham not the Spanish word.

But also today I have been accused of cheating as I went up, down, left, right (or more likely a mixture of the 4 directions, to a sports centre for a Boccia training session, which was probably as Mr D who had accepted the team GB coaching job, but it fell through due to some trivial matter, but now every time I throw the ball how Mr D tells me to he's gets a bit big headed but that's ok, as he is a great coach. But I have worked out that I'm a better leader than a follower at the game, which would be fine I I could actually tell them what I wanted but instead I was pointing and shaking my head etc.But I was improved greatly from Mr D's coaching of me.

Saturday 30 July 2016

Day 1129

Day 1129;

By now the sword fights in Highlander series have got a bit more epic than how I described them within the first few episodes.

Breakfast: cereal, banana and apple.
Lunch: spaghetti hoops on toast with some of those mini sausages along side,  chocolate roll and a cherry Bakewell.
Dinner: chicken, potatoes, carrots and I'm thinking there was 1 more thing but by now I have forgotten what it was.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk, 2 30ml mugs of fruit juice.

Basically the only fitness stuff I did today was a 5 minute row on the machine and I got my BMI to 21.88 which was down by point 3 from yesterday. In my row today I was actually doing well as I managed to stretch my arms forward and pull them back to my chest fully for the majority of the 5 minutes with. my concentration only going, for a bit of the time in the middle I managed to get my km's rowed up to 1.7km's inside of 5 minutes I'm thinking that I made it to 1.8km's either on the 5 minute mark or within 3 seconds of it. 

Friday 29 July 2016

Day 1128

Day 1128;

Today wasn't like a usual day, so it was an unusual day,it was unusual as I was playing some more boccia this morning, which was fun, boring but fun.

Breakfast: cereal, banana and apple.
Lunch: vegetarian hot dogs.
Dinner: chicken pie, something, peas, strawberries and chocolate.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk, 1 300ml mug of fruit juice+lemonade and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.
Snacks: 6 percy pigs.

Bellow this paragraph of text is a youtube video showing the song "Princes of the Universe" by Queen which was one of my favourite bands as I was growing up.

It wasn't because of some misguided form of patriotism that I used to like the band Queen as I still do it's just now my music taste has got a bit harder than the Rock of the Queen, but I still do enjoy listening to Queen's music, it has just taken a slightly more backseat in my musical journey of my life.

Musical journey... Journey is basically the American version of Queen, I think so lets have a comparison of the two bands music.

Ok so I have just gone off on that tangent now lets have me getting back on topic of what I have done today. Now from the way I started this blog article you can se that I have played some boccia today and I have managed to het more range from my arms, so that I can throw the ball further than I could before. But then that is only possible when my arm is willing to play ball, duh dun dum (pun get it? play ball as in cooperate and play ball as in what I am attempting to do with the balls).

I have done another about 5 minutes on my rowing machine also today, well In km it had got up to 1.8 but I thought the time had reached 5:19 by the time that I stopped then the clock ticked onto 5:34 while I stopped so I'm unsure how far I got in 5 minutes, now on the rower I have to remember to pull my arms to me the full  distance and then pushing it away from me to full distance, but I still need to get myself stronger to achieve my potential. I have within me. 

Thursday 28 July 2016

Day 1127

Day 1127;

My rain prediction turned out to be correct today, just 2 or 3 days behind me I guess.

Breakfast: cereal, banana and apple.
Lunch: tomato soup.
Dinner: sausages, peas, chips and strawberries.
Drinks: milk 3 300ml mugs of fruit juice

Today I have been to the gym, now today in the gym my gym instructor was saying that I have some kind of barrier in my head which makes me slow down before the finish and he was saying that in my athletics career I have to run over the line as it might be the difference between first and second in a race. first off I didn't realise that I had an athletics career.

I have started watching the "Highlander series" I watched up to and including episode 4, and it's got a decent story but the sword fights are a bit lame, but I wonder what would happen if a highlanders head was cut off by use of a guillotine or another method where no one has to physically strike the head from the shoulders? What if Richie cut off a highlanders head would he become a Highlander? Wha would happen to the power of the deceased highlander?

I have also played on "Hyrule Warriors Legends", today I completed the game as it was in the original version for the Wii U/ I defeated Ganon then I went on and I completed the only level that was past the final level which was Linkles next part then I had to go back to the other end of the timeline to complete Cia's level I failed in that as my systems batter failed, but it seemed eerily familiar, Wizzro betrayed me and he so I dispatched him and I was just getting to dispatch King Dodongo as my battery blinked out.

Then I might as well mention my about 5 minute row that I did on my rowing machine today. Well the clock said that I had done 1.7km in 5:21which is expected of me but at approximately 2 minutes I stopped for a bit to sort out the timer as it had gone onto mode 2 instead of mode 1, the modes have nothing to do with difficulty instead they are the display options for the screen, option 1 covers time, distance and another while option 2 covers 3 option of which 1 is speed in rpm.

Wednesday 27 July 2016

Day 1126

Day 1126;

The new news which I was attempting to remember but I failed at yesterday was the fact that their was a forth terror attack in Germany so far this month, and then there has been more today elsewhere in Europe.

Breakfast: cereal, apple, banana and grapes.
Lunch: cheese, pineapple toasted sandwich and some of my chocolate box.
Dinner: sausage, mashed potato, carrots and peas.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk, 1 300ml mug of fruit juice and 1 170ml mug of pineapple juice from a can.

Today I have eaten my 5 a day, even if I haven't consumed my 7 for today. As I have eaten pineapple chucks and drunk the 170ml of juice from the can, which could potentially count as 2 of my 7, as 150ml is supposedly enough for a portion in a cup and I ate a lot of pineapple chunks. So the first the 3 were the apple, banana and grapes, then I consumed the two that I'm a bit unsure about. finally it was the carrots and peas.

But I have also done a 1.6km row in 5 minuets, but today I got close to 1.7km as the km stat ticked over to 1.7 when I had finished rowing for 5 minutes. But I should really have 1.7km nailed down in 5 minutes as I was up on it at about half time, but I cannot remember what, or when, it exactly was; but just more reasons for me to be needing to get myself stronger. Especially with my upper body. 

Tuesday 26 July 2016

Day 1125

Day 1125;

Today hasn't been as boiling as it has recently, but the heat from this nighttime humidity has got me expecting rain, in the near future.

Breakfast: cereal, banana apple and grapes
Lunch: pizza, strawberries and single cream.
Dinner: potato salad and pasta salad (pasta salad included some apple and peach).
Drinks: 2 300ml ml mugs of  milk, 1 mug of fruit squash and 2 mugs of fruit juice.
Snacks: I ate some more of the sponge cake.

What did I do today? I ate food, I went to athletics, but I can't really remember what else I have done. 

Oh ŷes I held some doors open for some people, and I have done my daily BMI test, it's still too low at being 21.something like 58.

Edit: I also managed to fit in my 5 minute 1,6km row today.

Monday 25 July 2016

Day 1124

Day 1124:
Now today I did a 2KM row, in 6.05 minutes, as well as that Hami took the lead in the F1 drivers championship and Froome won the Tour de France plus Robot Wars was back.

Breakfast: cereal, banana and grapes.
Lunch: I cannot remmember.
Dinner: pasta, cottage cheese, peach, grapes, apple and then a bowl of strawberries and single cream.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk, 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice and 1 fraction of a mug filled with the left over cream and strawberry juice.

In my row I was going to do the usual 1.6KM or 5 minutes, but then at just under 2 minutes my right foot came out of it's strapping so I attempted to keep going, but I wasn't very successful, so I strapped my foot back in  and I continued. The clock had ticked on to 2.25, I decided to just go for it, go for 2 KM. so I did and I actually made 1.6KM in 5 minuets, just.

Hamilton has now got a 6 point lead at the top of the F1 drivers championships thanks to his win today in Hungary. His team mate started in pole position but that didn't last long as by the time of the first corner he had already been over taken by Lewis and Ricardo , but the second of the over takers didn't last long, the next 2 times that Rosberg led the GP was when Hami took a pit stop, which his lead ended the next lap as Rosburger had to go into the pits by the end of the lap.

The Tour de  France reached it's climax today with Chris Froome winning his third Tour de France title but only his second in succession. On the radio they were all talking about how he could be the best British sportsman.

Robot Wars is back on the BBC finally we saw Razer and Behemoth both entering the pit of oblivion, by what seemed like some suicidal tendencies. But I don't think the pit of oblivion is even called that, at least no more as I'm thinking that may have been a  little Craig Charles invention on-top of just "the pit", Dara is a more serious than Craig ever was and the interviewing seemed to be more equally distributed between Dara and Angela at least within the final of tonight as in the olden days Craig would interview the two teams and this time Dara interviewed the loser and Angela interviewed the winner. I preferred the banter of Craig to that of Dara but this has only been the first episode he may find his feet yet. But it was still a great show, just lacking a bit in the humour department between the battles,

Sunday 24 July 2016

Day 1123

Day 1123;

At the moment of me typing this thee German terrorist has been confirmed as a German-Iranian boy of 18 with no clear links to IS. The boy was mentally unstable, so how did he get his hands on Guns in Germany for Geri's sake? He was obsessed by the Norwegian gun attack of 2011, which is what he modelled his attack on apparently.

Breakfast: cereal.
Linch: cheese sandwich.
Dinner: ham salad, which contained many types of fruit cottage cheese and I thought I even tasted some potato salad included.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk, 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice and half a bottle of Lucosade sport.

Today I had Boccia practice, I was hopeless at it. as usual. But today there was no multi sport for me to play cricket, run around or  kick a ball, I just sat down in a place for almost 3 hours playing one of the most boring games ever thought up.

Then I got to play about 10 minutes of one of the best games in the world. roller hockey, with my hockey playing friend (I think) R14. I know that I'm terrible at reading peoples faces but I thought I saw R14's face  turn to an expression of terror as he had just scored and I was charging towards him, Now the puck is still new to me, so I usually swipe for the ball and I'm expecting the slightest
 contact with the ball but then there's no ball it's a puck my stick just goes over the puck, and I also noted that I have to get my centre of gravity lower to avoid the majority of collision with the floor,   

Saturday 23 July 2016

Day 1122

Day 1122;

Wel today the final Splatfest commenced and I think my team may have won the popularity contest but I very much doubt that we have won anything more.

Breakfast: cereal, banana and apple.
Lunch: I have forgotten.
Dinner: carrots, new potatoes, ham and pickle.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of  milk, 1 300ml mug of fruit squash and 2 300ml mug of fruit juice.

Today in fitness I have done 5 minutes on my rower today, before I started on playing Splatoon. Then when I had the control on for charge today I decided to 30 zombie (Egyptian mummy) sit-ups, I also did a second 5 minutes or 1.6km (whichever is longer usually 5 minutes as I made it with 5 seconds to spare tonight) so now I will have my own permission to play some more Splatoon, later, when my controllers battery is charged.

But there has been some more attacks in Germany today, But they aren't linking Isis to this attack, it was in Munich/the first place in Germany that I visited and the only place that I have ever been to on a plane.

As it was charged So I became a Callie King, which was fun. But playing games does make me sweat a lot.

Today I was watching the news and the news broadcasters were saying about the German attacks and they were linking right-wing extremists to it almost exclusively they weren't totally but they were almost as they had another line of enquiry but then they discounted that as he spoke fluent german, as if he was from Germany, and Isis was attempting to claim him as one of there's but instead he was a correctly disgruntled German citizen, who had been pushed to the end of his rope and he lost it. Well that is what I got from the story. The attack left 9 people dead, 10 injured then he shot himself, like a coward, apparently.

Friday 22 July 2016

Day 1121

Day 1121;

As I was starting this post this morning I was thinking how cool and pleasant the temperature was, but then the heat has just built up throughout the day. Leaving me now thinking what about the prediction? It was obviously incorrect.

Breakfast: cereal, banana and apple.
Lunch: sausage roll, quavers and a slice of chocolate cake.
Dinner:pasta, bolognese and cheese.
Snacks: 4 wine gums.
Drinks: 1 mug of milk, 3 mugs of fruit juice.

So then today in my fitness regime I did 40 sit-ups, 2 sets of 10 Egyptian mummy sit-ups then finally I did 60 crunches/half sit-ups.

Now I did that little bit of work on my fitness today as I had been playing on my 3DS, Hyrule Warriors Legends, quite a bit this morning.

Then in the afternoon I played a bit of Splatoon, As I had a bit of a good run, then it turned sour, in the good run I was doing pretty well in the game, as I had managed to level myself up to 29, and I had got myself ranked as a C+ squid, but that didn't last long I even won a ranked battle, as I had the rainmaker and I managed to find my way to the other squid point, but I had only actually found it as I had some help from my team.else I probably would have got myself lost, again.

Then after I played on Splatoon I did a set of 20 sit-ups. Then I have done 2 sets of 10 half press-ups (by that I mean I had my hands on my bed and feet on the floor and I did the rest of the press-up motion to the best of my ability). 

Thursday 21 July 2016

Day 1120

Day 1120;

So today the heat wave has continued, if the forecast that I heard the other day is correct it should only last until 6pm tomorrow (from when I am writing this useless diatribe), or Thursday at 18:00.

Breakfast: cereal, apple and banana.
Lunch: cheese and pickle toasted sandwich.
Dinner: sausage roll, carrots, potato salad and some more go that pudding from yesterday.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk, 3 300ml mugs of fruit juice, 1 300ml mug of fruit squash some of a bottle of Lucosade sport.

But today I have been out for a run to the gym, then I did some exercise at the gym which was fun, but I was sweating a lot, which didn't have anything to do with me forgetting my sweatband for my head, aI probably would have sweated the same if not slightly more if I had remembered it, but without it a lot more of the sweat poured down my face.

Today Mich has had a correspondence from the athletics people as he was asking about my classification, as he was saying that other people in my classification had much better movement than me apparently it's all in the admin pile still, or something like that. Full body dystonia is the medical condition that I have which impairs my movement I'm unsure if the others in my classification have it and they just find better ways to deal with it, as that is what I think was going on with them as we were/are all disabled in that race so what I need to do the next time I have a race is put my head down and leg it, instead of sight seeing.

But today they on the radio they were talking about Paralympic athletes and should they be allowed to compete in the actual Olympics, now my take on this is simple, no disabled athletes shouldn't be allowed to compete in the able bodied Olympics, as if you do that then able-bodied athletes should be allowed to compete in the Paralympics and that just wouldn't work, As you have to have something "wrong" with you to even get a classification number, It would be like Mr Bolt saying that he was going to run in the T54 classification 100m race, he would clear it a good 5 seconds, probably, before Mr Wier in his Wheelchair with another one of his sub 10 seconds Mr Weir's personal best is 14.17,

Now what I have been doing for some of the other parts of today has been playing on Hyrule Warriors Legends as I have been completing Ganondorf's little chapter's, so next up it's back onto another quest to undo the damage that I have just caused in getting Ganondorf the Triforce by defeating Zelda and Link simultaneously.

Wednesday 20 July 2016

Day 1119

Day 1119;

But today was hot, it must have been hotter than yesterday as I haven't really done much today but it's boiling tonight.

Breakfast: cereal, banana and apple.
Lunch: bread, cheese, pickle and some puddingy cake thing.
Dinner: chicken. carrots, potato salad and some cake thing.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk, 2 300ml mugs of fruit squash, 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice and I also drank the leftover amounts from a bottle of Lucoozade sport.

So today I have tried to not overexert myself by doing basically zero physical activities, well I have spent there majority of the day say down in this seat either watching some cartoon show or playing Hyrule Warriors Legends.

As in Hyrule Warriors I have finally basically killed Cia and I have completed Linkle's little tasks. as today I defeated Cia and yesterday I completed Linkle's task, then I put the 3DS on charge today after I defeated/killed Cia today. 

Tuesday 19 July 2016

Day 1118

Day 1118;

Now it is too hot, too hot for the likes of me, and according to the forecast it is supposed to stay like this until 6pm Thursday, oh joy (I'm being sarcastic).

Breakfast: cereal, banana and apple.
Lunch: cheese and some bread.
Dinner: 1 hotdog from the local Turkish take away.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk, 1 300ml mug of fruit juice, 1 300ml mug of fruit squash, 1 300ml mug of fizzy raspberry and a bit more of my Lucozade sport.. 
Snacks: Malt loaf and some chocolate bites.

So I have ben to athletics today and during the events of today it has come to my attention that Russia have been very naughty by doing some state sponsored drug taking during the Sochi winter olympic games 2014 and they have also been convicted for doing it on numerous occasions so often in fact they have been banned from entering any athletes in Rio.

My links to Russia go further back than I used to be a druggy, no performance enhancing though which was a shame, all I had was some pills that gave me worse headaches and stopped me from doing anything even thinking, as when I was taken off the drugs they were pumping into me that's when I started to respond apparently and now here I am back at home plaguing the people I care about; or I'm supposed to (my family).

But then the second connection to Russia and oldest was when I went to school all of this years ago I had a Russian form tutor, but the teacher had a niece, that I'm going to call V, of who I didn't really know but apparently she "loved" me. Of which I couldn't understand as I hardly knew her but I am betting it had something to do with my form tutor egging her on to say such absurd things, but then some of the other boys in my class made up stories of myself and V in the toilets, and other places, of which had us doing some hardcore pornografic stuff, which within my young mind which was obscene.

So now that's enough about the old school stuff now lets move on to the new trainers that I got today, as I got a new pair of trainers today but these were some proper lace up ones not my usual Velcro ones, which apparently got me a foot more distance in the long jump but that ain't good enough, not within my opinion. so I must get fitter to even challenge my new PB, so when I was home I got back to training in the heat, but I only got 10 sit ups and 30 churches done.

Monday 18 July 2016

Day 1117

Day 1117;

How can I be so slow and yet so quick, all at the same time? The answer is I can't be, as I am slow now I may be quicker than some but I am way out of my depth in terms of my classification. As the quickest in my classification ran 100m in slightly over 12 seconds and I was 6+ seconds back at over 18 seconds, and then there is 6 people quicker than me in my classification group for this year but I'm 20th of all time, out of 26 apparently.

Breakfast: cereal, banana and apple.
Lunch: cheese and pickle toasted sandwich.
Dinner: chicken, carrots, potato and some vanilla cheese cake.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

Today I first played some Splatoon, then I was informed that It was lunch time, so I discontinued my play through. I went for lunch, once that was eaten I did 2 times 1 minute on my rower the first I had been on it for approximately 30 seconds before every time that I attempted to pull the bar with my arms the bar jammed. Meanwhile I had stopped it and I decided to test it out again but this time without putting my feet in the straps as if it wasn't working I'd have just wasted quite a bit of time unnecessary for an unnecessary act, but it surprised me and it worked properly for the next minute.

So 2 minutes of training on the rower today accomplished, and yesterday I'm remembering what B, gym inMr structor and Loose were saying about my speed when I was running after a ball. As they were saying that I was quick, but if I was really quick I would have done better in the race that I was in the other day, as out of the 4 of us I managed to finish 3rd I only beat the one legged man and so far I am ranked the slowest athlete of my classification.

But then after the two minutes that I had spent on the rowing machine I played Splatoon and I played with an Amiibo on some of the Legend of Zelda game, but I didn't get very far as my controllers battery died. So then nrxt up I did myself 60 sit-ups easy, just as I was doing all of those weeks ago and I attempted to have a go at the rower again every time I got to 20 it'd seize up but it was probably as I was being too rough with it.

Sunday 17 July 2016

Day 1116

Day 1116;

No I'm not a gentleman, I get pretty rough in certain circumstance, but no the previous part go this sentence is not meant in a "dirty" way.  It was just the fact that I opened a door for people to walk through today and someone told me that I was such a gentleman for doing that, but I'm still the selfish little oink that I have ever been, so there's no need to worry.

Breakfast: cereal.
Lunch:open sandwich (which is basically bread, cheese, eggs, pickled egg and seafood sauce), Belgium bun, banana and apple.
Dinner: mash potato, peas and sausages.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk, 1 300ml mug of fruit squash and then I have had 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice but the second was only full up to approximately the 150ml mark.

Today I had some Boccia practise but today I managed to escape at the end of the allotted slot for it, as Tini allowed me to leave it this week and play some more cricket which I actually managed to catch the ball this week, as this week I caught Loose out once and I bowled her out twice, but then she bowled me out twice which was at the 2 times that I went into bat, my hand eye coordination isn't vert good, is one of the things that I have learnt from my attempt with the bat today. But then I also managed to bowl my gym instructor out today once. By the end time I had a little race with Izab it was up and down one side of the hall, so I was standing in the starting corner with one of my feet against the wall the man said go so I started running across the side I could see Izab to one of my sides as she was just starting to get a bit slower, then I did a bit f a run up the wall Izab retook the lead. Then I just legged it down the last side taking over Izab in the progress and my shoe came flying off in the progress of hitting the wall. Our little Boccia team has now lost it's pro coach, but we've still got one, the one that's not an Olympic medalist at the sport,

So the above film is a fan made epic of which I only learnt about because of the controversial little dips that Paramount CBS are being about the Star Trek franchise, and the Star Wars Renegades thing that the started off by advertising with Chekhov and Tuvok is now only called "Renegades" due to the douchey thing that that Paramount CBS is doing to their IP.

Saturday 16 July 2016

Day 1115

Day 1115;

So there appears to have been another Terrorist arrack in France as a truck driver has just lead a massacre along the streets of Nice, before getting himself shot by the police.

Breakfast: cereal, banana and apple.
Lunch: cheese and pickle toasted sandwich and I have also ate some more of my chocolate box.
Dinner: pasta, ham, cheese and some chocolate trifle.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk, 1 300ml mug of fruit squash and 1 300ml mug of fruit juice.
Snacks: 1 mini chocolate easter rabbit, or reindeer things.

This morning I got up went downstairs to eat my breakfast, I came back upstairs to shower and get dressed then I went back downstairs to play on Splatoon. Next up was lunch so I ate my lunch while I was downstairs. And now I'm back upstairs typeing out what I have done this morning. But I have just forgotten that I have just done 10 sit-ups, as in before I typed this out, but Mich has just complained about the noise that I was making while doings them, so I should go downstairs to get more done.

Now that I have been back downstairs I have attempted to make it to 60 sit-ups, I've failed, I only made it to 52. So you could say that if I hadn't already done 10 upstairs then I should have made it to 62, of which I wish was the case, but I severely dought that.  It's just more proof of how weak I have become. I have done my second 10 of the day, to make it a 72 net total, for today. I have to get fitter.

Ok I know that I did another minute/0.3km on the machine of rowing and I have got myself up to level 28 on Splatoon before I diid  my next 5 minutes /1.6km row, of which I am unsure of what the time was when it finally ticked over at 1.6 km as in digital the 5 and the 6 look remarkably similar.

But then also in news Turkey's PM says that there's a group within the Turkish military which is attempting to take the power away from the PM, but in a separate article, it's stating that the Turkish army has taken control, and a "Peace Council" has taken control with the implementation of a curfew and martial law. So much for a peace council, enacting martial law.

So that should put a stop to them joining the EU at least for now. .

Friday 15 July 2016

Day 1114

Day 1114;

So today was the next day of the game of my life, as yesterday It was the 1 year anniversary of the death of the great Satoru Iwata according to a "friend" of mine, but he was incorrect.

Breakfast: cereal, banana and apple.
Lunch: I'm thinking that I had spaghetti hoops on toast.
Dinner: chicken tika masala, chicken korma and some nan bread.

The great man died on the 11th of July 2015, which is further bak that 1 year ago today, or even if your looking on 2 days previous if you are looking on from the day that this is set to be posted online.

With me typing that I have just checked the time and date, and I have noticed that I need to get a lot better at Splatoon and sports, so I've come to my own little compromise; now what it will be is when I get up and I have nothing to of, then I'll play Splatoon, but when my controllers battery has ran out I am going to train myself. So there goes job done, apart from my jobs won't be done.

Why are you going to bother to train?

For myself and for my own personal interest to see how far/fast I can jump/run. I'm doing this for me not for anyone  else, I a selfish little sod, It's me vs my perceived limits not anyone else I don't care if I'm tanked bottom or top in the world at a certain thing my only goal is to beat the marker that I have previously set if I make it then great I will have a new target to work towards, if I fail then I have got to work harder.

So you have  no goal?

I have just stated my goal, to make myself better.

No not that goal, I was typing about your ambitions, to become an Olympic athlete or something similar?

If I ever get goof enough to be asked to go to a Sumer or Winter, Olympic or Paralympic games I'd be flattered that's not me stating that I'd accept your offer, without batting an eyelid, as I wouldn't  I'd have a lot off questions about why you even decided to ask me of all people? Along with other questions.

Midna's passionate expression of grief or sorrow, 

I believe that song is appropriate for the death od Satoru Iwata.

Thursday 14 July 2016

Day 1113

Day 1113;

Today was the day that Mrs May became the new PM in doing this she has become the second female Conservative Leader of GB.  

Breakfast:cereal, banana and apple.
Lunch; hot sausage roll with ketchup, quavers and I was supposed to have some of my chocolate box but I forgot.
Dinner: pasta bolognese cheese and chocolate trifle,
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

The conservative party may have had 1 less woman leader than the Labour Party but the Labour Party only seem to employ women MP's as leaders when they are not in office and as  a kind of interim manager. as if when a previous leader quits they have inserted a woman in order to get the round until the next Labour leadership election, then they'd have a man in to pick up the flaf of handling the next general election,.

So today I finally beat Ganondorf and I found the the first three of the levels pretty easy today with the most challenging stage, as it was Ganondorf welding his sword. Which I am a bit confused how did he compress his sword inside of Zelda, as well as his clothes.. 

Wednesday 13 July 2016

Day 1112

Day 1112;

Recently I have been getting super unfit, as today I had decided to attempt at my 60, I made it to 20, I failed.

Breakfast: cereal, apple and banana.
Lunch: 2nd half of my pizza and lemon meringue pie.
Dinner: meat pie, carrots, new potatoes and some chocolate truffle.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk, 1 300ml mug of fruit squash and 1 300ml mug of fruit juice.

Where was Chris Froome from?

I don't know, I'm thinking Kenya or some place similar.

But as if we care he rides for team sky as a British rider in the Tour De France, he's riding to defend the title that he won back last year or something like that  but he has the yellow (race leaders) Jersey fot tomorrow, so good luck to you Froome, 

Lewis Hamilton also beat Rosburger in the British GP which leaves the gap to his team mate at 1 point, at the top of the drivers championships. 

But then in Wimbledon not only did Andy Murray win his second Wimbledon title a lot of Brits also excelled in their tennis disciplines.

BBut today I got my behind well and truly kicked by Gannondorf on Twilight Princess, as I managed to defeat Zelda, then I managed to beat up the beat pig form of Ganon then as I realise that Midna has failed within her task It's up to me and Zelda to stop Gannondorf but I don'y see why it takes Zelda so long to fire her light arrows, ad her accuracy has a lot to be desired.

Tuesday 12 July 2016

Day 1111

Day 1111;

Today I had skiing practise but I only  managed to stack it once today, but today I was told it was because I skied through a hefty lump of snow and it pulled my ski off of my foot.

Breakfast: cereal, banana and apple.
Lunch: cheese and pickle sandwich and a chocolate bites.
Dinner: half a 9 inch margaritta pizza.
Drinks: 2 30ml mugs off milk, 1 300ml mug of fruit squash and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.
Snacks: banana and apple.

I'm still not on the list of British Athletes, for my frankly pathetic attempts at the little athletics meet that I went to recently, seeing a a "friend" of mine beating  the British record for the WC (wheel chair) 400m.

Todatt I haave done Skiing and I have also done a bit of  the athletics club that  I go to. But that isn't the news, well it is but it's not important. As the impatient news is that Mrs May will   be taking over captaincy of the SS UK on Wednesday meaning that Cameron is going to have to finish odd his that at PM question times Wednesday and pop off to the queens house to get relived of duty. This is only as Andrea Leadsome withdrew from the race to bee conservative party leader this morning.

Monday 11 July 2016

Day 1110

Day 1110;

My football prediction for the final was incorrect thanks to the referee's incompetence. As the Portuguese won it after aa dodgy handball decision which the ball did come off the hand of Eder who is the player that scored the goal for the Portuguese but the yellow card for hand ball was shown to a French player, which I don't get.

Breakfast: cereal:P
Lunch: chicken sandwich, quavers and a banana.
Dinner: a meal but I cannot remember of what.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk 1 bottle of Lucosade sport and a 300ml mug of fruit juice.

So today I have actually gone to a small Athletics meet as it was fun Iran 100m in a new personal best time, apparently as I have never recorded my time that I takes me to run 100m before I still haven't but now al of my records that I sett today are going to of up an a website, which includes  my new best long jump distance which was of 2.86m but then I had my run up at a third of some of the others and my stride length needs to be improved for both of the 2 disciplines. As if I was to actually stretch my legs  out while running I could potentially increase the speed and then I could jump further, as at the moment my legs aren't really moving any distance but the speed that I move them at is my  way of carrying myself/very inefficient travel.So in future when I am running I am going to attempt to lift myself up higher run a decent stride length as the people that were there were saying that I was actually relatively good at jumping,as out of the six jumps I failed none of them, which I could type is pretty remarkable,. 

Sunday 10 July 2016

Day 1109

Day 1108;

Now today was interesting,

BreakfastL I'm thinking I ate cereal, but I cannot remember eating anything else.
Lunch: sausage roll, I also tried some egg and grass and a cheese salad sandwich which I hated.
Dinner: pasta bake with some sausages in.
Drinks: 2 mugs of milk, 1 300ml mug of squash and 1 300ml mug of fruit juice.

The intrigue today began from the off as apparently Emu was coming around late on today, as she did in actual fact, then next up was I went to boccia and today I did a bit of the multi-sports afterwards but no hockey today. Helpers at the multi-sports thing are great especially when you bowl one of them out, cricket, I can honestly say that I have rarely if ever bowled somebody out at cricket and I'd play it at school in PE lessons, but today it was twice that the ball hit (not so) Lucky's stumps, the first was  the ball hit her bat before hitting the stumps, the second time was when I bowled the ball and the ball sailed past her bat and struck the stump. Then next up was the races which the team that I was part of won the races this week but Gacey's chest while she was running was distracting, for me but  she is one off he youngest there, and she resembles the ex of  mine a little in as far as she has the same coloured hair, a well endowed chest and she had a very similar smell to the ex, as I learnt today that she's a bit younger than the ex of mine from when we were together which must  have been something like 8/9years ago, and  Miss Gacey is 10 or so manny years off.But Gacey is quickI'm thinking that she won it for us,

Saturday 9 July 2016

Day 1108

Day 1108;

Today the choice for the next PM was narrowed down to the final 2 candidates both women, as they are Theresa May v Andrea Leadsom.

Breakfast: cerea, banana and strawberry.
Lunch: spaghetti hoops on toast.
Dinner: jumbo sausage, chips and peas.
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk, 1 300ml mug of fruit squash and 1 300ml mug of fruit juice.

Now the two sides in the leadership competition Theresa May was on the remain side like Cameron and Andrea Leadsom was on the brexit side, like how Margret Thatcher would most probably be on, So you can guess who I will be routing for come September. 

Now the above video was made a short while before the news about Theresa and Andrea, which is probably why I  am thinking that Nigel Farage would join me in hoping that Andrea wins, but the odds are stacked aghast her.

Today I defeated Zant and I didn't have to deflect his projectiles back at hi, I needed to use the Clawshot, underwater, so now it's onto Gannon to defeat to  complete the game.

Friday 8 July 2016

Day 1107

Day 1107;

Even though the Gery's mucked up my quarter final prediction, they failed to do it again today , leaving the final to be contested by Ronny's friends and the Frogs.

Breakfast:  cereal, apple and banana.
Lunch: sausage roll and tomato ketchup.
Dinner: macaroni cheese and chips.

Sport isn't fair, if it was totally fair how could there be winners, But I am ok with that,and you should be also. I know there is rules and other shenanigans that make the game fairer. But that isn't saying anything about the players of the game each with different skill levels, within athletic they do a 3 place podium for the winner and his/her main rivals for the win, winner and then two runners up.I have no idea why they do that ritual typed  thing. If you win the race then congratulations then if you lose better luck next time.

In the Twilight of the Princess, iI was also fighting Zant, which is all fine until I get to the part of the lrvrl which is under water, when none of my gadgets seem to be working. I know what Midna is saying to me, the thing about deflecting his attacks with the master sword. But it isn't woking, for me, or it hasn't... yet.

Thursday 7 July 2016

Day 1106

Day 1106;

2-0... Wales you disappoint me, even England managed to beat potypgal, it may have been a "friendly" march, but anyway 1-0.

Breakfast: cereal and a bowl of strawberries.
Lunch: cheese and pickle toasted sandwich for main but I had banana and more strawberries.
Dinner: carrots, new potatoes and jumbo sausage.
Drinks: 2 300ml of milk, 2 300ml of fruit squash and 1 300ml of fruit juice.
Snacks: 2 pieces of cake.

Now today I went to the gym, but today I walked my way to the gym. as it was sunny, but the path that I took to the gym had changed dramatically since I had last taken it to get to the gym it was an old field\, but now it''s a building site.

Wednesday 6 July 2016

Day 1105

Day 1105;

Today myBMI was unchained from yesterday, but he most excursus I've had was probably playinnhYP was I was noticing my0 

Breakfast: cereal and banana.
Lunch: sausage  roll.
Dinner: pasta, meatballs, cheese and some more of that chocolate trifle.
Drinks 2 300l mugs of milk and 1 300ml mug of fruit juice. and 1 300ml mug of fruit squash

But today again I was completing some more of the Legend of  Zelda: Twilight Princess, I finally got myself up into the clouds,so I have been getting myself lost in that temple today, and before I started breakfast I remember completing the first Ocarina of Time stage on I went eating my bowl of cereal, when my cereal was finished I started on my banana but I got bored, so I started playing the second Ocarina of Time stage; I managed to complete it. Next up was my finishing of the banana, so I did the next level before continuing eat the banana. Finally it was time to complete Linkles's next Tale. It' was sprung off of the the second Ocarina of Time level.

Tuesday 5 July 2016

Day 1104

Day 1104;

So today Nigel stepped down a leader of UKIP.

Breakfast: cereal, banana and apple.
Lunch: margarita pizza and doug balls, in garlic butter.
Dinner: nothing.
Snacks: 1 wine gum, some chocolate little bites and some chocolate cake.
Drinks 2 300l mugs of milk and 3 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

Before breakfast I played on Hyrule Warriors Legends for a bit, I completed the Skyloft tangent so now it only leaves the Ocarina of Time part of the split to  complete then it shall be onto the rest of the tale.

But on TwilightP Princess today I have almost been up to the city in the sky, for the final shard of the mirror of twilight,All I should do now is talk too shad in the basement then use the dominance sceptre... sorry I meant the dominion rod, to control the statue, then I must go inside of the room and then before I go up the cannon  to teleport it to the cannon  repairman, the clown in, in lake Hylia I should shoo the Shad man away then all should be good for me to repair the mirror, and progress through the game.

Today I got this message from UKIP:

Statement from Nigel Farage
I have decided to stand aside as Leader of UKIP. The victory for the 'Leave' side in the referendum means that my political ambition has been achieved. I came into this struggle from business because I wanted us to be a self-governing nation, not to become a career politician.
UKIP is in a good position and will continue, with my full support to attract a significant vote. Whilst we will now leave the European Union the terms of our withdrawal are unclear. If there is too much backsliding by the Government and with the Labour Party detached from many of its voters then UKIP's best days may be yet to come.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank you the membership for your extraordinary support and generosity over the many years, I could not have done it without you.
Yours as ever,
Nigel Farage

Who is this membership that you speak highly of I am not a member. I believed that you had the vest interests of the country, as I still do, Which is why I voted for your party and I helped by casting  a get out vote, so I'm thinking that Douglass craws' should be the next UKIP leader as he is going to be the only one of you within the EU, will be gone  after 2 years.

Monday 4 July 2016

Dat 1103

Day 1103;

Today was the day that the Icelandic fairy tale ended. But they managed to maintain the record of scoring goals n every game that they played.

Breakfast cereal, banana and apple.
lunch: chicen sandwich.
Dinner:: toad in the hole carrots, potatoes, chocolate trifle and  slice of probably cheesecake.
Drinks: 2 300ml of milk, 2 30ml of fruit juice and I drank a couple of sips from a mug of non alcoholic Pim's, which I am thinking could have been nice.... Us it wasn't for the cucumber.

But today I got the third mirror shard in TP. as ifI have taken out 20 poe's now all that is necessary to save the gold  dude  is 40 more , so in torl 50 Poe's then I'll probably be 100 until it is freed.

Sunday 3 July 2016

Day 1102

Day 1102;

Am I a star? What am I? As I thought I was a human shaped cripple, not a ball of molten gasses, and plasma, burning in space.

Breakfast: cereal.
Lunch: spaghetti hoops on toast and  cake.
Dinner:pasta, meatballs,cheese, bread and
Drinks: 2 300ml mugs of milk, 1300ml mug of fruit squash and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

Democracy is an amazing thing, the majority rule. sSo don't yo go protesting about us leaving the EU you've had your chance to get us to stay, you lost so don't go protesting now. it just proves how immature you are.

But I was wrong with my predictions of what was going to happen in the Euro's,as Germany beat the Italians in a penalty shoot out, the Italians almost did it as well they almost had them beat in a penalty shoot out, which would have been only the second time in their history that the Geri's would have been beat on penalties. Now it's up to see who can progress from the  France Iceland match tomorrow, Within the most likely of probabilitiesIt should be  be those Frogs, that they are playing in their next match, but who knows what shall happen?

Saturday 2 July 2016

Day 1101

Day 1101;

So today I learnt that I was a "right wing racist" at least according to Lilly Allen, respect to James Gupta for his immense counter, you can see and listen to the whole exchange (skip to 11:35).

Breakfast: cereal, apple, banana and peaches.
Lunch: spaghetti hoops on toast, mini sausages and cake.
Dinner: scampi, chips and peas.

Today in the Euro's the Welsh, may have lost to England but they're through to the semi-finals of the Euro'sBale vs Ronney in the semi. But as yesterday's result went to the away team todsys result went to the home team, if this keeps up it should mean that Italy beats Germany, tomorrow, and France beats Iceland the next day.

But then in the first semi-final if the game follows suit then Portugal should beat Wales, and France should beat Italy, leading to a final of Germany vs France of which France should win, according to the match predictor that I'm using.

But today and yesterday I have been playing on Twilight Princess I think that I have just uncovered the first 2/3 mirror shards as I have just beaten up Yeta (Mrs Yeti). 

Friday 1 July 2016

Day 1100

Day 1100;

If every human stopped and vanishe... 

Breakfast: cereal,apple, banana and another orange coloured fruit.
Lunch: egg and grass sandwich (well they said it was egg and cress, but I'm not too keen on cress/grass).
Dinner: pasta, sausage anf tomato, but I hate tomato.
Drinks 2 300ml mugs of milk and 2 300ml mugs of fruit juice.

Today I was watching the first of this yard Euro's football quarter final Poland vs Portugal, 1 - 1 was the full time score But then on penalties 3 - 5 Portugal won, predictably.

Jeremy Corbyn  is getting in a load of trouble for quitting orr tether.