Sunday 24 April 2016

Day 1032

Day 1032;

Today I got my 60 done after I had already done my body test, and I had already completed my kcal's for today.

Breakfast: a bowl of cereal.
Lunch: a cheese, pickle and chicken toasty (toasted sandwich).
Dinner: some chicken passanda, chicken tikka masala and nann bread.

With the president of the USA being a right hypocrite, in accordance to the EU debate, as he is now attempting to black mail us to stay in the EU, by him saying that the UK will be on the bottom of the list when it comes to creating a new trade deal,which makes me want to leave even more now. What just to spite Barry? No it's not. It's just because I want what is best for Britain, unlike president Barry who doesn't really care about the peoples of Britain and he just wants his friend in 10 Downing Street, for a bit longer and he probably wouldn't mind starting another war and it's good to know you can start one with the weight of numbers on your side under one flag, I,e. EU flag,  instead of having a whole load of individual nations to convince one after another, and if the EU falls apart thanks to those Brits look at how much of work is going to need to be done.

But I'm sure Mr Putin will be able to help the us British out... 

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