Wednesday 13 April 2016

Day 1021

Day 1021;

Now first up I'd like to state that I'm sorry for the lateness of this post, but... Stop right there, no excuses remember you know how all the just about 1 of your readers just aren!'t going to bother show up to read another excuse. Ok I'm sorry. For my 60 for today I did 100 just after 12 o'clock midday,

Breakfast: cereal and a pot of strawberries.
Lunch: mini chocolate sundae, mini sausages chicken sandwich.
Dinner: pasts ad Quoirn balls,
Drinks for today I had 2 lemon squashes and 2 milks, I almost totally failed on my 5 for today.

Today in fitness I have decided to make this week my first full week of reaching my kcal goal on each day, for my Wii U fit game. So today I have walked up and down stairs a lot more than I usually would and I am trying some push ups, of which I have done 4 times so far at approximately 10 per turn, so therefore 40 push-ups. But I wouldn't call them push-ups even though I clearly have. I don't know what I should call them as I did the action of a push-up but my arms were raised on my bed instead of on the floor, so I cheated, basically. But this should mean that this time next week I should have my 7 days of at least meeting my kcal goal completed as I have already got one done for yesterday as I had athletics. Running about and stuff, all fun.

But today I have failed to reach my kcal goal, I know why it's because I ate my lunch and then I lazed, playing LoZ: TP and stuff, about for the afternoon meaning I put back on 1 of the 2 lb's I lost yesterday.

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