Thursday 14 April 2016

Day 1022

Day 1022;

Today I managed to achieve my kcal goal, but my BMI only improved slightly.

Breakfast: cereal, banana and apple.
Lunch: spaghetti hoops on toast,
Dinner: half of a 9 inch margarita pizza and chips.
Drinks: 2 times 300ml of milk, 1 times 300ml of fruit juice probably mango, probably half of a 300 ml mug of mango juice with lemonade.

Now I shall just inform you of what the most likely factor that resulted in me managing to achieve my kcal goal, as I went to the gym today and my posture was commented on for the second time this week. As the first time it was commented on I was sitting in my youngest siblings car with my head touching the ceiling of the car, the car is very short.

Days achieved my kcal goal in succession 1/7.

But my posture was commented on today by my gym instructor because I had my best gym session for a long time he may even put the weights up on the weights machines, on the weight machines. He blamed my improvement on my posture.

Also today I achieved my 60 and I learnt some things:

and that I have got 16 teeth on my left hand side and 14 on my right hand side, so in total I have 30 teeth in my mouth.

But today in football Manchester United managed to beat West Ham in the FA cup, by a score line of 1-2, but within the 90 minutes of play West Ham got the ball in the back of the Manchester United net twice, but the second goal was disallowed due to the goal scorer being in an off side position.

The champions league is another football competition but it's a Europe wide affair and a short while ago Manchester City managed to get through the round that they were in, I'm thinking that it was the quarter finals they have got through so onto the semi-finals next, come on Manchester you have a shot at making a good name for yourself in Europe don't muck it up.

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