Wednesday 1 April 2015

Day 634

Day 634;

I'm sorry I didn't know that yesterdays post hadn't posted when I had put it to be posted, but unfortunately I must have miss clicked somewhere in yesterdays message,  if you want an excuses for it's lateness then I may just have to say It was down to the fact that I was suffering from a condition that I thought was dehydration as I was  down quite considerably on my fluid intake yesterday due to something that I have forgot, but I'm thinking that it was not getting on enough and drinking enough either before or after my little outing in an automobile, which generally makes my headache level go up about ever 22 minuets I sit in a car (while it's moving).

But I have got those minor headaches for ever basically at least since I can remember, which is weird as my memory is very fragmented like I can remember a load of school bus trips and the annoyances that seem to plague me of which I generally attempt to drive away by playing some of my handheld video game consoles, but then the majority of the school trips I couldn't take a hand held console due which on I would have to be generally plugging my ears like on some of my school trips to far away places, like in one year we went to Yorkshire, but that technique never worked. The best way for my traveling health is walking but when that isn't an option and I have to use a car to get from point A to point B, I will but I cope better with the traveling if I can take a handhold console with me of which I forgot to do today.

Bur today I went to London which must put a +6 at least on my headache level but that dissipated soon as I went for a ride on a Thames RIB (Rubber Inflatable Boat), now I know what you could be saying, you won'r but you could, that I get sea sick, don't I? So how could mucking around in any boat help you? But the RIB isn't just any old boat it's a speed boat so when they got past the Tower bridge they pushed the hammer down and they almost sent all of us flying, but that was just an exaggeration, it was just fast enough to get the adrenaline pumping through your veins which felt amazing.

Then we watched a 4D film visually on level as a 3D film but m and Tini kept getting wet and other things were launched towards us but Allergy and Mich didn't get any of the fun stuffs but they were both too busy getting traumatised by the seagull that was in 3D from on the screen to above there heads, or did it of the opposite way around?

Then it was the London eye, which was fun but not for my headaches, as so many people were inside of one so I had barely anywhere to walk in it but I enjoy it despite it makes my head  feel lighter, 30 minutes of moving at slow pace in a circle.

But the below song came on over the car this morning and I laughed as it was so blatantly taking the mic out of the whole laying on of hands and other shenanigans that things that the churches do. Such satire as the below is just hilarious.

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