Sunday 19 April 2015

Day 652

Day 652;

Day numbered 652, as it has  been another day and another opportunity for the football team that I support to hopefully avoid the drop,

So the football game that I saw today I saw the team I support drop 2 points so they're 5 points from safety which should be enoubth to see them going down a league. As in the latest game the score was 2-2 which started as the opposition managed to score 1 goal against the goal keeper that I'm thinking that the team will be loosing by the end of the season. The score stayed at 0;1 for the majority of the game but then the clock showed that there was only less than 10 minutes of the game left, then the team that I support suddenly got 2 goals and then 90 minutes was up, 3 minutes of added time, was signalled. The team that I support made it to 1:50 in over the before the opposition scored their second goal of the game to level the score up.

And for the rest of today I watched the rest of season 4 of Game of Thrones, and I was incorrect in my Game of Thrones speculation of which I put up yesterday, as in it was the drink that the poison was placed in but how did the poison get from being inside lady Lanister-Stark's necklace into the kings drink?

But today I disappointed myself with my apparent lack of playing Majora's Mask, I only say apparent as I cannot remember if I did or not as in are these memories of me playing my way through the stone tower temple todays or a previous day's?

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