Saturday 11 April 2015

Day 644

Day 644;

Now today I did 4 times 10 minute rows, as a start and I closed off today with a pleasant enough 20 minute row, so all in all a I had  a good hour of rowing today.

I remembered something that I forgot to put in my blog posts a day or two ago, it was about the Green political party, of England and Wales, What it was going to be about was where do they expect to get enough capital to pay for the Universal credit allowance thing that they propose I just do not understand where they're getting all of the money from they could be making it as they go but then that would devalue the currency driving costs up and which would turn us from one of the best places to do business in the world to one of the worse meaning that the mass exodus from London, Manchester, Glasgow, Edinburg, Cardiff even Belfast, of all of the big multinational institutions that are based here will leave and all of the normal corner shops will be like £10000 for a carton of milk. The trade between countries probably would be made worthless as well.

I know that I really should have not a copy of their Manifesto as that apparently states where the money is coming from but I haven't been able to find it. As they're offering free university for everyone, not just for the Scottish, which will cost more.

But today on Majora's Mask I completed the Beaver Bros side quest which was surprisingly easy I honestly can't believe myself for having such difficultly with it,

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