Wednesday 22 April 2015

Day 655

Day 655;

So today has been another day that I initially thought was the next day, and I have accidentally broke my nail no it's a screw man again.

But I have almost got to say how awesome would a 3D FPS version of Pokémon be? I honestly do not know but I('m planning on making one, it'll probably turn out as another non-starter of my ideas which I have had loads of and a small number of them I have even stated on this blog. Pretty much as my Comic Book idea when I had part 1 of 3 for my first issue done and I had sent it off to my friend to get his input but I no longer have a clue about what's going to happen to it, as i know he has drawn some pictures for it like the basic head and body of my main character and ascent that I specified in my draft copy of it's "script", I have put the word script in speech marks as it's not a script in terms of an audio perception/radio blog thing or a dialogue. How funny a man that cannot speak, literally thinking about how people should speak to each other.

But I did my 10 minutes on the rowing machine todayBut my row for today was even more hopeless than usual I only made 2.6 KM today.

But this morning I was thinking about politics due to something that Allergy had said last night, I think it was at least. I'm thinking that Allergy said that she doesn't know anyone that will be voting for labour in the forthcoming election. Meanwhile I can think of the majority of my friends that will most probably be voting for those Lab Rats. Most likely as the party that they voted for last election jumped into bed with the conservatives to provide a stable government, But Mich thinks that I'll be a Labour Conservative coalition, due to the facts that the Labour party has ruled out a coalition with the SNP, who are set to take the majority of the Labour seats in Scotland, and England is controlled by a majority of conservative seats.  So what I want to know is if the Labour Party is has minimal seats due to the rise of the nationalist parties in both Scotland and Wales would Mr Ed still be a big force in the parliament?

BuT today I did get a good little run around in the stone temple on Majora's Mask.  I was attempting to find all of the Stay fairies So far I had got 8, i think that means I only have 5 to go, 

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