Wednesday 8 April 2015

Day 641

Day 641;

I just wanted to show you all this good videoI got to it from my searching for that Cameron vs Cameron which were about the Cameron vs Miliband TV debates that Cameron decided won't happen. Due to the fact that the TV companies didn't get their acts together soon enough... or something like that, I hate excuses. Cameron's Rap done to the tune of Eminem's rap "Lose Yourself" I think.

I also hate liars so that goes down 2 points against you as with Ed he's already 100 points down, but Clegg also goes down 2 points alongside of the conservatives as they are in bed with the conservatives for this parliament.  So we should be looking at the other parties. otherwise we shall have Mr Ed in number 10 because the SNP and Plaid Cymru put him there which should mean that two nations parties to the one that Ed is part of are to be putting Ed to be the head of GB even if he barely got in in England I know that Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland have there own parliaments/assemblies, so they can block any and all new laws and directives which have been enacted by the forces at westminster, if they thought it would be detrimental to the people of they're nation but no English Alternative.

Ok now today I played a bit more on ALTTP, but yesterday I didn't just write that long spell about Zelda I also played part of Link's Awakening but my memory ain't great at all.  But what I can remember is my going to visit Sashtralia (sp.) the old man that tells you how to get the Master Sword.  So now I am attempting to beat the closest temple to Sastralia. 

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