Wednesday 15 April 2015

Day 648

Day 648;

So today I have been checking out the next game that I'm excited about, it's not called Zelda HD/Wii U as I am excited about it but it's been delayed so I've put my expectations on hold, for now at least. As the game that I am am excited about today is called Splatoon it is released on the 28th of this month which is... Tuesday, no, no, no that's the day that I am writing this it is the month of May so it doesn't come out this month but it does get released next month. Thank you yellow, for correcting our mistakes.

Now I'm unsure of the following content; are they attempting to be humorous or are they attempting to make a serious point?

As if you watch the video you kind of get the Anita Sarkesian effect from this video as Anita is the biggest troll on the web but the worrying thing about her is that I'm thinking that she actually buys her own excrement that she has put on the web, she might not have in the begging as I was thinking that she was just doing it for a joke but now it's just too profitable for her to admit that now.

But today in my own little way of getting a bit fitter, as I first went down to the rowing machine the room temperature was 39 degrees Celsius when I went in to do my first 10 minutes today I managed to get 2.9km distance, but then I went back to the room later on it was saying that the temperature had dropped to 30 degrees but it felt hotter still, to me at least. But I was trusting in the thermometer so I was set to do 5.8 in the 20 minutes but no I only managed 5.2 in the 20 minutes, pitiful is what I state, pure unadulterated pitifulness.

Tonight in the football world it was a massive defeat for the team that I support as the score was 3-0 to the opposition in the first half and it was 3-0 in the second half to make the full time score 6-0 to the opposition. Now I know that I was stating that I was being pitiful in my earlier events on the rowing machine now that showing by the football team that I support was something else entirely, probably something like total capitulation.

But in Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask, I  progressed by buying the Milk off of the person that looks like Talon/the father of Malon from in Ocarina of Time but, Malon, looks like Cremia and Romani at different stages in the games timeline Romani is like young Malon who you first met at the gates of Hyrule castle as a child you who you acquire Epona's song from and adult Malon is the same girl/woman but she's 7 years older as you have been trapped in the master sword for the seven years previous.

Cremia & Romani

you just have to buy the regular Milk not the Romani magic milk for 20 rupees then you take the first door on the right then i'm thinking you have to take the next door on the left then you should go through the well to the place where the one Gibdo asks for milk give the milk to it and you arrive at the place with the 4 torched for you to light so you do and then you get the Mirror Shield thrust upon your back and then I ran out go time, but before i ran out of time completely I used the shield to clear the block out of the way so I then knew what to do with the shield to get into Ikana castle.

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