Friday 3 April 2015

Day 636

Day 636;

Now today Mich beat me good and properly like on the rowing machine, but it wasn't the same ones as I use at the gym, so he managed to row 1KM in 3 minutes exactly , meanwhile I was lagging behind by a minute and 30 seconds, approximately, take somewhere in the order of 6 or 9.

But yes, I managed to row 1KM in under 4:30, but it doesn't count on this rowing machine as on this rowing machine it changes the strength of the machine that your rowing against. But later on today we both attempted a 2KM row, the result was the same, with respects to who was quickest, but the gulf between us was less as I got it done in 7:51, how illogical, and Mich got it done in 7:10 which is only 41 seconds. Mich's reasoning for slowing himself down in the opening stages was because he went for it all guns blazing (figure of speech, we have no guns) on his earlier attempt for 1KM and he was quite tiered out after his first KM earlier so he decided to take it slower this time, but my time over 2KM I only stated how illogical as I rowed the first KM in just over 4 minutes so whichever day of the week you are on it should take me just over 4 minutes to complete my little 2KM row at best, but I managed to beat it, something more than slightly strange is going on. As it showed that it took me approximately 3:21, whichI should be adding 6 or 9 seconds so 3:27/3:30.

So lets look at this good old fashion YouTube video.

That YouTube video is 7 years old, is that old enough to be classified as old?

Now Today I have been playing on more Supper Smash Bros, as Link so that has been my Zelda Related Game play for today, at least. But I shall definitely attempt to get further in Majora's Mask for tomorrow.

But today there was also the Leaders debate for the forthcoming parliamentary elections where all of the main political parties in Britain not Great Britain and it's United Kingdoms as there was none from the North of Ireland there, DUP wasn['t allowed to come in and play but the SNP and Plaid Cymru were it's outrageous, but both Mich and I thought that UKIP stole the first half of the debate, but then in the second half of the debate he had kind of lost a bit of his momentum- my personal opinion, much like the Com... poll thing, Had UKIP winning after the first round and then they had them being reigned in by the Conservatives and Labour, so they had it as a 3 way tie. But then another Poll I think it was a YouGov poll where the SNP came first and UKIP came second, ad I can't remember any more results of some of the polls, but I don't think that UKIP will be very successful in the next General Election.

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