Wednesday 29 April 2015

Day 662

Day 662;

Basically today was a day, which I made some progress on a Link Between Worlds, and I was too busy dossing around, meaning being idle, to make another attempt at my day 666 project.

But then later on today the foot ball team that I support had another game today it was to see if they could finally get out of the relegation zone, at the bottom of their respective football division if they lost today they'd have been as god as relegated, if they had won they'd be out of the relegation zone. At half time the score was 1-0, the team that I was supporting was winning but it could have been 3-1 by the break as the number 3 was about the number of very good shots which could have so easily been goals for the team that I support and the 1 is the number of goals they scored but were ruled out for off-side. But then in the second half the opposition team took at the goal advantage away from the team that I support and levelled it up at 1-1 for the match but it didn't have to go that way as the team that I support could have had a whole host of goals if they'd have been more clinical in their goal scoring and probably if they hadn't had their second goal disallowed for offside, but that wasn't all that I could say about off side as in the first half one of the team that I supports players was given an offside decision when according to the people from behind me was actually on side which could have lead to the team that I support being 2-0by the end of the first half.

 My Overactive Imagination has been very busy today but still not doing anything for my 666 day project, but instead it's been thinking about Pokémon and about how those awesome little creatures quite probably made my childhood. With my first Pokémon game being Pokémon Red, and the main character of that game, was called Red, and how he was Mute like me but that is approximately how far the similarities go, but this coincidence has inspired me to create a 3D world of the Kanto region, within GM, if not to really do anything with it except explore the region in 3D style, I could attempt to remake some of the fight scenes in 3D also but I am unsure of how a fire type like Charmander could possibly stand up to even a Magicarp on one of those routes which are literally on-top of the waves, I mean to ones that you need the HM03 Surf to get onto. As you could go in fully enigmatic style "I choose you Charmander" just for the Game to tel you that if you deploy your Charmander here it will likely die, are you sure you want to deploy Charmander? Yes, No. If yes is your chosen option you toss Pokéball a Charmander appears Charmander attempts to stand on the Pokéball's remains keeping it's flame tipped tail our of the water Magicarp uses Splash nothing happens but Charmanders footing is getting wetter, a few more turns and Charmander would be no more, with it's tail flame extinguished as he has just passed on to the great Pokéball in the Sky.

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