Friday 24 April 2015

Day 657

Day 657'

What did I do today?

Shouldn't you know seeing as it was you that did it, what every it was?

Well yes I should, really.

*a bit later when I have thought over it a bit more*

Well I've got it I've played some more on Mario Kart 8, with my Mii character all dressed up in Links costume as well as using the new Downloadable content. Which I started by completing the 2 new GP's in 50CC up to Gold 2 stars level/60 points, which you can get by winning all 4 of the races in the GP.  There's also that Mercedes kart that I downloaded ages ago that might give some of Lewis's fortunes for within the GP's, I don't think so but what ever it may do?

Plus I hope everyone that met Mii today has been having a good life, as I sent Allergy off the morning with my 3DS in sleep mode as I knew that she'd be going by at least one of the Nintendo Zones which are local to her University as i had only just realised that there was one within the vicinity of her university, you can find their locations by clicking this link. I hope you note that there are more on the small island of Jersey than there are in the whole of France. I'm not saying that there is x times more in Jersey tan in France as that would be disingenuous, as how could anything be any number times 0 and have a greater value than 0, for all intensive purposes, as what is 10 times 0, you could say 0 or 00, which would be the answer that a calculator would give you. But what does number 0 actually represent? Nil, none or nothing, the absence of a numerical value, so then what is 10 times 0? 0000000000? I don't know, it seems to me as nothing can't be done to it unless you were to leave it alone at 10 thereby you would upgrade the numerical value of the 0 to 1, which can't be done if mathematics is supposed to hold on t it's integrity at least so that is why they have the answer to all multiplications including the stand alone number (or symbol) 0 as 0.

But today in Hyrule, not in Termina, as I was going into the game "A Link Between Worlds" to fight the dark links that appeared when Allergy had taken it with her at my request,

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