Saturday 31 January 2015

Day 575

Day 575;

So it's been day 575, and today I have completed the Sky Keep, in Skyward Sword Now I'm onto the final decent into the battle against Ghirahim and Demise, to complete Skyward Sword.

Today I have watched some science and some science fiction. The science that I have watched is  the below, it's what happens when you have some sodium (Na) and you add water (H2O) but he has used a very good camera one that goes to the 0 point 1's ms frame rate, so that camera is able to take a new photo/frame 10 times every 1 thousandth of a second which must be so many times better a standard humans vision, by probably something like a thousand times, but mine by approximately 1 million times. So here's the cool science YouTube video;

iSo what about the Sci-Fi you have watched today?

Red, I am going to get onto that but I had a memory of this morning.

Oh Red, I think he means the Snow.

Yes I'm on about the snow, that we had left over from the last nights snow.

So the Sci-Fi that I watched today was the first instalment the Star Wars franchise, episode IV (4). It was good but it wasn't without it's flaws like R2 D2 literally walking away at various points, within the film.You may wonder what I am typing about but when the joints at the top of R2 start moving in directions that aren't prohibited by any of R2's workings then you should realise that something is not correct about that R2 unit.

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