Tuesday 13 January 2015

Day 557

Day 557;

So this morning was probably slightly more disconcerting than it usually is, it was disconcerting as in the morning I.  Didn't know what day it was and I hadn't had a dream, at least none to my memory, but both of those things aren’t very unusual, for me at least the reason that I found my experience of the morning disturbing was that my feet were cold, I use the term cold in lack of a better descriptive word for the numbness felt by my feet this morning. As I was attempting to gather my bearings within this world I noticed my door was already open, but I was too busy attempting to get some feeling into my feet to pay more attention, to that fact, then some time passed and Allergy decided to start to order me about, by saying that I have to do x, y & z in order to get to a location... Hang on a second, I meant... By saying that I need to do x by y in order to get to z later on today. 

Now I have been thinking, about my pathetic excuse for a life,  as what else is up to me and only me to make sense of. Lets for a second just assume that none of my imaginary friends are going to contribute to this topic else wise that’ll get overly confusing. As I have been thinking about physics also today, now you may be thinking something like 
“he first typed something about himself and then he typed something about physics, what the hell isn’t it obvious that physics is way more interesting than you."   
Thank you Red, but didn’t I only just say that you shouldn’t be making an appearance today?
Ok Sorry.

The physics that I was thinking about was Tachyons, which are theoretical particles that travel as speeds that are faster than the speed of light, but so far none have been proven to exist. But they have had a starring role in Star Trek. which is Sci-fi as but I’m unsure if it should be Fi-sci as it tells a story first and just and then every bit of science is added in on top of the story. But now back to the topic of those as I wanted to type if you had a solar sail which if you got into space you could travel as fast as the Luxon’s, which are the particles  of light traveling at the speed of light, now you may be wondering where I’m attempting to go with this and it comes do as a way of traveling through space at speeds that could perhaps equal that of the speed of light if not break it, it was as I was thinking about this as I was unsure of how long ago I first thought of solar sails as I have had a thought of how I could have come up with it which could have been from copying the Bajoran’s on Star Trek: Deep Space Nine as in an episode Deep Space Nine the ancient Bajorian’s quite literally had a small space craft with a big sail coming out of the craft and the sail caught the Luxon’s to get the energy of it's propulsion, but how did the the sails work? they looked like sack material. sack material doesn’t work with the sun light; does it? Which is why I’ve got a suggestion for what it should be made of.

My suggestion is make it out of retinas you could use human or you could use a synthetic substitute, my reason is you know  what happens to your head if someone shines a light in your eyes. your head is repelled and you close your eyes.  The retina could be sending electrical impulses to your brain to move your head that actually moves your head, but is it just that?

Today I have played a bit on The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time,, and I have just made Darunia very happy (by playing Saria's Song to him on my current Ocarina). But I also learnt Eponas song, the Sun Song and Zelda's Lullaby; so that makes it a grand total of 4 tunes

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