Wednesday 28 January 2015

Day 572

Day 572;

So today I thought about some old school stuff, not as in i actually had any lessons on the below video, free running, at school as I didn't but I would just pretend I was doing some of the stuff while I was running around at school,

Dreaming about running on top the B-block roof, not the B-block roof that is way up in the air, 3 stories up in the air as a fact, but I was on the B-block roof that was just over the boys PE changing area/the library, the hall and the science rooms, my dreams were about Parkour or free running. If I had created this blog before I got knocked over by a moving vehicle I ma have mentioned Parkour quite frequently.

Now I like the following YouTube video as it takes balls to do what these people are doing, I think at least, besides the person that you see in red that you only his back looks a little bit like me as in my hair was that colour, it was that length, I have a jumper that is that colour and I'm English (as the man says that he's the English Spider-man), but I can't do back flips, or foreward, left, right flips either as I never have in all likelihood I never will either, which is a blow, I also have never been to the Ukraine and his name's James, oh bugger, It can't be me.

Now let me show you some of Parlours best bits as of 2013, at least, it's awesome.

So I would just like to have a go at all of the stuff shown above before I pop my clogs, but it doesn't look like I am going to have the skill to do any of theses anymore, not even running across a  roof top,  How did I get back onto this topic today, you may be wondering, I know I typed may be wondering as I also know you may not be wondering as you probably aren't doing that thing but I'll go into it anyway. As today I decided to search for Run Escape as I had an idea for a game called that name which could have places like London, Edinburgh, Cardiff, Belfast, Dublin, Paris, Madrid, Berlin, Amsterdam and Brussels, I have just taken 10 city names to get started on, as I thought that if someone could make 3D computer generated models of them then somebody could make some 3D models of people to get doing all of the cool stuff from those videos over the streets and then you could potentially generate more income by realising more locations and characters like you could do a deal with nintendo to allow you to use Hyrule City, Zoras Domain, or even Clock Town, with characters like Jump Man (Mario), Link and Star Fox, and then you could even have Master Chief in Tokyo city busting out some moves, due to the count of DLC, you could even play as Rayman on the Savage Moon. But to get all of those little Extras someone is going to have to talk to whoever is in charge of the said entities, like the GTA man free running about all of the cities that you have previously trashed by driving around like a man person.

And in Hyrule today I got the two final keys needed to complete the water temple then I took the remaining golden spiders and their tokens, as i found them, then and only then I defeated Morpha, the boss of the Water Temple, which was easier than I remembered. 

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