Monday 26 January 2015

Day 570

Day 570;

But today was the day that I have decided to number 570, and today was a little bit interesting.

It was interesting in spite of only loading up Legend of Zelda; Ocarina of Time a couple of times today but the first times the battery of my 3DS was low so I didn't manage to progress on it, but by the time my 3DS was fully charged. as I wasn't putting it in it's charging docking station properly, but then by the time that It was fully charged I didn't get much more than the amount of time that I had got on it this morning, I don't know why.

But it could be as I did decide to watch VGHS today but the first time that I heard it I thought that it said VGH chess, as the weird accents, why do all of you speakers have such weird accents? Even my talking gadget has a couple, or four, weird accents.Of which I think it would be super cool to have avatars that actually look like the person that's playing the game. I know that would be very difficult to engineer in reality/ in game which is why you have some preset avatars for you to customise, and I grrl sorry in advance to anyone that would have to face up (pretty literally) against me, as I'm not really a pretty thing; not by any stretch of the imagination.

But my imagination has lead me to a place that's inside my head called IUO, but I will have to put in on the end of my list of stuff to create, hopefully.

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