Tuesday 27 January 2015

Day 571


So it be the day that I have labeled 571, ad the thing about this day was the fact that I defeated shadow link first time I went up against him.

Now how I defeated shadow Link was actually been thanks to the goddess Din and her fire as I used that god power  during the fight, which was very helpful, and a way to stop him from jumping on your sword is by pressing A to attack (use jump attack). Now all I need to do is to find the last small key so I can get into the room which houses the boss key to allow me to enter the bosses room so I can hopefully defeat the boss of the water temple to then save the Zora's and to get my fiancee to leave me alone and become the water sage, just as my sworn brother became the fire sage and before I leave this temple I still found that golden skull spider thing which I needed the Longshot to get but at the time I didn't have the Longshot but now I do so I have to find it again.

But before this day started properly I had an actual dream and I wrote it down.

So this morning I had a dream I had a dream that I was playing hockey again, I cannot remember the actual reason why I was playing but I was actually playing in my old 24 team shirt, for my old team but I was in an older team I was in senior age ranking but I haven't played since I was at youth age ranking which skipped out the junior age ranking entirely even though I used to train in all three of the age ranking sessions ever since I was peewee age; and I played as number 81 but that was for a separate team to the one that I played for as number 24 which I started off as number 25 in peewee. Then as I came to youth I continue to do the youth and junior age ranking training which was on a Friday night but I never got to train with the seniors, apart from when they came down to play on Fridays which wasn't often as the majority of them had actual serious work.

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