Friday 2 January 2015

Day 546

Day 546;

So today was another day, within this epically boring thing that I call my life.

Another day full of my forgetfulness to forget about, but I can remember that I played some more on Zelda Skyward Sword, I didn't progress much, as I only managed to find all but two of the tadtones and I have found another one of the tadtones but I have found the final tadtone but I am lacking the skill to collect all of the quavers necessary to complete the tone, at least for today...

I meant quavers as in the musical term not the crisp, I  meant quaver as in half a crochet, musical notation terms which goes semiquaver (quarter of a beat), quaver (half a beat), crochet (one beat), minim (two beats), semibreve (four beats). 

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