Thursday 1 January 2015

Day 545

Day 545;

Today it was new years eve and I got my other speaking content for my fez-tive project in scripted.

By the time that I got around to writing this up it was new years day already so I just have to step back in time a bit to inform you about it.

So this morning I can remember a story that Allergy told me about a dream, that she was having, it was about her staying in a dormitory like a hospital ward without all of the blinds in between the beds, but then there was an evil man and his green assistant but they would kidnap all of the sleepers and they'd dress the sleepers in prisoners uniforms and it was your first objective to escape from where you were being hidden. But you were 't allowed to be seen by any of the guards while you were in your prisoners uniform else you'd be getting hidden once more, so the first quest was to escape from the hiding place, your second quest was to find your suit case which had been hidden in a separate place the third part to this quest was to get out of the place that they were holding you prisoner, I can think of some ideas to gameinise that dream, to turn it into a game, but I realise that isn't helping me complete any of my tasks that I have set myself. which include my fez-tive season project the next 5 of my Sunday Savage project then I still need to create my 3D models for my games characters, then all of my 3D games. and that isn't including the the rest of the one player Legend of Zelda Games that I have still to complete.

Which brings me on to another thing that happened to me today, as I received another Amiibo of which was Link/no.05, So in the evening session of playing Mario Kart I was enabled to play it with a Link outfit on my Mii character, I was still terrible at playing i after my first Grand Prix, as my eyes managed to stay open for the first grand prix, but after that I was lucky if I could keep them open for five minutes. Emu was saying that she she was having problems with he eyes in the aspect of them not closing which was opposite to my problem.

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