Sunday 30 November 2014

Day 513

D'ay 513;

So it has been day 513 already and today I have attempted to fly aboard my (well it's really Link's) Loft wing to hopefully get the 10 targets busted on the Skyward Sword game.

My every attempt at this so far has failed so I have ben attempting other quests aside from the main quest that frustrated me and I have completed the quest that had the Mogma in the sky as an outcome, up by the pumpkin hut to be more exact, which before I started that quest I first had to break a chandelier getting one piece of heart as an outcome then I had to fly on my lofting to the skyloft which was good practise, especially as I only had 3 (or was it 5?) minutes to get a bottle of soup to the sparing hall which I accomplished first time, then I had to go back to pumpkin of which was more practise then I had to move some pumpkins to the shed which I made more difficult for myself by misunderstanding what she said, finally for this part of this side quest it was to use the Harp to match up with the hand signals of a person watching which I found difficult until I stopped looking and played by ear; which worked first time; and I got my second piece of heart From the Pumpkin. Then it was the Mogma in Skyloft side quest.

Bur now I shall go into a bit on theories about Htrule, and tonights one is about the Origins of the Interlopers. I know that I should type more about this topic but in slightly under 3 hours. from me writing this; this post will go live/would have gone live, tenses. 

Saturday 29 November 2014

Day 512

Day 512;

Sol today was the five hundredth and twelfth day on my records, and I just wanted to clear some stuff up about yesterday.

As I did play in Hyrule, on Skyward Sword to be more exact again, yesterday. But I failed to defeat Demon Lord Ghirahim, so I had nothing ti stop my tirade about the Islamic take over of the west under the guise of political correctness, and you better not it might offend them, even if it insults our collective sensibilities, pretty much like battered wife syndrome; where we, the people that live in the west, are the wife and the people from the east... no not the whole of the east just them that call themselves Muslims, even those that live in the west, and have only took holidays to the east, as the vast majority of people from the west have been bending over backwards to push this false notion of islamophobia and an equally fallacious claim that everyone that doesn't fit into their very narrow lens of politically correctness that automatically makes them a racist (which by saying that actually makes the person that says it's racist racist but hey that's just mu personal opinion, who listens to me, no one).

So today on Skyward Sword I got a really long time on it today and I defeated Demon Lord Girahim, yes I defeated him this time, at attempt number two I defeated Lord Girahim myself. By attempt number two I mean that in the game there is three separate times to defeat him, at least as Girahim, he does transform (transfigure) into the demon kings sword later n in the game but that is after you have already taken him out in the penultimate boss battle. so I was incorrect if/when I stated that it was the penultimate boss battle, But I got my Allergy to complete the next boss bate for me, it was against the Imprisoned, which is really demise that I am going to venture back into the past as soon as I have learnt the special loft wing attack thing and I have defeated the parasite that is attacking the sky flying whale dragon thing then I still need to defeat the 3 or 4 bosses then it's going to be Girahim for the 3rd and final time then is will finally be Demise.

Friday 28 November 2014

Day 511

Day 511;

S this morning I told Allergy about my idea, for a blog for her; but surprisingly she said that she actually thought that it was a good idea.

And that was after her telling you that she couldn't have a blog as her life isn't interesting enough, she doesn't have any special talent that she will be publishing to the wider world and/or she doesn't feel that she is controversial enough, but the last one was directed at you; Savage.

Ok I reject that last point about me being controversial, I just have strong opinions on subjects that some others shy away from, like Islam; which Sir Winston Churchill

"How dreadful are the curses which Mohammedanism lays on its votaries! 
Besides the fanatical frenzy, which is as dangerous in a man as hydrophobia
in a dog, there is this fearful fatalistic apathy. The effects are apparent in many
countries, improvident habits, slovenly systems of agriculture, sluggish methods
of commerce and insecurity of property exist wherever the followers of the 
Prophet rule or live.  A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and 
refinement, the next of its dignity and sanctity.  The fact that in Mohammedan 
law every woman must belong to some man as his absolute property, either as
a child, a wife, or a concubine, must delay the final extinction of slavery until the
faith of Islam has ceased to be a great power among men.  

Individual Moslems may show splendid qualities, but the influence of the religion 
paralyzes the social development of those who follow it.  No stronger retrograde
force exists in the world.  Far from being moribund, Mohammedanism is a militant 
and proselytizing faith.  It has already spread throughout Central Africa, raising 
fearless warriors at every step, and were it not that Christianity is sheltered in the 
strong arms of science, the science against which it (Islam) has vainly struggled, 
the civilization of modern Europe might fall, as fell the civilization of ancient Rome.”  

Now that quote can be found on all about, just click the link to get to the page. What you may wonder could that one man from backwards old Blighty possibly know about the Islamic faith? As to answer that question I will go back onto the webpage which I mentioned earlier and if you look at the after(Post) notes down the bottom of the page

(1)  Sir Winston, as an officer of the British Army, served in the Sudan and in the Crimean War; in both instances against the Muslims.  These experiences gave him ample opportunity to observe the structure of Islamic society.  
(2)  Churchill’s quotes were taken from the volume: Sir Winston Churchill; “The River War”, first edition, Volume II, pages 248-250, published by Longmans, Green & Company, 1899.  
(3)  If Sir Winston were alive today, it is doubtful that a person in Great Britain criticizing Islam publicly could be arrested, and then fined or jailed, and even more doubtful that any  Muslims would be sitting in the English Parliament! 

Even Rafiq who is a Muslim and the only Muslim member of the seeming to be Controversial political party the English Defence League, he's Scottish, was finned for waving a Union Flag at a group of Asian men, which isn't an offence from my basic grasp of the law, you can read about it here. Mr Weston who is a politician that was arrested by the British police for stating the above quote in public, read about it by clicking this link.

I should really start my critical look at the Qur'an up.

No you shouldn't

Why not Blue?

You're more likely to get us al killed that way, and it will be racist.

No it's not racist you are the only one that is being slightly racist by stating that.


You are being racist by stating that you are implying that they are a different race than us, which they aren't.  They are the same race as us Humans. But they're differences from us is generally all about the people mentally. I'm not meaning this to be mean/evil I only meant it as in what they believe just as you reader is mentally different to me and every other person that you meet , no two minds are exactly the sam, except maybe twins' but then but how long until they start functioning in slightly different ways?

Thursday 27 November 2014

Day 510

Day 510;

I'm sorry if this is later than expected as I am tired now, when I am typing this, as I am sorry to 100% of my page viewers/readers if I don't make sense to any of you.  

As I write these blogposts at night so I can write down a retrospective view on what I have done, as long as I can remember, that is so that one day in the future I can look back at all of these consecutive days about what I have forgot.

So are you going to get on with it' or not?

Ok sorry, green, I have been to the gym and I was told that today my heart rate was on the upper side of where it should be. on the exercise bike today, but I was confused as I had my gloves on for that little section of my workout and on the cross trainerI'm also wearing my gloves and it's saying HR, on the screen where my heart rate is supposed to be,

But today in Hyrule I managed to get onto the next boss battle, which I think is the penultimate boss battle of the game. As it is demon lord Ghirahim, again, and his gloves are off for this bout.

Wednesday 26 November 2014

Day 509

Day 509;

So it's the day that I have decided to call day 509, as it is the 509th day since I stared this blog project.

But if you've been looking at (and/or reading) this blog for longer than 509 days you should know that I'm positively enthralled by politics. You could have  read my post about the AV system that they were trying to get past a while back, and I don't think I saw the point in it which may have been because of the new Proportional

representation that they were attempting to get passed at the same time, of which I still don't properly understand, by PR you could find yourself in a constituency where only a small percentage of the votes actually went to you? As if PR had been working for the last election didn't the news people say that UKIPpers would already have some seats or would you have multiple MP's in some of the constituencies which could be equal to double the parliamentary scandal.

As stated above I am enthralled by the parliamentary process that's why I got very excited by the new developments within the British politics, the rise of UKIP. I was thinking that I may have to sit for election before a new thing in politics would come around, but I was wrong. How would a mute, like me, get along in politics?

But now on with some serious stuff, I'm moving on Zelda and my adventures through the land of Hyrule, as I acquired myself some new Mogma Mits and the Dungeon Map of at that point I had to blow up the wall and leave the game at that for some reason called Macaroni Cheese and Turkey drummers, I like spiking those spiky things with the sword as they transfer the water from inside of them onto the sword which you have to then flick your arm/wrist to release the water ball onto the tongues of the frogs. which had me puzzled for approximately one minute, I know I'm slow.

Also Nayru is the Goddess of Time. within Hyrule at least. I state this as a fact as it is obvious if nothing else it says it almost in the creation story of Hyrule below; 1:00 minute of the way through it says "Nayru" then "Poured her wisdom onto the earth and gave the spirit of law to the world" the spirit of law means time and a lot of other things but she couldn't be meaning the feeling of right and worn as that is a animal thing and the animals haven't been created yet and then it goes onto Farore who produced all lifeforms to uphold the laws that had just been set down. But more proof of this could be the fact that the Ocarina of time is blue which is Nayru's colour. But l will not be having any of you saying that it's coincidental by stating that in Oracle of Ages  who is the Oracle (Priest/Priestess) of Ages (time) none other than an incarnation of Nayru,

Tuesday 25 November 2014

Day 508

Day 508;

So today I was remembering some of the things that I said that I'd like to do... and then I forgot what I was about to state after I put that down hopefully I'll remember for tomorrows blog entry.

But today was fun despite not playing on Skyward Sword so I'm going to have to play it really quite well tomorrow to make up for my lack in game time as of late.

But you have had that athletics thing today.

Don't be kind to him , by offering him excuses.

It's ok Red I take full responsibility of the lack of action today. As if I wasn't mistaken you, Red, even stood there and told me to of and play some during the day. But I kept finding excuses not to.


Oh hello Green, It's been a while, just like my excuse I'lll play on it after Lunch, then lunch comes and goes past so it mudt be time for me to play the game, right?

Left... no wrong?

You got there eventually. as I could have just sat down (stood up) and played it then, but no I didn't I decided to going off upstairs to check if I had my track suit bottom and a t-shirt for going out  to the athletics thing, bt that was after I had spent approximately too much time on eating my lunch.

But also today I have gone back over two of my previous days today and I have corrected them . They were days that I have referenced at the start of this post, and I was shocked by how bad my English was late at night.

Monday 24 November 2014

Day 507

Day 507;

But this day was a disappointment on one hand but it wasn't on the other two hands,

What? How do you have three hands now?

No I still only have two hands. Unless you count my feet in a list but then I'd have 4 hands, and I do use my feet as my hands if there's something on the floor and I'm too lazy to crouch down to pick it up, which is the majority of the time.I was thinking more of the fact that I can take about 2 positives for every negative about today.

Such as?

The negative is that as we were watching the F1 motor race today I didn't get to go on Skyward Sword (I know that the race wasn't all day but after it had finished I couldn't use the television as Allergy and Mich had a lot of television to watch about the race) now two good as I have been watching some Zelda related stuff on the tube of you I have been thinking about the three Zelda CD-i games when the first two of the releases acted as Non-cannon versions of Zelda III and Zelda IV, which would be the games that come directly after Zelda I and Zelda II; Adventure of Link,

The third was called Zelda's Adventure but I haven't looked into that one, as much, yet. But I have been thinking that I probably could create some better unofficial fan made versions of the games, in 3D. and I have dubbed them;

The Epic of Zelda: Zelda III- The Faces of Evil
The Epic of Zelda: Zelda IV- The Wand of Gamelon

So for my new epic (I hope in more than just name) mini unofficial non-cannon series of games if I get around to creating the games I am first going to get rid of the terrible voice acting, and I would like to make the feel more like an actual Zelda game and then thirdly I am going to mash the stories up a bit e.g. in Link: The Faces of Evil, Link is already known to the people and he was employed as a personal guard for Zelda and Link is feeling bored and useless with no adventure to go on. The ingrate, I dislike So I'd mash it together with some of his other occupations from past games, for example a ranch hand, Twilight Princess,

Anoyjer thing that happened today was that Hammy finished first within the final F1 grand prix, to make him a double world champion,

That's good isn't it?

Yes, as is Rosburger's willingness to cary on in the race even as his car had got an electrical malfunction, which was very but it was the electrical malfunction as part of his car which was the letdown, as we were all waiting to see a showdown bettween the Mercedes drivers for the Championship, after Rosburger got a bad start so Hammy was put up into fist for the first corner, then Rosburger managed to come back on him after a little while i'm thinking it was just after Rosburger set the fastest lap suddenly his cars ERS packed in but Rosburger kept himself in the race so he finished in 14th place by the end of the race, after being asked to retire from the race he said politely that he'd like to finish the race. So I'd like to say that is an action worthy of a hats off. in my book, if I was wearing a hat and if I had a book.

Sunday 23 November 2014

A Bible study of a Thomas; Genesis 7: part 1 (1-7)

New International Version (NIV)
7 The Lord then said to Noah, “Go into the ark, you and your whole family, because I have found you righteous in this generation. 
Righteous is a word that means good and stuff like that but what does it actually mean, I ask the dictionary the dictionary tells me that it means “Morally right or justifiable; virtuous.” in this context, him and his whole family have to go into the ark, so that should mean the whole human race so far as his direct line of decent go back to Adam /the first man, and I know that god added some of his personal sons into the mix to have sexual intercourse with some of Adam’s offspring. Preferably with the daughters of man but how can you be certain?

2 Take with you seven pairs of every kind of clean animal, a male and its mate, and one pair of every kind of unclean animal, a male and its mate, 
But what is a clean animal? A clean animal is an animal that are ceremonially pure and fit for food, according to the Jewish encyclopaedia. So that is 7 pairs of the “clean” animals, so that is 14 of each of the clean animals what species of animal are classed as clean? According to this website Deuteronomy 14:4-5 lists 10 let’s see.

These are the animals you may eat: the ox, the sheep, the goat, the deer, the gazelle, the roe deer, the wild goat, the ibex, the antelope and the mountain sheep.[a]
 Ox, can’t say I have ever eaten any, as for sheep I think I have, goat is no (three so far), the deer, the gazelle and the roe deer, aren’t they all very similar but I haven’t eaten any of them (three more six so far), the wild goat and the difference from the ordinary goat is? The fact that it hasn’t been domesticated beforehand so we still only have six clean animals the ibex isn’t that just a goat? It is basically but it has longer horns (I’ll give them that animal seven) the antelope now isn’t this just another variation of a deer (but I’ll give them that one so eight) The mountain sheep is basically a sheep that has horns so it looks like a goat, so anyway that is ten separate “clean” animals but I could only see eight being very generous but realistically it is only two base animals and they were the goat and the deer and you could probably drag each of the ten “clean” animals evolutionary roots to converge on either one of those two animals evolutionary chains thanks to natural selection and a good deal selective breeding. But I am aware that the theory of evolution isn’t directly included within this book and I am no expert on it so I shall leave it at this, out of the ten animals multiplied by 2, to get to 10 pairs, equals 20 and then multiply 20 by 7 that makes 140 animals, but what about elephants they are possibly the cleanest animals by biblical standards as they were using the shower hose before it had been invented by humans.

The unclean animals are on the pages of Leviticus 11:4-19 and Deuteronomy 14:7-18.
The camel, though it chews the cud, does not have a divided hoof; it is ceremonially unclean for you.The hyrax, though it chews the cud, does not have a divided hoof; it is unclean for you. The rabbit, though it chews the cud, does not have a divided hoof; it is unclean for you. And the pig, though it has a divided hoof, does not chew the cud; it is unclean for you. You must not eat their meat or touch their carcasses; they are unclean for you.

In Leviticus 11:4-8 there is so far 4 unclean animals so far but to be honest I disapprove of this accusation pigs are unclean and you must not eat their meat which means no sausages or pork but that’s the tastiest meat products. From Leviticus 11:9-19 all of the animals are creatures in the water, of which I’m guessing would just swim but that is ignoring the fact that the rain is going to mix the salt water of the sea and the fresh water of the rivers making the water undrinkable for almost every type of almost every type of animal including humans, and then we get to birds, of which I shall get to later on in this post.
However, of those that chew the cud or that have a divided hoof you may not eat the camel, the rabbit or the hyrax. Although they chew the cud, they do not have a divided hoof; they are ceremonially unclean for you. The pig is also unclean; although it has a divided hoof, it does not chew the cud. You are not to eat their meat or touch their carcasses.
Camel, rabbit, hyrax and pig the same 4 as before so that only includes 8 animals. Its funny how none of animals mentioned aren’t any of the exotic animals, like lions or tigers, or any of the coolest animals, like polar bears or penguins. So far in total only 148 animals on the ark. Nor is the T-Rex, Triceratops, Velociraptor, Baryonyx, Pterodactyl, Apatosaurus, Pterodactylus, Pterosaur or even the Hadrosaurs to name just a few.

148 animals on a boat of 155.4m by 25.9 which equals 4024.86m2, that ‘d be a big rectangular boat and it’s over 3 floors and I was thinking that the 3 floors didn’t include the main deck now that would have been an engineering master piece for its time especially seeing as it had a flat base, that is the only way to fit 3 levels in to a boat which is only 15.54m high without losing the bottom one and making the top deck an inhabitable area for the animals other than the human animals.

and also seven pairs of every kind of bird, male and female, to keep their various kinds alive throughout the earth. Seven days from now I will send rain on the earth for forty days and forty nights, and I will wipe from the face of the earth every living creature I have made.
Seven pairs of birds now so it’s time to look at this website for the birds and that website directed me to two bible passages, Leviticus 11:13-19 and Deuteronomy 14:9-18, so now it seems like I am checking the information on those pages,

13 “‘These are the birds you are to regard as unclean and not eat because they are unclean: the eagle,[a] the vulture, the black vulture, 14 the red kite, any kind of black kite, 15 any kind of raven,16 the horned owl, the screech owl, the gull, any kind of hawk, 17 the little owl, the cormorant, the great owl, 18 the white owl, the desert owl, the osprey, 19 the stork, any kind of heron, the hoopoe and the bat.
From Leviticus it doesn’t give a definite number as it has any kind of black kite, any kind of raven and any kind of hawk I know I could research the three terms to get a definite more number, actually I may do that but if I kept each of those type of bird as 1animal that should give me 20 types of unclean bird. But there is another thing glaringly wrong with the with the examples it is the fact that bats aren’t birds they’re actually more like flying rats than pigeons, by that I mean they’re small mammals. Like rats, but they fly.

11 You may eat any clean bird. 12 But these you may not eat: the eagle, the vulture, the black vulture,13 the red kite, the black kite, any kind of falcon, 14 any kind of raven, 15 the horned owl, the screech owl, the gull, any kind of hawk, 16 the little owl, the great owl, the white owl, 17 the desert owl, the osprey, the cormorant, 18 the stork, any kind of heron, the hoopoe and the bat.
The above text is from Deuteronomy 14:11-18 the first difference to the creatures that are listed is that on this text it only has “the black kite and not any kind of black kite and then after wards it adds a new type of birds as it says “any kind of falcon” and again for god’s sake. I think that it is appropriate to type that now, as a bat isn’t a bird, So that makes 21 unclean birds/42 into the arc.
Now to the Clean birds of the bible I have gotten these from the same little website as the above website, the one about birds from the bible but I have taken all the birds

5 And Noah did all that the Lord commanded him.
And the lord was pleased? Just guessing, and no god wasn’t pleased; he’s too vain to say that he was pleased at the seemingly impossible task to complete by one man at the times that this chapter is set.

6 Noah was six hundred years old when the floodwaters came on th earth. 
Now hang on another second didn’t his lordship god say that everyone should die at 120 within the wickedness of the world just a short time ago?

7 And Noah and his sons and his wife and his sons’ wives entered the ark to escape the waters of the flood. 
Now should we count up the people that are going to be on the ark, so there is Noah, his wife, Noah’s three sons and they’re wives, now we don’t know how many of them there is. If Noah was a real person he should worried by now about his grandchildren as they are going to have to have sexual intercourse with they’re cousins to make the human race as it is today, within every colour, now you must be talking about evolution at relatively light speed to make the human species as diverse as it is today. Unless you have a belief in the X-men and the facet that they are among us as we speak, in more than just the comic books and every spin off series since; which obviously isn't a fact at least not to my knowledge.

Day 506

Day 506;

Now today was a dissapointing day as the football match the team that I suport lost, 0-1.

But I saw watching Walking Through History on Chanel 4 which was interesting as it was about the story behind Robin Hood in parts at least, and it was like a walk through some memories as I had been to Sherwood Forest, at least what is left of since the days of king John were already gone by what must be at least 750 years since I first visited Sherwood forest.

But then the television was shifted by channel to BBC 2 when I enjoyed watching all of the cool clips and stuff that were about the history of Sci-fi, as it was called "Tomorrow's Worlds: The Unearthly History of Science Fiction" it was incredibly interesting.
Then it was Intruders episode 6 also on BBC 2, it is a television program based on the book The Intruders, or so it said but I have never read that book; so I wouldn't know.
The random question that I put to myself was can a woman without a child produce milk? And the answer was yes they can But I can tell you about the stranger thing that I found about in it as well,  as the page also said that if men's nipples get a similar stimulation they can also lactate/produce milk,  so I want to find out, So far in my experiment if I stimulate one of my nipples it got hard but no milk was coming out of it, so I have to try again tomorrow.

But today was a double disappointment as I didn't have enough time to fit in any playing of of the Skyward Sword. I must really do better. 

Saturday 22 November 2014

Day 505

Day 505;

I find it difficult to concentrate on what I am doing at the best of times so when I was playing Skyward Sword today, I was having a brain storming lesion on who killed the victim in criminal case eight, I guessed it correct but

Now those UKIPpers have a second seat in the house of commons, from zero seats to two, who here thinks that they are going to retain the seats when it's the General election next year?k

But I'm sorry for my disappointingly lacking on data that I have done today it was only as I have forgotten what I have done today.

Friday 21 November 2014

Day 504

Day 504;

So today I decided to correct my mistakes of yesterday as I got to play on Skyward Sword, and I collected all of Dins tears up, which really wasn't too challenging. So now I am the holder of some of Dins ear rings which I have no idea of how they work but they do, they keep you cool when you are moving about in that area up on the mountain that is usually way too hot to even stand in for very long,

So that is a tale of my redemption within myself, but this evening I was eating a Chinese meal from the local Chinese take awayI actually ate Chicken and Chips well for diner today I had chicken balls in batter as soon as we (me and Allergy had existed the double meaning of the word Balls [means testicles]) I made a very good point which was do male chickens actually have balls? As if they have they must be very small, so small in fact to not be on the below diagram.

Anyway the next part of a Bible Study of a Thomas: Genesis 7 Shall be done in at least 2 parts and you've got until Sunday at 12:00 to wain for the first part of it.

Thursday 20 November 2014

Day 503

Day 503;

Well I have remembered three things that I'd like to do that I didn't put on my list yesterday.

Which were?

Jackdaw, Time Stop Tom and The Missing Angel all working titles.

Oh you mean your comic book ideas?


But that's enough of that what have you actually done today? 

I went to the gym, did I tell you what Mr PNL said to me on Monday? 

I'm not certain but I don't thing that you did, but lets just put that story to one side and forget about it,

Why, Red, why?

Because it's uninteresting and irrelevant.

Ok. ok... but I went to the gym today.

We gathered.

Had we now, what had we gathered?

We had gathered that he had been to the gym today.

Yes, yes I knew that.

Ok now if you two have finished. I would like to tell you what I did for the rest of today, that I can remember at least, I started to create a 3D face in Blender, as I got bored, of going through the beginners tutorial for Blender, so I have decided to go straight to a tutorial on how to build a human face, so hopefully it'll all slot in place; within my mind.

Now I had two separate nagging feelings in my head today the first was to go to Hyrule welding the Skyward Sword and the second was to come back to my computer and just try to make some more sense of this Blender program, I choose the incorrect option. As you can see above.

But I have got a new game idea it's called Playground Game and it is from a long long time ago so long in fact that one of the battle grounds is now a housing estate, well one of the proposed inspirations which was originally a school is now a housing estate. But my memory of it is still half decent unlike with the majority of new things.

Wednesday 19 November 2014

Day 502

Day 502;

Today I downloaded a free 3D modeller it's called Blender. So in a few weeks, which is probably going to turn into months I could be competent enough at making 3D objects on my computer to perhaps start creating a 3D computer game, or a computer game with 3D styled graphics.

If I manage to get this project up and running, instead of it just "blending" into the background like almost all of the other projects that I have embarked upon in the past. So a name for the game series that I have created, in my head at least is called, Legend of the Heroes.

What do you have to do, then?

Including the fore-mentioned thing I still have to get myself a life, I know how pathetic it is, but other than that nought else that I have to do.

Ok maybe I used too strong of words there I meant what would you like to do?

Ok... well I would like to create a create my Fez-tive Season Youtube thing and I'd like to fill the first five Sundays of 2015 with my Sunday savageness, and I'd like to complete all of the Legend of Zelda games in order according to the time line so that is one of my reasons for not playing Minish Cap today.

But today in Hyrule the world had a break from me as mentioned above I am attempting to complete them in order so that should mean that I've completed Ocarina of Time before Spring of 2015 as that is when Majora's Mask 3DS is released and my anniversary is some time close to there, but then so is April fools day.

Typing of Fools Anita Sarkeesium is the con artist that attempted to ruin gaming, with her lies and deceptions. Under the guise of feminism. I'm not being misogynistic I'm being factually correct, and if many people would stop walking on egg shells when dealing with her within fear of being politically incorrect it is your common decency which is her Ace up her sleeve not any of her so called arguments.

Tuesday 18 November 2014

Day 501

Day 501;

So it had been another day in my uninteresting life,

Today I went to another one of those athletics things, and I have forgot the majority of what else happened to me today, but I can remember one thing from X distance, in time, away, It was a thought that came to me; the thought was: I can think of no better method to get your heart beating at an accelerated rate than getting yourself attacked by a zombie, it works like a treat.

But today at Athletes I was being taught how to run to a board and then how to kick off of it and go back to the starting line, properly- without taking off up the wall. Miss Rose and Mr B were both very good teachers,

Allergy has got an amazingly humorous talent, It's called speaking songs, It's where you take a song that you know the lyrics to, even if they are incorrect lyrics, that makes it funnier., I have tried to get her to put some recordings up on YouTube but she refuses to stating that she has a terrible voice, and I was just sitting there thinking at least you have a voice.

Now what I would like her to do is for my up and coming Fez-tive season project as what I am planing to do if she agrees I would create her an avatar like thing to make it resemble Allergy.

But today in the fantasy of Hyrule. the Legend pf Zelda, I have stepped/jumped up into the wind Temple as I have now got the Rocs cape and I'm entering the temple on the clouds.

Monday 17 November 2014

Day 500

Day 500;

Today was the day that is half way to my goal, at least until I set another one.

Basically I cannot remember what happened to me today for the most part of, but one off the things that I can remember of it was finally discovering where the rest of my 3DS games, and then the much less important thing of which was watching the first night of I'm a celebrity, but I watched up to the man getting out of the pit of snakes, which looked fun apart from him getting a snake up his shorts, but honestly I'd do that challenge for fun; if anyone wants to challenge me to do it and fund the experience. Craig Charles of Red Dwarf, Lister, is hilarious- well he is at least in that role.

But in Hyrule I cannot remember doing anything today, which wasn't very good. But my mind has often wandered off into Termina as Legend of Zelda: Majoras Mask is set to be coming out spring 2014, and news of the game is interesting as they are sating that they have changed one Boss Battle, my bets it's the final boss battle and they've made it more challenging if you get the fierce deity mask, well I'm hoping at least. but my hopes will probably be in vain as they have made the game easier to get into and they've added two fishing ponds, so you can now just sit there and fish while the world is going to hell, well it's going to be crushed by a giant rock called the moon.

Sunday 16 November 2014

Day 499

Day 499;

Today has been the day before tomorrow/today  if you're reading this on the day that I have set it to be posted.

Which will be if your one of the three readers that make up my audience, I like the number three.

How many sides are there to a triangle/triforce, three, how many pieces are there in the Triforce three, unless you are using the Triforce from Zelda I when their is only two, or four if you want to quote theories like the Tetraforce theory and I'm sure that I rattled on about on days gone by, The one that included the fierce deity as the 4th part of the Triforce which was Masked by the fourth Goddess Lady Hylia  piece of the Triforce, the blank central part which was shown by her servant, Fi, in Skyward Sword.

But what actually happened to you today Savage?!!!

Cool it Red, by that over use of punctuation am I detecting that you are a bit frustrated with me?

You couldn't have guess it, but yes I am.

Well I kind of did guess.

I was being facetious you fool. 

Ok, well I remember watching a football match today, it was an international match , the match was between England and Slovenia, the half time score was 0-0, then the second half kicked off they were playing the fifty seventh minuet of the game when Henderson heads the ball into the back of England's net so that was the first own goal of the match and it was one of the four goals that scored by the English. But then in response to this upset Wayne Rooney, quickly scampered up to the Slovenian goal and he got himself fouled in the penalty area, which meant that he had a penalty shot to draw the game level in slightly more the two minutes since England went behind, and Wayne cannoned the ball into the back of the net, the goalie managed to get a hand to it but his effect on the ball was negligible, But then it was Danny Welbeck that scored the final two goals for England and the final two goals of the match which made the full time score 3-1 to England, so that means that England have won all four of their qualifying matches for Euro 2016, and that only leaves six more games to play next year to see if England can make it ten wins out of ten games for this Euro qualifying campaign.

But I'm Red that is all that I can remember that I have done today, apart from play some more Legend of Zelda,

Of which I have defeated the giant Octorok which meant that I had retrieved the third element to infuse with my sword of which I have done and off I went to see what the ghost of old Gustaf  had to say and now I'm walking on top of the clouds,

Saturday 15 November 2014

Day 498

Day 498;

So it's been the day before, the day before my half way mark until I get to that magic number in days.

But I am still discussing matters with some people about Islam the some people are in fact Islamic people, or Muslims, as I have demonstrating some of the ways that they have lied,

I shall give you an example:

Firstly Savage we don't lie about our faith

That is a lie so there, I shall use the res of your answer to demonstrate.

You used the word taqiyyah and we don't practice taqiyyah it is some thing Shias do and they are a complete different religion to Muslims now.

Whoever disbelieves in Allah after his belief... except for one who is forced [to renounce his religion] while his heart is secure in faith. But those who [willingly] open their breasts to disbelief, upon them is wrath from Allah , and for them is a great punishment;

Qur'an 16:106
Now from the above passage I understood tat you can lie about your faith as long as you know what you actually mean in your metaphysical heart, but then all who truly disbelieve there is a great punishment waiting.  

There you go it’s there in the Qur’an/the word of God, well at least of your God. So there was me thinking that Islam hadn’t been hijacked by the Politically correct mob, to contort the words of your prophet into more favourable context, unless what your doing is the thing that you said only the Shia’s do, plus are you a Shia Muslim?  Muslims and Shia Muslims are the same religion but they are different branches of the religion like tho C of E, Mormons, Catholics, Westboro baptists Church and so on. 

So how are you expecting  a response to be?

I'm unsure how I should expect it Green no just if on Faceybook they had dislike buttons I am thinking that it be one of the highest disliked wall posts on on Faceybook; within all history, As I have got an anti Islam tone, maybe I should upload it to youtube with some pictures to fill the story.

But on the Legend of Zelda games I have stagnated, as in I have only looked at the games console in question so far today. But today I saw the trailer for the next episode of Doctor Who, and it looks epic, santa vs the Doctor.

Friday 14 November 2014

Day 497

Day 497;

Today has been the four hundred and ninety seventh day of this document journey that I call my life, but I could say it is the journey of my death as that is what it's leading up to.

I'm alive could mean I'm not dead or I'm undead, so it doesn't have to mean I'm a Zombie/Vampire/any other deceased human reanimated type creature.

Another thing I did was checking up on Rosetta, who is Rosetta you may be wondering, I meant this beautiful Rosetta/the space craft that has landed Philae on a comet. I'm unsure if it has managed to get it's solar panels out into the sunlight yet to recharge it's batteries?

But today on the Minish Cap I got around to fighting the boss of the dungeon boss, so I decided to call it a night at that as I've got to be up relativity early tomorrow morning, to do something to the... plumber, I think.

Thursday 13 November 2014

Day 496

Day 496;

Now today was the 496th day in my since I decided to start this blog project,

Today I went to the Gym which was fun as I got to have a little run, on a cross trainer for fifteen minutes, I prefer a cross trainer to the actual running machines as you physically control the speed. so you don't have to jog at the speed set by the machine and there are places to put your arms on the cross trainer to assist in the speed that your travelling at, I got 20+ at difficulty 5.

Quran chapter 4 verse 89

Or translated
They wish you would disbelieve as they disbelieved so you would be alike. So do not take from among them allies until they emigrate for the cause of Allah . But if they turn away, then seize them and kill them wherever you find them and take not from among them any ally or helper.

Why the sudden interest in Islam?

Only as I saw a video on the net which stated that Islam would take over the world in 50 years, so I just wanted to make my opposition known about now, for no one to read but me, myself and I, by pointing out some the flaws in Islam now.

What flaw have you pointed out? 

It was my query about the faith of Islam

But it goes like this;

I know it's unlikely but if you had a daughter and I had a son, and they met at school what would happen if they wanted to get married, that is if you hadn't already promised her to one of your other friends or their sons, would you let them, and if you did and if doing so your daughter left Islam would you call for her execution?

Well it isn't really a flaw it is more of a dilemma as it's clear from the Qur'an that if she left Islam the penalty is death, so could you murder your daughter, I know that you mat not be the executioner but you may as well be, you brought her into this world with that crazy ideology around her neck.

But onto stuff about the Legend of Zelda, and if I did play on it today it was in the morning so I've forgot about it by now. but I have thought about it a lot today as I was watching Anita Fem Freak's YouTube project about Tropes vs Women in video games, it's highly object able but any way I'm exposing myself to new idea's.

Wednesday 12 November 2014

Day 495

Day 495;

So I've almost reached half way, until I reach 1000 and the cross platform kind of thing that I'm planning to do, which is only if my brain doesn't keep getting sidetracked.

But I have recently realised that I should create a video for the coming Fez-tive session and then I should create the next 5 episodes of the Sunday Savage to be released one a week on the first five Sundays following the new year.

So today was the eleventh day of the eleventh month in this year, the one hundredth year since the start of the Great War, the war to end al wars as it was known at the time, but we (the human race collectively still haven't learnt our lesson) Human naming conventions for conflicts haven't really changed, much from the war to end all wars to the war on terror (the act of terrorism on terrorism).

If i didn't know better I'd think you'd have lost faith in humanity.

Oh what faith?

The faith that he never had.

No he has had some faith in humanly, a long time ago.

But swiftly moving on I'm thinking that I was incorrect on my statement that I thought the poppies were staying in the dry mote a bit longer but as today the  was the eleventh of the eleventh at eleven O'clock the final one of the poppies was put in and the whole of Britain was silent, I think, well I was at least and so was every body with me. at the time for two minutes.

In Hyrule today I haven't done much I just progressed a little bit thought the temple of droplets (I think that's it's name at least).

Tuesday 11 November 2014

Day 494

Day 494;

So today I finally got some new special tooth paste, the dentist told me I had to get it for my mouths hygiene, but I don't swear (use bad langue) as I can't due to the incident I had which involved a car.

But I finally remembered my question to do with Doctor Who, which was why did the two main characters lie to one another? At the end of the episode they just went ahead and lied to one another why?

I know that I was cynical probably slightly too cynical about the EU's attempt to bribe Mr Cameron but it seem to have worked out that way, not the bribe but he's going to do what they wanted him to do and Mr Cameron's chancellor of the exchequer has managed to save 50% of the cost of the new proposed EU payment scheme, but they could have only needed the half of it to start with and they only doubled ti to make the chancellor of the exchequer and Cameron's government look best getting a better deal d,

I have discovered one of Briton's cultural problems today, but I'm betting that Emu would probably say that it isn't a problem.

As she is one of those people that uses the term racist so openly, especially in cases where it cannot apply.

Ok so if you'd like to view the above mentioned story you can by clicking here.

But today I got up to playing on Legend of Zelda: Minish Cap, so I have entered the droplets temple which id the temple that is in Lake Hylia just to get the third element for my Sword, and I know that it is in this temple this time as I have already seen it in the temple, I just need to melt the ice that surrounds it..

Monday 10 November 2014

Day 493

Day 493;

This day was another day in my life which I found that I had done nothing that I wanted to get done for today actually done for today.

Due to my computer that I was going to use for the creation go my little show is in-fact very slow, and I didn't have enough time in the day to get it done, with it being remembrance Sunday and the remembrance service which perplexed Mich as he was one of the only people there that knew the lords prayer as only him and a few others were reciting it after the Vicars, in one of the parts that they have at the ceremonies like that which  even I knew the words to it but I didn't follow on in chorus as I can't speak, as I have heard it so many times at things like that ceremony before the accident that knocked me senseless.

but I don't know why they insist on making it a special  day for the clergy to come out in force and preach to everyone that is standing there our of respect for our dead ancestors and everyone else that is dead, or is that just me?

Zelda, isn't dead unless you count the ones that came before the current game that you're playing with n the time line and perhaps Spirit Tracks, as Zelda is the spirit that follows you around for that game.

Buzt no I didn'rt grt to play on any of the games today due to the fore mentioned occurences but I can't not for the death of me remember what happened to me today. I can remember some thoughts I have been having about Doctor Who like the one about the Brigadier finally getting saluted by the Doctor I thought it was a fitting send off for the Brigadier; and another point I have been thinking about was clara's deception tactics to convince the Cybermen that she was the Doctor, by stating "I know his name' so what why don't you r=tell the Cybermen his name and then Cyber Control can ask the Mistress if she was correct, Then they'd know why they were all scared of for all of those years, the power of a Name? I had at least on other thought about Doctor Who but I forgot my trail of thoughts.

Sunday 9 November 2014

Day 492

Day 492;

So it has been the day 492.

Today I have been focusing on getting my next episode of the Sunday Savage up to scratch for a release of tomorrow, so it can be released on Sunday as the name suggests but I wasn't able to actually get down to the actual making of the project.

As I managed to get the script done and dusted and I managed to get my parts of the script all talked for me. Now all that's left to do is for me to do to get it completed is record the other voices and then I could match the mouth movements up to the audio files.

But as you could probably tell I'm not to hopeful for me actually managing to get it up tomorrow.

But so Doctor Who, it was good but it left me with more questions than answers and just as it was a final episode of the season, *Spoiler Alert*Gallifrey Reappears But hat has happened to it, and the Mistress should still have at least 1 more regeneration from when he was shot by a Cyberman,

So today in Zelda games i scored a massive nil on the topic today as I was so obsessed with my attempt to get my Sunday project back up and running, but i have some serious doughs about it..

Saturday 8 November 2014

Dat 491

Day 491;

Today has been the day that I have numbered number 491.

So today I thought about the insane rambling on an Emu, As I remembered what she had sad about the Cameroon at the start of his period in power, as in she hated him and all he stood for, The U-tuern has been quite spectacular on him, but now for the next parliament she has moved to a different constituency which is also has a strong majority of Conservative voters but also where she has moved to is around the area that the UKIPpers leader will be sitting for office, so I thought that maybe she'll be voting conservative in the next election to stop UKIP from getting into power. But then a brain wave struck me if Emu and her quite considerable number of friends that are all living in the same constituency all vote for the Lab Rats then they may be able to get a majority in a predominantly Conservative area as the votes for Conservatives could be getting eaten away from the by the UKIPpers.

But that is just a political theory, nothing scientific.

Ok thank you Blue. If all is finished I will be getting onto the topic of what I have been gaming on today?

Yes, don't worry I've finished.

Good, and today I have been playing some more of Legend of Zelda: Minish Cap, and it's going pretty swimmingly "Cue Laughter" *Silence* my head banging on the desk reverberates around the silence of existence. Didn't you get my joke I picked up the swimming flippers in a day before this day so i was going swimming,

But ain't you forgetting one thing?

Oh yes Star Wars episode VII is called "the force awakens".

No not that, the thing about this Sunday and about how Savage it is going to be.

Oh yes, I shall leave it until Sunday to state that, as I do not want to cause to much despair.

Friday 7 November 2014

Day 490

Day 490;

Now today was the day that comes to equal the 490th day from my blogged life.

But what did I do today? (Don't answer that, Yellow, Blue, Red, Green or anyone else in there)

So I can't really remember what I gave done today, but from what I can remember one of the things that I did today was to start writing the sixth episode of the Sunday Savage, or the latest episode of my YouTube project.

As in the Legend of Zelda Universe I watched the video that I first saw yesterday, and it was immense the new version of the Majora's Mask looks beautiful, It's for the 3DS and the graphics look amazing,

But that was only a trailer on your computer that you saw so you don't know how it will look on a 3DS.

Ok I know Green, but it looks as if operation MoonFall is coming into fruition, or just as Ocarina of Time was  a new 3DS game a little while back and this game could have been the next logical step, as ninety only basically had to transfer the character models and 3D textures from the Ocarina of Time with only making a few limited changes to them to transform it into Majora's Mask.

Thursday 6 November 2014

Day 489

Day 489;

Today I went to London to get myself prodded with needles.

Well this morning I was tiered. Which didn't help with me getting my injections, as if you have read that blogpost about yawning and crying, it really gets to me, it does. It could have ruined my injections into my eye lids,especially my right eyelid as when the doctor that does it was pushing the needel point into my eyelid my bleeding right eye started watering the needle, which didn't happen when she was oppressing on my left eyelid, which was bleeping irritating.

But Mich is such a whip as when the above was happing to me he covered his eyes not to see, also the doc was asked me why I had been crying before I went it to the room; it was the tiredness I tell you, and then when I was getting bored by the needle gently caressing my eyelid, in a sticking in the way of sticking into my eyelid to pour out a liquidised form of a substance which has been called rat poison in years gone by.

I brought my 3DS with me today also, I got a lot, well 10 street passes from walking around London but I even managed to acquire one Dark Link from a different person.which I have dispatched easily enough on the game Legend of Zelda; a Link Between Worlds, so he/she/it probably managed to beat me up in similar ease.

Wednesday 5 November 2014

Day 488

Day 488;

So it has been the day that I dubbed yesterday the fifth day that has got two fat ladies in since I started this blog project.

So today I thought about making a start on my next episode of the Sunday Savage, but it didn't go any further than that, a thought.

Why was it a non- starter today?

It was a non-starter as I was playing too much on the Legend of Zelda games, meanwhile thinking about something that I heard.

What was it that you heard?

Well it was that in Japan they are obsessed with simulation games but not just like Animal Crossing/Sims games dating simulation games, I shudder at the thought.

But what I got up to today in the Legend of Zelda, was basically growing beans and traveling to Skyloft, but I don't know that the place that I actually went to was in Skyloft but it'd make sense if it was called Skyloft and later on today I played around in Skyward Sword.

Tuesday 4 November 2014

Day 487

Day 487;

Day 487 the day before the 5th install meant of the two fat ladies.

Now what have I done today?

Well you have been to that athletes thing today.

 Yes I know that I was attempting a rhetorical question.

You could be more clear about it next time, but yesterday didn't Blue do a similar thing in your post and be allowed to make the comment,

Yes, but I had actually forgotten when I typed the similar thing yesterday, plus I like Blue better than you anyway.

Thanks for that cle... hey, you like blue better than me!

*Red storms off and sulks in the corner*

But today the athletics thing was indoors which isn't very good.

Why isn't it very good?

But I'm sorry if you think that I was being overly harsh on the athletics thing I guess I was as I still had a good time but it just wasn't up the standards that I have been lead to expect from going to the little athletics thing. As for a start I got accused of cheating in this little race thing that we were having, 

And did you cheat?

Not knowingly I just jogged up to a wall and turned around at the wall and then I jogged a little bit quicker back, the length of the course wasn't really long enough for me to get any decent speed along the track and I was trying on the return leg of the track and I almost jogged into the Jujutsu practice that was going on in another part of the hall.

But today in Hyrule I completed the third dungeon of Minish Cap and from it I received the Ocarina that looks suspiciously similar to the Ocarina of Time but if you play it a bird comes and picks you up and then you fly to one of the air statues that you opened before along your travels throughout Hyrule.

Monday 3 November 2014

Day 486

Day 486;

So today it has been the day that I have numbered day 486.

But today I have done...

What can't you remrmber?

Erm no not really.

Do I have to do every thing for you?

No, Blue, but if you could remember what I did for me that would be greatly appreciated.

Ok,you got up in the morning doing the usual stuff, then you logged onto your computer and you waited around by looking at and reading a lot of websites about The Legend of Zelda and you also watched a YouTube video on what the Pokèmon are which was by the game theories YouTubers, as well as another whole load of there work, But your favourite one is still link is dead in Majora's Mask however I like the one that has got Luigi and Peach a chile and that child is Rosalina, and he has theorised it using science full of Punnett squares and time dilation.

Oh, cool stuff then.

Sunday 2 November 2014

Day 485

Day 485;

So it has been the day numbered 485, but today has been disappointing and fascinating at different times.

Disappointing as the Football team that I support lost another game, today, but it was fascinating as in Doctor Who *Spoiler Alert*The Master is back as The Mistress this time*Spoiler Over* but the question is how, or when is she from, as we already know than she died many times within the doctors time line or perhaps she's still dead and it's that (Ok so I'm going to attempt to keep the following spoiler free as much as I can, but here's the giant heads up for all of you people that want to watch the episode before you read any further on into this post there is going to be plenty of potential spoilers so before you read this please just watch the episode) Time Lord artefact that's bring her back into existence, but the thing about Danny Pink choosing his own obliteration, total destruction to allow his body to become one of those Cyber contraptions *I think I've got away with it without spoiling the plot* but Danny Pink cannot die or have his conscience rubbed out from existence as he has still future with Clara... Pink? to live and for them to create the offspring that is still to take humanity to the stairs, according to that other bit of Clara's timeline surfing that they did in one her earlier episodes with this Doctor and I know that time can be rewritten but that time cannot I'm sure of it as it seemed to be a fixed point, but I might be wrong about that as the doctor has seemed to change the little details like the name of the person but the same action will still happen just the people mentioned will change.

But today in Zelda, not literally as that would be weird in a biological way, I have... not literally got inside of Zelda or any woman for a matter of fact i have been born/bee pushed out of a woman, who was my mother but that is probably the closest I have ever been to a woman. but that is enough about me in a literal sense. Now onto the topic of the Legend of Zelda; Four Swords of which I have been playing today, solo still, I have completed the sea of trees, at least I think that is the name of the level that I have completed.

Warp drive tech

I am writing this today to state a theory of how faster than light that speed travel is possible, I hope I am anyway.and I have called it warp drive tech for one reasons, which is;

It is based a bit on the name of one of the first quicker than light speed travel methods that I heard about, from Star Trek,

So the concept is that if you could get up to the speed of light in a couple of second then you should be traveling at double that speed after a couple more seconds then you should be getting to double the speed of light, and then you should be looking backwards to see forwards, well at least according to a YouTube video that I watched a long time ago.

But this defies the core of many peoples beliefs about the universe, many scientists with their E=MC2 things,, but if you could explode a whole new temporary star if only for a second then you should be travelling at the speed of light and then you should, if you were in a vacuum, keep accelerating at the same speed; now I'm not a physicist and I can't see why the speed of light has to be the terminal velocity, I don't even se how the discovery of a particle that travels faster than the speed of light would ruin Einstein's theory of relativity. but then again I'm no physicist my friends, Easto and Heto, are though so maybe I should ask them. But I think it's something to do with the vacuum of space that is around the world that inhabit along with almost countless other species, isn't really a vacuum.

But but while i was looking for more stuff on the potential inter planetary travel I found a very intresting youtube video on some more theoretical physics which had everyone that was going on the flight could sit around going about their daily business and the ship is in a bubble and the bubble actually changes the space around the ship and into the space by pumping a load of negative energy into the space, I think. Well it's to change the nature of the space around the bubble which forces the ship to spontaneously change it's positioning, again I think I am by no means anything better than terrible a physics the same goes with the biggest and most deadly and most addictive game around the game of life.

Saturday 1 November 2014

Day 484

Day 484;

So today was a day that I had been waiting for just about a longtime, but it didn't come to much.

As i got my Halloween story out today but not much else happened today, we had not even one knock on the fount door of the house today of people in the fancy dress, but we did have one person knocking on the door in the time allotted for Trick & Treaters it was a pizza person, I think from the local overly expensive pizza place in town, which was for Allergy and a friend. The reason that I didn't say over priced is only because I don't know what the pizza tasted like it was eaten by the two of them which must mean that it was something at least half decent as they ate it all, which is something that rarely happens to take aways except McDonalds and my meals from a take away, or delver food to your home ready cooked type of thing.

But today in Hyrule I managed to complete nothing but at least I got to play around in it today unlike a day that was like yesterday. I also watched a load of Game Theories videos on YouTube, one of my favourites is still the one about link being dead in Majora's Mask, I still think that there is some alternative options like to how he got some descendants if he died when he was still looking mid to early teens as he was in Majora's Mask, as doesn't the hero of time say something along the lines of you're my descendent to Link in Twilight Princess, plus if he died at the age that he is in Majora's Mask how did he become so grown up by the time of Twilight Princess? Unless you are about to run off a spiel about how finger nails continue to grow after your death so maybe his body grew also, no; not by that much.