Tuesday 31 December 2013

Day 179

Day 179;

It's the day after yesterday, again, but I still haven't got around to checking all of my previous days posts for all of the stuff that I have said I probably should have done ages ago but I've forgotten.

I must really get around to doing that. Maybe tomorrow, I don't know.

You never know.

I resent that red.

Why? you know it's true.

That maybe true but I can still dislike it/

What you can hate yourself?

Yes it's true as it could also be true in the song "I hate myself for loving you".

I hate myself for loving you? isn't that a song by Joan Jett.

You know it is and below is the corresponding music video.

My wishes for all of you people that read this blog can be by clicking on the following link 
Happy Fez-tive Season 

Now I am starting to think about another YouTube video it could potentially be just my happy new year greetings but it seems to be too arbitrary and unnecessary for me to be wishing all of you my readers to have a good new year especially as I have already wished for all my readers, and all of the citizens of this world, to have a happy fez-tive season as I thought that the Fez-tive season included new year.

Monday 30 December 2013

Day 178

Day 178;

So by the time that you get to read this earliest this would have happened six hours ago and then a  bit.

How much of a bit depends on when I did it today.

Like the last thing I did today was to post this article.

Today I have also watched the football team that I support loose against another team that was bottom of the league, but it was looking good at the end of the first half as the team that I support were winning 1-0. Then it turned but then the second half was played and the final score was 1-2. The opposition team won, the team that was bottom of the league table won, So 5 points above the drop zone and 21 points off of the automatic promotion places and 11 points from the play off's to get promoted.

Also today I watched Oblivion twice.

Now what's your reason for watching twice? Was it that it stared Mt crazy Scientology man?

No as a mater of fact it wasn't it was because I wasn't really watching it the first time, I have cleared it almost all up in my head but I only have one question for the film left, which is; why Why did the alien lifeforms clone the first two human beings that it came into contact with in order to take over the earth and extract it's recesses wouldn'r it be easier for the intelligence that is an Alien that could do that to just clone itself 40,000,000 times and then exterminate all of ua that way, it'd be more efficient and you'd have less that can go wrong.

Sunday 29 December 2013

Day 177

Day 177;

It has been another day and I have noticed a rather big discrepancy between the new Star Trek film “into Darkness” and the “Star Trek original series” of which it is the series that its set around actually its set before the series starts as it’s got captain Pike in who first meets captain Kirk in an episode of “Star Trek original series” and he didn’t actually know Kirk from before as it indicates in the film by making the absurd proposition that Pike was encouraged to join up with Star-fleet by Kirk. *Spoiler Warning*  As captain Pike dies towards the end of the film when he didn’t actually die in “Star Trek original series”  and he was a cripple by the beginning of his second appearance but by the end of the episode he was rejuvenated by the Talosians.

“You, stuck up, half witted, scruffy looking nerf herder.” quote from Princess Leia. Organna/Skywalker to Han Solo, within Star Wars episode V.

Now I have been watching Star Wars episodes IV, V and VI today, as well as a Star Trek film. My favourite place in Star Wars universe is Hoth, the ice planet.

But now Star Wars episode VII should be interesting, as Luke Skywalker the as called last Jedi, by Darth Vader before he died and the Sith is destroyed also. So who do you think will be the hero’s/villains from the next instalment? Obliviously Luke Skywalker is going to rebuild the order of the Jedi, and then that will come littered with rouges and people that can’t be controlled by new Jedi order, Then the corrupted ones say Leia’s and Han’s third child become the new first Darth lord and then they pick up an apprentice from one of the more alien races, like Darth Maul. That could be the start of but then in the first of the next trilogy Luke has to die. Like Obi-wan did in the first episode of the original trilogy and Qui-gon did in the episode I.

That was only my speculations of what it could be about.

Saturday 28 December 2013

Day 176

Day 176;

So it’s been day 176.

What did you do today?

Well I first forgot to eat my breakfast so I just stayed in bed until almost 12 o’clock.

So you had a bad day from the get go?

Well not quite I had a bad day at the get go but despite that I had a good day today and within the early hours of the next morning/late day 176, I got my flash project online on YouTube, of which you should be able to view it on this webpage also.

So it’s some Fez-tive greetings from me to all of you.

I wonder if I should start on one of these things for New Year, your thoughts please.

Would the pubic actually like me to make one of these things per week, month or year, if at all? Using a sporting metaphor the ball is firmly in your court now to decide what action what action I should take.

Friday 27 December 2013

Day 175

Day 175;
So it's a been another day, the 175th day of my life for on this channel, to be exact,

But what has happened to me on this remarkable day?

Well first up I had a shower and I ate my breakfast then I can't remember what I was doing if anything until I decided to watch a film, the film that I was watching was the film 'Man of Steel' which was about none other than Super Man.of which I watched with additional interest as it was about his back story which I wasn't very versed in already, as in I knew that he was sent to earth as his birth planet of Krypton was set to explode destroying with it all of his kinsmen with him being the sole survivor, but that was about all

Now I am thinking about what I did in between when I started to watching it and lunch/football match.Well what happened was I started to watch and then /I got called for lunch, so I turned to the device that I was  watching it, off. After lunch I had to go to watch a Football Match and I'm about to inform you of the most remarkable thing to happen today. Which was the team that I support won another football match, that makes it 2 games unbeaten after loosing a game by 4 goals. Vut they won this weeks fixture by 4 goals.

Thursday 26 December 2013

Day 174

Day 174;

So it was the time of year that apparently everybody is looking forward to all year around, unless your name is Scrooge.

But today I have opened all of my presents and I have attempted to be industrious by making the little Flash project that i created for you yesterday better.

So we should be having my festive graphical representation of me actually on the internet .n full, well as full as I am going to make it for this festive period of time, which can be viewed here.

Please note I have increased the lip sync on the ShockWave project so where on the other project when I stop my lip movement but the speaking continues, I have solved that.

Plus I have added q fez at the end of the project for you to click on if you had the crazy notion of wanting to hear Graham's voice again.

But in other festive news, my festive present for the Emu and Chris went down surprisingly well, but as I told them the reason of why I choose them the BBQ, which was as they weren't supposed to be spending this Festive day with us, they should have moved out by now, off to Kent, and I was thinking that they could have cooked they're festive turkey/chicken/an alternative festive dish on the BBQ. Instead of in they're cooker.

Wednesday 25 December 2013

Day 173

Day 173;

Now it''s time for the festive season to begin.

It's to only begin today as it is the day after Tina's Anniversary But I also realise that it will actual;ly be Festive day by the time that anyone else reads this.

So I have prepared a little something for everyone to enjoy,

You can find it on another website.

please click the following link to be provided with it/my festive gift for all.

my festive gift for all, it's a flash file so it will not be available to all viewers of this blog, but I shall endeavour to produce  it so it's more compatible with other systems.

So next year it will be compatible with a higher percentage of internet users.

Tuesday 24 December 2013

Day 172

Day 172;

So today has come and pretty much gone for me, it’ll be yesterday’s news to all of you folks if you get onto this webpage on the day that this goes online.

Today it has been windy and by that I’m not meaning that I personally have been windy nor do I mean that anyone else has been windy today. I just meant that the weather outside of my home has been a mixture of rain and wind, even thought I never tated anything about the rain.

It was an especially interesting day today as well. It was Tina’s 28th anniversary again, I had a headache and I ate a cupcake.

Now where should I start?

I’ve got a crazy idea how about from where you started it off and then getting finally to the cupcake?

Woah hold your horses there Yellow, your typing as if the begging comes before the end.

But it does!

Not always, like in the questions which tell you the answer and they ask you for a question.

Like what?

I mean like if the answer was 0.333reacuring, then you could have 3.33reacuring divided by 10 or 1 divided by 3.

But that’s Math, it’s not the same.

Ok then I’m going to start with the cupcake anyway.

You’re a  backwards human.

I know, but the cupcake I had one that was covered in a green coloured icing which was nice but I didn’t like the piece of red velvet, it’s a type of cupcake that was put on my plate but everyone else seemed to like that flavour.

But I have been told to restart my computer now, by windows. So I hope to remember where I left off and get back my placement on another date perhaps one that doesn’t keep playing around with the power. Just as I will get back to all on my read through of previous blogposts and completing the shenanigans that I have set myself, in prior blogposts.

Monday 23 December 2013

Day 170;

Day 170;

Today I traumatised my cousin.

What I did was when he was taunting my other family members he was standing in front of me with his back to me, while saying to the people he was taunting “can’t get me”, in his usual childish manner (he is only about 4 going on 5) and so I got him I just attempted to surprise him by putting my hands on his shoulders, or just under his armpits I’m unsure what happened next happened so fast as my cousin freaked out and he decided to hit his ear on the chair that was behind me.

The majority of people laughed at this unseen turn of events, as I would have usually just stood there in the background under usual conditions. But it was the cousin that every time that he saw m before that incident looked as if he was going to burst into a fit of tears which was unnecessary as I was under the impression that I had never before  even laid a finger on the child.

But the child just seems to fear me. Savaphobia; or the irrational fear of Savages.

Then I over heard a conversation that was taking place in the kitchen. Of it I determined that I had another Cousin in the aunt, I managed to reach that as it turns out correct conclusion by one listening to the teachers of sex education from school and second from listening to Tina as to what she actually said. As she said that my aunt has not had her period now for over the time allotted to have it plus a couple of weeks, but she didn’t actually say that it was my aunt I guessed that part on my own 

I should really get around to reading up on what I have wrote on previous days as I feel that I should do a catch up post where I should put all of the things that I have said i should do in the past and due to my lacking memory, and other factors I haven't yet completed. 

Sunday 22 December 2013

Day 169;

Day 169;

Now today I have had a surprise in the form of the football team that I support has managed to beat the tem that before the match ended was ahead in the league by a score of 2 goals to nil, it wasn’t quite the 4 goals hammering that they were subjected to last week but it’s a start.

Now that that’s out of the way I could tell you a bit about what I have done on this day,

Ok then shoot.

I’m sorry but I don’t own a fire arm.

No, you confounded imbecile, I meant speak to me... oh no.

I can’t remember I am like a TV but the controller has broken while you had the TV on mute.

Hang pm a second every TV that I have ever seen has been prettier than you cumbersome drooling moron,

Drooling moron, well that maybe correct about me but it’s the cumbersome part that I feel as if I should put my foot down on as I’m not in actual fact very big, as I’d like to
point out, to you now, that of the last friends that I had come around my house I was approximately the average height of the males that came around. Approximately just less than half of the adult males that I know are taller than me and another approximately slightly less than a half are shorter, the rest are approximately my height.

now the definition that I’m using can be found bellow here:


 adjective \ˈkÉ™m-bÉ™r-sÉ™m\
: hard to handle or manage because of size or weight
: complicated and hard to do
: long and difficult to read, say, etc

As for me being hard to do, it’s not that I’m difficult to do It’s more to the point of actually who, in they’re right minds would want to do me? Then we get to long no I’m not I am approximately 5’10” the only part that I kind of half agree with is the part that states “difficult to read, say” as I find it difficult to say pretty much anything.

no correction you find that it’s impossible for you say a bleeding thing.

Saturday 21 December 2013

Day 168

Day 168;

Today I attempted to create my world, called Mythel. this is despite it has been in quite a few of my previous writings if not by name by it’s characteristics, in my mind at least.

As the world of Mythel has red grass, deep purple lagoons and a yellow sky during day-light hours at least, all of the creatures and people of myths,

Aren’t they the same things, I mean aren’t people creatures?

Well yes Red, They all are/I am.

Even the ones that eat mushrooms?

Yes even them.

Eww, how foul.

Like you can talk, you eat food off of the floor.

So at least I know what has been on that floor.

What peoples feet and the dog?

Yes, it helps me build up my immune system.

Why do you ned to build your immune system?

I need to build my immune system as I have been out of the world that I am currently living in for quite some time.

ok let me get this straight in you’re head. you only went through rehab once not twice not certain parts of it twice or more times, so your whole thoughts of you travelling backwards through time to relive some parts is unfounded.

Buy then hoe can you explain one instance but it happened in 3 separate locations and at 3 separate times.

It was probably your mind mucking with you, so it probably only happened once but you imagined it happening to you multiple times in the other positions.

Friday 20 December 2013

Day 167

Day 167;

Tonight there has been a storm, now I state this as I did see two flashes of lightning And the rain was hammering on my bedroom window, there was drops of water covering my window.

I have plated More Animal Crossing: Wild World today, if anyone that has got Animal Crossing: Wild World or the alternative compatible game, Animal Crossing: Lets go to the City*, as in that game I have got a full sized house, and tom nooks shop now has 2 levels/it’s full sized with a liyyle hair dressing place in the back of the shop.

But you hate Cities, you say they are too noisy and they make your head spin.

Well that’s true but since when have I allowed that to stop me doing anything that I wanted to do?

So what you’re typing is that you’d do anything you wanted to without thinking about the pain that could be involved?

No, that isn’t what I typed was that I could do anything irrespective of the pain involved. Like the pain that the majority of women concave when pregnant, does the pain stop women off having children?

No, well I mean it doesn't seem to as funnily enough we are all living to that fact

Now where was it going with that face? Oh darn it,  I cannot remember if I remember will tell you when I have remembered in a another blogpost.

Thursday 19 December 2013

Day 166

Day 166;

Welcome back if t you’re a repeat offender, even if it was only once before that you have stumbled across my blog I thought you vowed never to read any of the content on this blog as it’s full of too much madness.

I don’t know where he gers all of this rubbish from sometimes Yellow.

What red he gets it from the same place that he gets us from, his head Red.

Correctamundo now to follow it up I am about to complete the sentence that makes the quote that the Tennant doctor stated in Series 2- episode “”School Reunion”.

But also today I played more on Animal Crossing; Wild World it was the third time that I went outside today as I had been outside to feed Molly and to go to the gym, which was fun,

Which was fun, the Gym or the feeding of the dog?

Basically both of them where fun, but I was referring to the gym. Anyway I went on more of the gym equipment today than I did last week. On the treadmill; I tripped over my left foot again whilst I was slowing down my running? Pace attempting to get my left foot properly lined up but that was still while the treadmill was running at 10 KMPH.

Wednesday 18 December 2013

Day 165

Day 165;

It’s that time again.

What time, 6am?

Wrong on both counts, but by the time that this post goes live it should be, 6am that is, but it’s not the seconds that I am writing this post.

But what time?!

It’s that rime that I tell all of you avid, or otherwise, readers of my blog (The more hard-core and the Casual members of my audience*) about some thoughts that I have been having over the past so many days/years and the idea is a simple concept and I have called it the AC idea, now before I go into it in more detail I think Red has something to add to a previous comment.

*what he is meaning here is all of you people that are making a habit of visiting and residing my blogposts, you’re the Hard-core readers of this blog, but what he means by casual readers is that it is your first time on this blog, or you visit in frequently.

Thanks Red for your little explaining, of the self-explanatory comment.

By the way what is the idea behind you calling it an AC idea, what is up with alternating currents?

It’s called an AC, idea as I took the ideas from both Batman Arkham City and Animal Crossing. I shall first go onto the game that I played first today.

<IMG SRC=http://www.ssbwiki.com/images/9/92/Resetti-BrawlArtwork.jpg />

Now back onto the topic of the Arkham City and my crazy idea. My crazy idea is to get a city somewhere, anywhere from the Tundra to the Kalahari Desert, for example you could build an almost identical replica of London somewhere in Scotland but the only difference is the one in Scotland has got a mote running around the outside edges and a big wall outside of the mote and then we could send all of the criminals into that place (code name; crooked London) but when they’re in that facility for however long as their sentence lasts they can live without laws, guns and money they are restricted to only television and radio produced within some of their television studios same with films/movies, all entertainment mediums except computers, video cameras, microphones, book of other inmates authorship and their own imaginations, Even clothes they would each have they’re clothes that they were admitted in also known as an orange jumpsuit, but other than that they can make there own clothes from anything that comes to hand as meals, meals can be received from the on site canteen Which shall be staffed by robots at  the designated time slots of 6-8 am breakfast 12-2 pm lunch 6-8 pm dinner. You will be being watched every that you are inside of the facility, as if big brother is watching; 1984 reference. all the prison wardens would have to do is watch some of the cameras whish are embedded in the fabric of the facility, not actually.  but for all of the prisoners they are each given the sentences time limit when they go inside of but for every single thing that they do which is against the law on the outside they get that time added to they’re sentence. As the controller of this prison complex is God they see all they see all and they pass judgement on the poor criminals under they’re protection.

But then I got onto another game that I played today Animal Crossing; Wild World not New Leaf. It was my first Animal Crossing game, but remember to push start and turn off the game while you’re turning off the game else Mr Resetti will have a go at you, when you turn it back on. but this was the game that started me off thing about running my own town/city/an educational facility my last one on that list should be there as what are we attempting to do to all of these crooks when they first go into the city, we are attempting to educate them in how to live a productive existence. I shall attempt to write a bit more on how it is intended to reform the prisoners.

Tuesday 17 December 2013

Day 164

Day 164;

So it’s the day that I already have stated above, twice.

So yesterday’s day ended at 5 am this morning; accidentally obliviously. I had got myself do lost in the mystical world which comprises of basically electrical impulses.

But out of that world into another of almost equal excitement and mystery, for me at least, I’m unsure about you people reading this as you could be sitting down somewhere just wondering what the crazy imbecile over the other side of the internet been doing today, I highly doubt that as a probability because who in their right minds would actually care what I have been up to.

My obsessions list has been put on hold for another day, partially as I forgot another part to it goes as I was told by alike to watch Home Alone 1 with her today. I only remembered that I had watched it before part of the way through and the film annoys me a bit, as when he leaves his home as he does many times in the film he never, not even once, takes any keys with him and he doesn’t lock the doors after himself, so the two thief’s could just have walked up to the front door when the child was out of the house and just snuck in and made off with all of the goodies.

Now when that was finished I played on my Wii U, more Batman: Arkham City Armoured Edition, as I told you before it’s one of my current obsessions, Now Arkham City is Gotham’s version of Australia to the UK but the UK was sending it’s criminals to new south Wales (Australia) was a long time ago and a lot bigger than a city. 

Monday 16 December 2013

Day 163

Day 163;

Today I got a massive head ache but it wasn’t due to the travelling by car.

I have gone to the local city today, another city which is not London. London is the capital city of the country that I live in, and it’s also the city that has Arsenal in it’s borders which funnily enough got beat by Manchester City earlier this week, it was an extraordinary 6-3 victory by Manchester City against the premier league leaders Arsenal; could this be the future that was prophesied by Rooney.

Of course not calling Rooney a prophet is almost as absurd as calling Jesus or Mohammed a prophet, what some actually call them prophets; then a prophet is what Wayne Rooney is. as he stated his opinions on whether he thought that Arsenal would be able to keep it’s impressive form up for the rest of the season and he answered the question negatively.

But he also said that Manchester United would manage to retain the league cup, at the same time and look at where they are in the Premier League so far this season they are in 8th position with a 10 point deficit to Arsenal, the team that are first at the moment.

Which I may have to admit is looking quite farfetched but it impossible especially if they keep they’re feet that’s all of their feet pushed down on the accelerator for the rest of the season,; like they had they had in they’re latest victory (which had a score of 3-0 to Manchester United). So all I could say would be tha it looks hopeful, about a shopeful as it is going to snow on the 25th of December here/where I live and I have lived here about 20 tears and it has only snowed on the 25th of December once.

Now I want to do a bit on some of my obsession now’ but I’m thinking that it is going to have to wait until  another day.

Sunday 15 December 2013

Day 162

Day 162;

Today I made some time for one of my more minor obsessions.

Well it is slightly more than that when there’s the world cup on.

But in fairness how often is that?

Every 4 years, bur then theirs the Euro’s every 4 years as well but if was started in the middle of a world cup season, which goes like this year 2 World cup, year 4 Euro cup, year 6, 10, 14, 18, 22 ext world cup Euro’s 8, 12, 16, 20, 24..

Ok, then I get more obsessed with football at the previously stated occasions.

If onnly I hadn't got hit by those two cars.

Actually it was one that pushed you into the path onto the second.

How many cars did I collide whit?


Good thank you for your input now shut up.


Now that you have told red to shut up maybe you could get back to telling your story of the football match you have been to see, today?

Ah yes that was going to do.

Well the score was 0-2 at half time and the score was 0-4 by the end, and the team that I was supporting was figuratively massacred. by the team that was bottom of the league, but the team that I support was holding it’s own for the first couple a minutes of either half of the match. But the first two goals were quite some time apart but the second 2 goals were quick fire goals e.g. they scored one then the second went in just about a minuet or two later. But before the game started I remember signing to Mike twhen he asked for predictions of the result I was only 1 goal out in the end as I predicted it’d end 0-3.

But I noticed a bit of hypocrisy from the fans today as they weren’t complying when the coach lead  the team to victory on the home pitch it was a 3-1 victory but just because the coach was experimenting with his players layout on the pitch today and he gi=ot it wrong it doesn’t mean that you should immediately get the coach to leave, which is what all of my collaborating fans wanted him to do as soon at the final whistle was blown.

Saturday 14 December 2013

Day 161

Day 161;

It has been day 161 today.

Yes we know it's why you put day 161 in the title box, and it this post at the top.

But today has been a very good day.

What, did you rememberer to write up your gym exploits of two days ago?

Ok not a good day now you have reminded me to something that I hadn't done, yet.

Some how I think Red just did that to rub it in, with it knowing you inside out.

Thanks yellow.

Why were you thanking Yellow?

For explaining you Red,

But you know about me, you imagined me, you imagined both of us..

But from what? you;re both parts of my character from many years ago, which I have managed to meld together, with all of the other personalities of me, to get me in the default colour/tone for this webpage, which is white text

Isn't that enough of explaining us, it'as time for you to get to your explanation of your gym experience or your good day?

Ok, thank you Yellow.


Wait, Red.

My gym experience was interesting on day 159, as I mucked up on the treadmill and I didn't go on any of the weight machines in the session.

How I mucked up by stepping off of the belt/the surface that you run along, while leaving my other leg on the belt; still running.when my personal trainer over reacted and he dived around to my rescue.

Then he got me to sit on the side of the treadmill and tell him why that happened, so I told him why it happened not in these exact words my left leg was over compensating for it'self as even at slower speeds than I was travelling on the treadmill my left leg moves itself to the right so otherwise I might have tripped over my left leg with my right leg.

Now for my good day.

today was a good day because I defeated  Mister Hammer. I managed it by being like a fly, by that analogy I meant attacking it a lot but only few strikes every time/ little but often. Then I traversed up to the Joker in his room, Then I think that the next part of the game is a bit too much of a spoiler for me to type about, In the following bit of game play you are playing as Catwoman attempting to find Poison Ivy for help who for some reason doesn't want to help Catwoman and is currently holding Catwoman by the neck with some vines,.Then the game brought me back to the Bat and I'm searching for freeze to get the anti serum for Jokers sickness.

You mean a bullet to the brain?

Well that is one solution the problem of the Joker but no it's not.

I am travelling to the coldest point in Arkham City to find Mr Freeze and that s currently where I am in the game Batman Arkham City Armoured Edition.

Friday 13 December 2013

Day 160

Day 160;

So it has been day 160 today.

Now I got one of the items for my comic book idea, here on my PC’s hard drive, which I put on my to-do list which generally means that it’ll never get done.

Batman: Arkham Asylum Armoured Edition as I have been calling it for the past few days is actually called Batman: Arkham City Armoured Edition , I’m sorry for the mix up.But I only went on that game briefly today if at all, anyway the results would be the same in my game progression at least , as in I got nowhere on the game.

But I can tell you what I also did today, which was play Nintendo Land I’m useless at some of the mini games which are on that game like the one where you have to mimic the robot my grand score for that game is 0, and Alice just demolished that score with her first try, she scored something like 400, I think.

My trip to the Asylum should recommence tomorrow,

Ok so you’re going home tomorrow then?

No... ye... I’m home already.

But did you mention that you went to the gym yesterday as well?

I don't think you remembered.

Ok, I'll write up my gym work tomorrow.

But how will you remember?

I don't know, not properly anyway but I'm going to make a note of some kind. 

Thursday 12 December 2013

Day 159

Day 159;

Well it has been day 159, today.

Now what have you done on this day?

Well I have attempted to get past Mister Hammer on Batman Arkham Asylum, I have failed at that point but I have succeeded at the other part of the game that I was stuck on, can you remember the part with Robin attempting to save Batman which by the times I die as Robin, instead of having her blonde hair with it’s one red and the other ones black ended ponytails you get an incarnation of Harley Quinn with black hair to taunt you. Then if you look at the trophies you first get to the blonde Harley Quinn and then you get to the Harley with black hair also with red tips on her pony tail but that one is has the title Harley Quinn mourning to which I may as well state now that for Harley Quinn to mourn that means that the Joker must be dead which in turn means that the time that Robin comes into the game that the Joker is already dead But he didn’t sound very dead in the main quest yet, he may have sounded pretty much dead but that isn’t the same as being dead, as I heard him for a starters.

But it’ll be interesting to see if I can see him die or even perhaps cause it? I don’t yet know which just makes me want to complete the game more, to see if I can personally get it completed and I winder how high s percentage I can score in completing it? But I know how to complete the fight that I am in at the moment, in the main quest.

Why did you look it up on Google/Bing/another search provider?

Yes I did as a matter of fact and I found I was doing it wrong in staying too close to the one armed bandit after pressing my combos out In other words I was doing it correctly but the final bit to my execution wasn’t done correctly and I needed to move back after getting my combo.

This brings me to the following small segment of information;

Yes that’s it Harley Quinn isn’t naturally blonde, however you could watch some of Harley’s Shenanigans as part of the Gotham girls of which you can watch all of the episodes on-line by clicking here.

But I noted that the link for season 2, chapter 9 was broke so I went into chapter 8’s link and I went into the web address bar, and I swapped the 08 for a 09 after it stated Episode and before it had .swf so the new fixed link can be found here.

Wednesday 11 December 2013

Day 158

Day 158;

Now in yesterdays post I explained a bit about the real Dick, Whittington.

So what should I type about today?

Well what have you done?

I have awoken then I have eaten my breakfast, then I have had a shower, a think, I fed the dog and myself, once I had my lunch finished I proceeded to play on my Wii U, more Batman but unlike yesterday I didn’t progress while I was playing though in story mode I have got slightly stuck, it’s on the part where you have to beat up the one armed bandit (Mister Hammer) I know I’m terrible at all games but I have got him so he’s alone, then your told to keep pressing Y so I do and then Mister Hammer clobbers mw and I’m knocked out, but I get a times 7 combo on him 3 times before he’d knocked me out and he whacked me 4 times before I was knocked out. That is of the only one that I can remember anyway.

The other methods of play are fun as well like the Catwoman one at the stage of the game that I’m up to I only get Catwoman’s first battle to play, of which it was relatively easily done and the second, mini game thing is where you are playing as Robin which I got stuck on by a part of t where you have to press B repeatedly to make Robin kick the air vent through anyway I tried but no result, if I go n it again tomorrow then I might.

Then after those experiences I didn’t do much, or I was off somewhere lost in my head, until dinner time then after dinner, I got myself lost in my head again and in games.

Now I know that the topic I’m about to go into can be a polarising topic and I’m most probably incorrect on it, no not some more religious shenanigans. But it’s another topic that confuses me it’s the difference between a casual and a hardcore gamer, if I could state now that I’d class myself as one of the former group now even if at one time in my life I would have called myself a gamer of the latter type, now what I mean by this is a hardcore gamer is a gamer that is obsessed with computer and video games the majority of the time while you’re awake at least. Meanwhile a casual gamer only obsesses over computer and video games while they are playing them, or for a little while before or a short while after. non-gamers are people that don’t obsess over any game.

They are my 3 definitions of the 2 types of gamers and the other type of ant gamer. So you can still be a hard core gamer if you only play a variety of FaceBook games, what  it comes down to is the length of your personal time that you put into a game. 

Tuesday 10 December 2013

Day 157

Day 157;

It has come and gone day number 157,

Now what happened to you on day 157?

Good question red, but from what I can remember I woke up in the morning, mid way through a weird dreamI say mid way through even though i don't really know what could have happened for the other half of it all that I have got for the end was me getting up and drawing the curtains closed, next I ate my breakfast, then I went into the room which has got my Wii U in to play some Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate, then I had my lunch and after that I went back to my game console and i played some more, then I had a break from the console, and then I played some Batman Arkham Asylum: Armoured Edition which is a great game and I'm imagineing how it would play on my console concept it'd be awesome but it'd also be a lot trickier.

And another thing if you could be any hero/villain from any comic book universe which would you be? I'd probably be the Joker from the DC universe as my personality is quite shocking like his and I use people to do things that I can't like the Joker and his obsessed fan-girl (Harley Quinn) but I don't have any fans let alone as obsessed as Harley Quinn is of the Joker.or Mr J as she likes to call him. Plus the Joker is dead we have so much in common.

Monday 9 December 2013

Day 156

Day 156;

Today I have been reminded that I walked into a lamppost yesterday the lamppost that is directly outside of my home. 

When I was on my way to see Dick Whittington which got me thinking who actually was Dick Whittington, so I researched itand the section below are the results.

Who actually was Dick Whittington?

Well the actual man was called Richard Whittington, who was a medieval merchant and a politician. Within his life He was four times Lord Mayor of London, a Member of Parliament and a sheriff of London.

According to myths he was very generous also, as apparently in his life time he financed a lot of public projects, such as drainage systems in poor areas of London and a hospital ward for unmarried mothers, so I think Boris should take note as I know he has got those bikes for London, but what else, well he’s put his name to them anyway.

Plus he apparently left his fortune to the Charity of Sir Richard Whittington. Which I am concerned as to there was no mention of him getting given a knighthood in neither the story or in reality, despite him apparently knowing, personally, three of the five kings that where alive during the course of his life . So Queen Liz II your Christmas honours are coming up soon you should make him a knight this year just to make sure his charities name isn’t fallacious or you could release the documents that state that he has been knighted; which are if you have them.

He was from the West Country not the country to the West of England to put it another way he was born in Gloucestershire, at Pauntley in the Forest of Dean not Wales so he could be related to me if he had some brothers or sisters that stayed in the forest of Dean and then if one of their descendants had some children who turned into to be Hancock family. Genealogy it’s a funny thing you could find out that you were related to me originally how weird would that be you could have been my Great times 10 grand mothers sisters daughter’s son 8 who had another son who had three children of which girl and she had one son and he had a daughter 4 who had a son and he was your great grant father  then the off spring that he had could be either your grandma or grandpa, then they find their mate and  then you get one of your parents and then it comes down to you. But It’d be even weirder if you believed in a literally true Bible as you’d be literally be sleeping with someone who has as screwed up genes as yourself thanks to all of the insets in the past.

Sunday 8 December 2013

Day 155

Day 155;

It’s been day 155 today, what happened to mr on this day?

Wrell you went to that pantomime.

Oh yes it was Dick Whittington.

Ok, now what was the tale that you were watching?

Well it was about some welsh man (Dick or Richard Whittington) who had to go to London to work and find his way in this world.

So was it good?

Yes it was good we all enjoyed it.

But who was your we?

Well it was  GM, Mike, Tina and I, as we were the only ones that went to see the Pantomime today, as Emma had already seen one this year in Canterbury and Alice doesn’t like pantomimes  But the I includes all of my alternative personalities (or my imaginary friends as that is what they are) which is why I’m perplexed at your seeming like constant questioning of me, red, as you already know the answers of the questions that your asking me.

It’s my test for you.

Test why?

Because I would like you to type a comprehensively about tour feelings or your thoughts to enable you to convey an as accurate as possible view of your day to day life so that one day it might rub off on some of your concepts for stories and then you could write a complete story, which is actually decent, as words can do the impossible words are like the chariots to mount Olympus words are heaven and hell, as words are just ideas they are ideas which link up to other bits of data within your brain as that is the magic of words, not Abra, the actual words are magic words mean so many different things some words depending on the context or person your talking to can mean a multitude of different things at the same time; and to keep your brain active,

I know.

Then why did you make me type it out?

As I’m lazy.

I know you’re lazy but you are me well almost me anyway. and you still had to type all of that out?

Saturday 7 December 2013

Day 154

Day 154;

Now the above YouTube video is about the Doctor Number 13/ Peter Capaldi. But I have got a question about the Doctor, now could you please tell me if if you class the Doctor as a superhero?

I wouldn‘t but I can see why you could, as he’s an Alien like Superman he has got super human features like 2 hearts and a Time Machine, but he only has his super intelligence that is his super power, but I that isn’t really a super power, as anyone with too much time on their hands can be intelligent, well it’s more of on their wrist’s (wrist watches which I don’t have as I’m not even intelligent enough to fasten one on to myself).

I think Anne Hathaway should play Catwoman in an actual Catwoman film as I know she has already played Catwoman along side the Dark Knight in the Dark knight Rises, which in the ending scenes of that film it introduces to anyone who’s watching who the Robin is, but then for the next film they appear to have scrapped that ending. in favour of the following (watch the trailer for Batman Beyond 2014);

But now I’m about to get onto the reason why I stated that Anne Hathaway should play Catwoman in an actual Catwoman film perhaps one that shows her, Catwoman’s, back story. To see if she can redeem the role of female super heroes in their own films, redemption from the critics like within the below YouTube video,

But I am starting to get a bit confused with all of these new batman films as the following trailer shows the robin from the Dark Knight Rises but instead of him being called Robin as he said as he quit his job at with the Gotham police he appears to be the actual Batman Reborn, as I know that Batman Reborn is the name of this film for 2016, 2 years after the next batman adventure “Batman Beyond (2014)”.

Friday 6 December 2013

Day 153

Day 153;

Today, or yesterday depends on when you’re reading this, I broke a window.

Ok, Savage, you’ve got to start getting your terminology correct/

but which way around should I put my days? Today or yesterday?

Today as your typing about the day that you have labelled the day that you are going to be referring to at the start of the article like this one says that’s about the day 153, so therefore even though it is going to be released to the public on day 154, at approximately 6 am Greenwich mean time which is 1 hour earlier than previously stated.

I’m sorry Mr pedantic!

Did you really break a window?

Well it was that or a wall, I am unsure of its definition.

But what did you actually do?

Well I was firstly... Sorry, well firstly what happened was I noticed that the bin with the green lid had fallen over onto the road, the bin with the green lid is the bin for waste that can be recycled or the plastic, cardboard, the bin for the objects with the below insignia on:

so I was retrieving it into my homes back garden and I was dragging it to it’s spot in the lowest portion of the garden but then I forgot to stop when I had reached the lowest level of the garden and I accidentally crashed into a pane of glass which then proceeded to smash I heard the noise that made me notice I had crashed into it the feel of the glass I didn’t really notice, it just kind of disintegrated on my impact with it. Next I continued to put the bin in the correct place for it to go. Then I went back inside of my home, I had already got all of my lunch stuff out and ready for my lunch but I didn’t see my iPad which was on the end of the table so I went up to my room to look for it, so I could warm Tina of the broken glass of outside. Unfortunately it took me all of that time in which I was travelling to my room plus the time that I spent looking around my room to remember that I had prior to the events and that my iPad was already in the lunch room, so then I traversed to the lunch room where I sat down and started eating my lunch. Now when I lifted my arm while I was typing my message to Tina out, and I realised that a pool>/strike> shallow puddle of blood was on my placemat.

First I tasted a sample of my blood, the initial kick to it has quite a strong, I would say a bitter, flavour to it but the after taste is pleasant and sweet, which compensates for the earlier bitterness of taste, in my opinion. Then I cleaned the placemat that I was using and I was using cloths to clean up my arm.

But then Alice returned so I showed her my message to Tina and she decided to use me as a dummy, her first aid dummy. As she wants to be a nurse, like Rory Williams/Pond from Doctor Who but now while I’m on this tangent the new 13th Doctor/ Peter Capaldi has already been in two separate episodes of Doctor Who and he has hardly even started his role. The two episodes he has been in so far have both stared Mr Tennant, his first was in Pompeii and the second was the fiftieth anniversary special.

Thursday 5 December 2013

Day 152

Day 152;

Today I went to the gym; I had fun at the gym again today, apart from the fact that my nose kept exploding.

By my nose kept exploding I mean that snot kept shooting out of my nose every time I exerted myself. That may sound grotesque probably as it was but it didn't shoot out and go on anything except my face well not even that it was just onto my nostrils, it’s very distracting but other than that no one else noticed it I think. Well what I meant by no one else noticed was that my Personal Trainer didn't appear to notice and I was as at every time that the previous account happened I reached for my cloth to clean my face up.

After my gym session my Personal Trainer told Tina about my breathing problems. Tina then stated that I've always had those kinds of problems, but my Personal \Trainer wanted to attribute it to other factors like the camera I had inserted up my nose on one of last visit’s to hospital, well I'm unsure of the true length of time that has pasted in between that hospital appointment and the day in question/ day 152. But I am thinking that it was my right nostril partially as my nasal passages seem a lot more open on my right hand side which could also be as I feel a slightly bigger hole in the top of my mouth on the right hand side of the cravenness expanse which is the top of the inside of my mouth which might have been caused when they put the camera up my nose or it could have been from a long time back/before I could eat again properly about 6 years ago.

On my right arm it seems to have plateaued from last week to this week, so I think that the bo-tox has worn off in that arm.

But I think that the problems that I had today was a mixture of all of them which was added onto the fact that I'm starting to come down with another cold (virus) as Tina also said, which I concur with her on that point, as my nose has been getting blocked up by snot, I have been coughing and sneezing a bit on some days  

But then I also listened to a pod-cast by “The Thinking Atheist” the pod-cast which is called “Holiday heathens 2013”, you could listen to it by clicking on the below YouTube project. Aron Ra makes a funny comment about Red Dwarf to Matt and they have a conversation about what’s best Star Trek or Star Wars.

Wednesday 4 December 2013

Day 151

Day 151;

So its day number 151 which is the sixth day in the 100’s to start and finish with 1.

But surely it’s the fifth as it has got a 5 in the middle

Ok, how stupid are you red? It goes like this;

  1. 101
  2. 111
  3. 121
  4. 131
  5. 141
  6. 151

I’m about as stupid as you, as you thought that up.

Correct but I wasn’t going to type it as it’s stupid, even more stupid than my normal self  and if I recognise that thing was stupid I wouldn’t like you to blurt it out.

Whist if it’s funny?

Ok I’ll let you off if it was funny which it wasn’t.

What do you mean it was not funny?

I mean that I didn’t even crack a grimace after you had typed that. My face was as gormless as ever it was so gormless in actual fact that I even swallowed a fly. Was it to catch the spider? no incorrect usage of nursery rhymes.

here was an old lady who swallowed a fly
I don't know why she swallowed a fly - perhaps she'll die!
There was an old lady who swallowed a spider,
That wriggled and wiggled and tiggled inside her;
She swallowed the spider to catch the fly;
I don't know why she swallowed a fly - Perhaps she'll die! 

It’s a macabre nursery rhyme/song.

It's also Nonsense rhyme which aids memory retention. 
You can read more about it by clicking here.

Tuesday 3 December 2013

Day 150

Day 150;

Today or yesterday as you could only read this earliest tomorrow the 3rd of December 2013, I heard the news on the radio about Tom Daley, but it wasn’t really news.

It was on BBC radio 5 live as I had turned it on earlier this morning it started off with some news that I actually cared about lie the helicopter crash in Glasgow/actual news. Even the to do about Wigan loosing there manager after 5 defeats on the trot was more worthy of its slot in the news broadcast. To put it bluntly I don’t care about the shenanigans that occur within there own bedrooms and in there own time as long as its not harming anyone else, which it wasn’t. Unless you count all of his screaming fan girls as damaged.

On the BBC radio they ran a story stating that Tom Daley was now gay, as in homosexual not just happy but it works either way as he said in his YouTube video that he’s dating a guy and he couldn’t be happier. But with that one sentence he broke the news, as well as the metaphysical hearts of many girls, like Alice’s but Alice is a resilient little thing she couldn’t help herself but to start making plans for him to be her gay best friend.

The above YouTube video is his “coming out” video, but the look on Alice’s face was purely priceless, but t hen she started saying stuff like her childhood stars are all turning out to be druggies, (like Miley Cyrus), criminals (like Mr Mosby from the suite life of Zack & cody) and homosexuals (like Zac Efron) but the final part of this was in between her sobbing about Gabriel (Vanessa Hutchinson) and Zac not making the fairy tale last.

But I think it’s all funny how one man, just because he did well in the Olympics is causing so much controversy Just by announcing his sexual preferences on YouTube besides he did actually ay that he still likes girls in the middle, but he loves his boyfriend. But as long as he’s not harming anyone with his chosen acts I’m ok with him as he is, and you should be too, Westboro Baptist church/any Christian or Islamic extremists that would usually have a problem with him being him. Just to let you all know that I thought that tom Daley had come to terms with his sexual preferences, with him being homosexual/bisexual ages ago, so it didn’t really shock me which could but the reason that it didn’t shock me as it did some others could also be as I couldn’t really remember him.

But the announcement seriously shocked Tina.

Monday 2 December 2013

Day 149

Day 149;

This morning I had a great shower it was great, as the shower was cold, I think.

 Well I could feel the water crashing onto and down my body, it was refreshing. It took me a few seconds longer than usual to adjust to the temperature, as it was unusual for the water to be cool, as it was this morning,

What is life? It’s time for a Doctor Who quote now, as it fit’s in nicely with the former thing that I have stated; “What's life? Life's easy. A quirk of matter. Nature's way of keeping meat fresh”, a quote from of the ninth Doctor/the one after the war Doctor. Does it have any objective purpose apart from to keep meat fresh? I’ve got two possible answer for you, one is yes and you could mean some non-answer like god’s the objective reasoning behind life and then there’s the more honest answer which is no there isn’t an objective reason for living and it’d up to the living to decide what they want to do with their life and it’s to some degree up to them if they achieve it. Like when I was younger I wanted to be a super hero when I grew up but I realise that job doesn’t very well and how am I supposed to be a hero let alone one that’s super? I’m not strong nor am I clever, I have no super powers and finally I technically class as disabled.. But the arrogance of a super hero I could have easily.

So, I’m terribly sorry for taking you all on that little side quest of no benefit to all participant,

Hang on a second that sounds like pretty suitable description of this blog.

What that reading my words that I have written is like a side quest?

Well yes but you are seeming to have forgotten the next, equally as important part of which you added to it.

but then I was just explaining what type of  side quest it was, because in some games you do a little side quest for some in game implement which could help you to complete the game or it just helps you to get 100% on the game so you can add it to your achievements list, like I managed ages ago to complete Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina of time in under 5 hours of game time but that was in the proper old days of my life/the time that might not have happened to me, 6+ years ago.

Sunday 1 December 2013

Day 148

Day 148;

Today was day number 148, if I told you that it was cold outside would you leave me? You probably would if you knew me.

you may even depart into the path of on coming traffic if you actually knew me just to get away from me as I’m boring, in my personal opinion the majority of time.

I’m just like the following song as the following song is just repetitive and boring.

Rose Tyler; why is she still alive?

Because Pete from parallel earth saved her from going into the void,

But how did he know the exact moment and second that she’d be free-falling towards the void?

I don’t really know, how?

Neither do I, luck? But I’m unsure of the rationality of Pete Tyler for leaving his world for the split second that he did unless a future Doctor travels through the void with the help of his newly resurrected kinsman,

Which should in turn mean that if his fellow TimeLord’s are resurrected the first dimension swap incident shouldn’t have happened,

So as I was about to state earlier a future incarnation of the Doctor could go to Pete’s earth and tell Pete Tyler the exact spot to position himself in and the exact time for min to push the button.   

As he must have else wise RT equals void bait but that was it for her second death. For her first death  she got Mr number nine/new ten to fall on her sword for her, which I do not understand how that’s possible as they both has as much exposure to the time vortex in the heart of the TARDIS but RT actually gazed into it and the Doctor actually took the time vortex out of her head and them he returned it to the TARDIS so RT should have died id either of the two not the then number 9 Doctor.

Finally I’ve got onto the topic of Mr unlucky, yep that’s him number thirteen. I was wondering where I had seen him before in Doctor Who, when it slapped me around the face, metaphorically, today as I watched Pompeii today and it was him and his family that the Doctor and Miss Noble saved from the Pompeii catastrophe.